Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Blizz won’t respond to this because there have probably been several hundred threads saying exactly the same thing.

There are probably a lot more Alliance than we think there are, simply because most Horde have WM on all the time.

Does not help that Horde got all the cool allied races as well.

Blueberry blood elves are the only race keeping it remotely close. Zandalari, Nightborne, Cool as hell Maghar, Tauren with antlers? New fox race? Versus fatboy humans?


female goblin :nauseated_face:

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Well that didn’t work because female goblins are the best! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Let me guess…its the beards? :face_vomiting::nauseated_face:

If male humans have beards maybe? But hard to see with that hard shield over your face. lol

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Please then, cite a dev talking that something that the Alliance does in such glowing terms that define the Warcraft franchise.
With so many choices, it should be easy, right?


IT was not just horde players leaving ,it was all the pvp wussies crying about EMFH and blizz listened changed it and they all went BE it was a stance blizz should’ve took/ they didn’t/and a mass exodus back to horde took place.

Blizzard gave an Alliance race, the elves from Quel’thalas, to the Horde without giving the Alliance anything comparable in return. Why play Alliance when the Horde is still the Alliance?

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Weak af comebacks :confused:

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Cuz Horde is EZ mode as Alliance players have put it so bluntly.
Yet they have the welfare gear and a 25% bonus just to get Alliance players just to turn on warmode.
Yeah, ok sure. Whatever keeps them sleeping at night.