Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Ruined what? World PvP?

I need to find this free alliance raid gear that everyone keeps mentioning in this thread. Are they talking about the AOO quest which gives a worse-than-benthic reward?

Horde bias by the parent company.

and no Alliance High Elves.


So lets have Alliance High Elves and you’ll see all the blondes go away, from Horde.


High Elves have nothing to do with it. Alliance has the model with the Void Elves and it didn’t make a difference. You can say they aren’t Helfs but they are, they’re just blue. Belfs are Helfs with green and gold eyes. There is no difference otherwise, theyr’e BOTH High Elves with a different skin and eye color. Blizz did the only thing they could do to give the Alliance the model in adding the Void Elves (pulled them outta nowhere, literally). They can’t add Helfs to the Alliance because the ONLY difference between them and Belfs IS the eye color. So no. It would be like them adding Humans to the Horde but oh they’re different cause they have violet eyes. No, they’re just Humans with a different eye color.

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Hehe, every piece in the game is worse than benthic.

That stuff is busted!

You guys got the emo triple-edge void elves.

Close enough.

not to complain
well, okay, gonna complain. i had to do all the same rep grind that a horde player has to do for their Allied Races in legion, plus another month of rep grinds on argus to get this race. most people give up. or buy a character boost and skip right over legion.

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Not always, I have gone back and changed things before and there was no Edit mark. Nice try.

If you edit things immediately after posting, before anyone reads it, it doesn’t get a mark.

But that would not be the case here.

You really should learn about how the forum works before you start throwing around baseless accusations.


Lets be honest the only reason you’re horde is you want to be a sexy blood elf. If there were high elves for the Alliance and no blood elves you’d probably be that.


I was wrong on the edit. I see what happened now. So yes, I was wrong about that
 Because you linked a graphic from a post different from the one I quoted! Gah, if I had only scrolled up a little farther.

The original post I quoted, I can’t post images so I have to delete the graphic you posted, but anyone can click and go back to see the original post which I responded to directly below yours.

And here is the post you quoted to try and make it looks like I misunderstood which is a totally different post.

And here is the post proving that I was talking exactly about the post with only one pie chart.

Here’s the comment where you quoted me with a different graphic different from the post I quoted from.

And here is me making the mistake of not noticing you had been duplicitous and linked an image that I did not quote from trying to make yourself look right. The original image I quoted was proving the single image where you were specifically talking about max level alts.

There, got that is sorted out, and you get a 10/10 for trolling me and my not noticing.

You think I am trolling you. I think you are trolling me. Perhaps it’s best if we are done with this conversation.

Since I just proved you quoted me, in which I was referencing post Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support - #409 by Mortis-arathor and then used an image from a different post Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support - #437 by Mortis-arathor that I was not quoting, kind of proves who is trolling who. But, yes, best to be done with this conversation. Adios

The troll is strong in this one

Raiding population is the easiest answer, and it’s nobodies fault. Except perhaps blizz for not foreseeing the problem

If you have 2 factions, that can not do PvE content together due to grouping restrictions, it will NATURALLY fade into one faction having all the raiders on it. This is simply due to how high end raiding guilds are structured.
Even if you are directly competing with the other raiding guilds on your server, it is beneficial to you to play on the same faction as them, that way everyone pulls from the same player pool.
So if all the raiding guilds are on one factions, all the raiders will naturally be on that faction, and as long as all the raiders continue to be on the same faction, the raiding guilds will stay, to recruit the healthy stream of new players. Either fresh blood, players that just left their old guilds, or benched members of other guilds.

Inherently, nobody is doing anything wrong here. It’s just a flaw in the 2 faction system

Having op racials for quite some time didn’t help anything.

Interesting to see shadowmeld use in mdi, but thats not going to bring people over.

Why does anyone rely on a city to do transmogs?


Only 33 Alliance guilds have cleared Eternal Palace on Mythic in the world, that’s including China too.


No portals either, so whats the point of being there?