Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Blizzard has ruined the game, honestly I don’t know why I even bother playing this garbage game anymore.

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Bimp Bimp Bimp…Bimp…bimp…flatline…

Hes dead Jim!

Damit Jim!! I am a doctor not a blizzard developer

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Maybe?? Maybe its that we have a whole generation of players who want to play monsters and villains, as in most fantasy the races of the horde would be that.

Not everyone wants to play regular humans and be the “heroes” some of us like being the “villains” and playing the fantasy races.

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Then why is your name Zelda?

Because horde rulez, blue droolz

The Hardcore community is a single cross-faction community. It’s one playerbase.

What does this playerbase decide? They choose that the Horde is where 90% of them play. When an Alliance player, decides to join the Hardcore community, it warrants they switch to the Horde.

That’s how it works.

Everyone went from Alliance to Horde back in WoD days in Exodus style fashion because there was such a lack of recruiting on both sides. The community chose together that the Horde was the new meta.

Blizzard needs to address that the Hardcore community is homogeneous. So what’s the next step?

They need to divide the hardcore community properly into Alliance and Horde.

If Blizzard is committing to the faction divide, and won’t allow cross-faction PVE at least, then they need SERIOUSLY commit to the faction divide. Divide the hardcore community.

That scene needs to be incentivized into going on the Alliance to balance things. More than just a bee mount. A bee mount for every raid season unique only to those who get ahead of the curve on an alliance character before they do so on a Horde character. If they find a loophole around this then fix it. Force people to get this reward on the Alliance by playing on the Alliance as Alliance and not as Horde until they faction transfer just for the mount then go back. It’s not rocket science. It can be done.

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It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they WON’T. They main horde and can’t see the problem. When the horde had the problem, they played on that faction and could easily identify the problem. But now that the problem is on the other side, they throw out bandaids and scratch their head that it’s not working.

They have so many busted horde NPCs in Korrak’s that it’s not funny.

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My favorite game series :slightly_smiling_face:

If you’re not willing to stand by your faction even when you’re outnumbered, then maybe you should crawl over enemy lines and stay there, traitor!

The Alliance is still very popular in OCE.

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Alliance is lame and no one likes them. It’s hilarious how over represented on the forums and subreddit they are, though. And they’re so viciously defensive.


I blame the writers for making the Horde Blizz’s whipping horse while the Alliance is just….there?

I mean Jaina was there…but her actions amounted to…nothing.

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Basically. Being an Oceanic horde player is miserable, we’re outnumbered close to 2 - 1 on average in the Oceanic servers.

It seems to be an issue limited to the OCE servers due to the lower population in general.

Oh until I turned War Mode off. BEST DECISION EVER.

Maybe they spend time on reddit and forums because :

A.) Lack of content to keep them off forums. There is no content written for them in game any longer, because all the writers and developers are Horde and only know Horde spells and have an unhealthy obsession with a certain arrow slinging over powered corpse

B.)They want someone to fix the issue and have Blizzard acknowledge they are being willfully ignorant about the poor experience of 40% of their paying customers. Forums are designed to encourage discourse and feedback (even though some use it for child-like amusement).


human male paladin


I have 11 alliance toons, and 2 horde. This means that I count on realmpop 11 times for alliance and 2 for horde.

However, I can only ever play one character at any given time, and I primarily play alliance.

There are others like me who have 9-12 alliance toons, and 1 horde toon than they now main because endgame horde-side is so much easier than endgame alliance side due to recruiting advantages.

Anything that counts characters is going to be heavily skewed because characters are not players.

c’mon. This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp. Just try a little.

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It all started in Classic…

…Horde were notoriously known for being pvp-centric and dominating battlegrounds.

Most in part because the original Horde had fewer players so people developed closer relationships to people they met. Also, the original Horde had to constantly deal with floods of Alliance groups killing them constantly and your pvp skill became more important than the opposing factions, since the Alliance could rely on mass numbers.

Eventually, everyone that want to “be good” or be known for “being good” started rerolling to the Horde. These players mostly bitter Alliance pvpers, and usually not the good ones that went Horde and all of a sudden became “pvp pros”.

When they added blood elves, people really started jumping ship.

Long story short:

This new Horde is just Alliance at the beginning of Vanilla.

Shallow image of the Horde.

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I can’t speak for others, but I don’t get any urge to play alliance cause the idea of knight in shining armor doesn’t please me.

In a fantasy game, I’d like to be the one who does questionable things, murder the “good” doers.

I’m not sure how Horde players have ruined the game. Blizzard is doing a bang up job of that themselves. We are all just collateral damage.

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