Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

How do you not know this? Alliance has been losing popularity hard since Cata happened, which made them face defeat after defeat in the questing zones and since then the Alliance leaders have been mostly incompetent. Racials being way more favorable for the Horde for a very long time caused a snowball effect where top guilds moved Horde so that they could get world first easier, which made more and more guilds move because that’s where the raiding population was and the dedicated pvp.

It also doesn’t help that there have been numerous instances where Blizzard poked fun at Alliance at Blizzcon, the biggest example still being allowing that one guy to go on stage and call the entire Alliance a buncha f-words and etc etc, cussing the faction and those that play it out. Questing has remained more favorable for the Horde, BFA’s biggest example being that all the Uldir bosses were introduced in the Horde questlines but Alliance didn’t even have any idea why they were going into that raid except for a brief mention of it at the end of a dungeon that Brann was gonna go check it out.

Ah right, as for the Night Elven players of the Alliance they got to enjoy cinematics about how Saurfang felt about the whole burning of Teldrassil, instead of cinematics that actually show anything from the faction that was damaged by this. All Alliance got was a portal that dumped them back in Stormwind.

Then there’s the mount shenanigans, Alliance just getting a bunch of reskinned horses for example for BFA which was something that had a lot upset at the start of the expansion. That has gotten a bit better though, as they are tossing Alliance a bone now at least with the upcoming bee mount. Still doesn’t quite make up for the rest of the shenanigans, but you know.


Yes there’s two different elf races in the horde. And they need to fkin go so the horde goes back to being the faction of monsters and beasts. Pretty races should only be on the alliance side.

Dumbnuts saw cutting edge people going horde for minor advantages from racials. Being poor at logic and self analysis they said “Oh…those people that are vastly better than me are doing so If I do then I’ll be cool to.” and then changed faction.

Cool, now they are horde and whatever the flavor of that month race was. Where they found themselves at the same subpar level of play that had far larger areas of opportunity than getting a minor racial advanatage they also did not understand.

/cynicism done for the day


Well, I can’t think of anything more mosterish than blue devils, or werewolves. Are you asking for draenei and worgen on the horde?

This didn’t happen over night, but here’s a few on the list of how it gradually tipped more favorably to want to join Horde:

Classic to BC -> Introduction of Blood Elves and Paladins to the Horde (all because Horde didn’t have a Blessing of Salvation (Threat Reduction) in raids)

Racials become more favorable in general.

BC to WotLK -> The tilt toward the Horde grows, story sustains Alliances population, but Death Knights become a varying factor on both sides.

WotLK to Cataclysm -> Raiding becomes more and more wide spread and desired of more players, thus the min/maxing comes into play and MANY players begin to flock heavily to the Horde.

After that it just continues to trend. Players that min/max everything sought better benefits in being Horde. Players that play with those players just went along for the ride. It’s a bad domino effect.

The die-hard Allies remain. I don’t see a way to reverse it unless they made racials similar across the board.


I kinda wish they’d do faction exclusive classes again just to see what happens. I’ve seen dark ranger mentioned and of course always tinker, so maybe horde could have dark rangers like their lady and alliance could take tinkers.

Don’t get me wrong, I know there’d be loads of drama over which class did better and which side how more favor from blizzard. But I thought it was an interesting thing about classic, and since we’re having a faction war, after all, why not :P.

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Too late now

Exactly. That’s why they spent all of their real cinematic money on Saurfang.


It was the introduction of Blood Elves. There’s a clear correlation between their release and The Horde numbers going through the roof. On its own the race didn’t instigate the massive shift, it was people establishing friends, guilds, and raid teams on The Horde side. What started as a simple addition to the roster turned into a paradigm shift that continually weakened the Alliance side of things over the span of many decades. The only real solution at this point is to allow cross faction raiding/grouping. Exempt it from faction based dungeons/raids but allow both sides to do the same things together to bolster Alliance numbers. I don’t even want to know what their LFR/Dungeon queues look like.


I think it was a combination of Blood elves and that they could be Paladins. I think if they had been introduced but not been able to be paladins and the dranei couldn’t be shamans, things would have stayed more in pace with each other. IMO anyways, I could totally be way off lol.

cross faction would be the death of the game. I like what someone else posted. Let the Alliance die and a new, more interesting faction take it’s place.

Hell yeah, i’ll gladly take that deal. I wanted to play Nightborne but can’t really go and play Horde, and i’ve grown attached to Alliance anyway.

Did no one play BC? Blood elves happend, I thought we all knew this.

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No. It wouldn’t be the death of the game. It’d be seen as that by die hard fans of the faction war but it would by no means be the end of WoW. Otherwise the expansions where both sides teamed up would have killed the game long before we got to this point.


Cata really did more to harm the Alliance, famous lore characters going neutral and too bad of a questing experience compared to Horde. Even the few wins were still badly phased to make it look like Horde still pretty much controlled Ashenvale

In wrath the commanders and NPC’s of the Alliance were still written to be competent and aggressive where they needed to be, with decent personality to them and their actions.

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This is just of the stuff I was thinking about Since BFA has been out , and just my opinion on things no need to read it or take it serious just old World Of Warcraft Player missing the old days, that didn’t run to classic.

I seen allot of Horde Posts complaining about, How the Alliance Sucks at PVP, Or to scared to PVP or not enough Alliance participation in Warmorde, it could be flipped the other way that Devs Try to get the Alliance participating more to make YOU guys happy by offering free gear as a bribe to participate.

Most Alliance players who played over the years seen Biased pvp system total break down for what ever excuse is given, Manipulating certain classes or races to get people to play them is not fixing a pvp system, Personally I don’t think the factions are even when it comes to pvp. But what ever reason, it is broke, All the competitive players are on horde side and now everyone talking take the factions away sorry but that’s wrong answer to.

If the Factions were treated even people would not have left the Alliance, The Devs listen to the Horde Community and deliver when asked by the Horde Community, The Alliance Community is ignored and given what the Devs decide to give them been that a way for few years now, Until the Devs start treating both factions evenly/same (which I don’t think they can nor care to, their attitudes are if you don’t like it don’t play it, which drips down into the community forums when ever anyone has a dissatisfaction / concerns for the game they are told to leave the game or quit whining, or bullied off with false flags) I do believe some of their fan boys in past were caught talking crap in twitter in the past years about the players so we know their real attitudes to the community.

Allied Races were a joke for the Alliance, While they were awesome for the Horde (think you guys got every race you asked for) Devs Delivered most excellent for You guys, Cinematics were beautiful but Almost all horde or horde related, I fought the 4th war as a Alliance player but really felt like where was the war. Participated in a Kaldorei Battle In Nazmir where all the Kaldorei warriors were in loin clothes and bikinis with no weapons in hands, all had purple hair that was a good joke by the Devs, Fought a Battle In Undercity where we were supposed to have won but the Horde Destroyed the city as we ran away, that nice joke by the Devs also, Watch a Entire Horde army sneak into Darkshore against supposedly fierce, Militaristic, battle hardened race the Kaldorei, burn their capital city down with out a struggle, now I get to look forward to Diaper gnomes (where that one came from I have no clue) or Blue berries elves that have less a population and less in common with Alliance then the Current High elves already in the Alliance but unplayable.

With the Game being 15 years old, Also the current Devs running things, I don’t hold high expectations that anything will change, Even with the announcement of Shadowlands, I wasn’t that excited, I was more like what are they not telling us, and possible failures in new game manipulations/systems/mechanics they will come up with. Since they double down on the RNG, Panthfinding, Or we hear you but nothing changes, Or we know what you want, or know what you like, or what is fun for you. To be serious, I don’t think they know what is fun anymore. imho

Just my 2 cents worth. Don’t Mean nothing, not a thing!


32.8% of all Horde players are blood elves, according to US data realms. That’s a pretty big chunk if you ask me, lol.

Believe it’s the biggest group if not mistaken.

And that’s out of a total combination of 12 Horde races (including allied races).

Might as well make Lor’Themar Warchief if that’s the case.

And how is that the Horde’s fault? Shouldn’t it be Alliance’s fault that they didn’t support their own guilds and community?