Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Calm yourself. Breathe. I have character on both factions, as do many, many players. I suggested Sethrak in a different thread, though admitted i have no idea how the lore works with that, if it would. I’m also for high elves, though that’s not very exciting either. I also suggested those fish people from MoP back on the old forums, when ARs were first introduced.

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i remember when it was horde dealing with this.


The devs have given Alliance players everything, often at the cost of Horde players.

Free raid loot? Alliance only.

Better racials? Alliance.

Years where humans were 90% of the top 1000 pvpers due to a free trinket slot? Alliance only.

Better storylines? Alliance only. Alliance is the focus of the end of the Emerald Nightmare storyline, one that’s been part of the game since Vanilla. Alliance is the only one involved in the Legion’s destruction, the key enemy of everyone since well before Vanilla. Alliance gets to be the key player in the Legion xpac, perhaps the best xpac they’ve done since WotLK.

Alliance gets to be justified, gets to have multiple heroes. Horde has every major hero killed off, or turn traitor.

The Horde storyline for this xpac is -kill a worm that nobody’s heard of or seen before and was forgotten instantly. Spent the entire first half of the xpac earning the Zandalari fleet- only to have it destroyed in literal seconds by the Alliance. Watch the warchief get prepped for death, while other heroes turn traitor and run to the Alliance for help. That’s how bad the Horde story is- the main players are either becoming raid bosses to kill, or are bowing down to the Alliance.

And all in all- it’s an almost perfect duplicate of the last major storyline the Horde had in MoP.

Everything Blizz does is to prop up the Alliance, and drag the Horde through the mud.

Yet you still whine and whine and whine and demand more.


Not on my server group. Alliance still outnumber the Horde significantly. Turning War Mode on is a nightmare for Horde.

my faction marched past blight machines, churning away, one right after the other. marched up to the gates of undercity to fight sylvannas, even in light of intel they shoulda had from si:7, without one thing to protect their soldiers from the blight.

meanwhile, the horde got a full cinematic that was so good i was weeping. when zappy boi pulled out the necklace and said, live another day, there wasnt a dry eye in the wow universe.

now back to our regularly scheduled alliance dumbness… our leader marched into sylvannas throne room and had his butt handed to him on a silver platter. who woulda guessed that would happen. certainly not any alliance. we’re too busy drooling on ourselves.

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This was a 10/10 troll. OP jumps on a starter zone DK, throws the bait out and nearly 700 comments later its still going

Best part is the 52 ppl who sided with an obvious bait thread lol


if the devs announce they have to remove the faction barrier, you’ll know the op wasnt kidding when he/she said the alliance is on life support.

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you do realize that what happened years ago doesnt solve today. today is today. years ago, was years ago. today is happening right now. right now, the alliance is about to run outta gas. its half the game. half the game is going down the tubes and you’re trying to justify it by talking about the game half a decade ago.

it’s like…hey we are justified in watching half the game we play, implode, cause at one point, the game was imbalanced in some other way. what good does that knowledge do? how does it keep the game intact?

Sure, why don’t you just quote one line- and ignore the rest where I talked about everything the Alliance has today. Better story, racials, models, free raid gear.

The sole thing Horde has is better players- Blizz can’t fix that, it’s impossible. What, do you want them to force people to play Alliance if the balance goes beyond 50%?

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I know it has been 6 days, but if you check by 120, the A/H ratio is roughly 46/53, now, this gathers the general data, so it only checks for 120 characters, not active 120 characters, in other words, many of those characters may just be Horde alts, making realmpop kinda inaccurate in a Horde/Alliance popularity discussion.

With that said, I think that the OP blaming the other players for that is obviously stupid, I would blame Blizzard if anything.

oh i already stated, earlier in the thread, i think the dev’s attempt to save the alliance (thats already too far gone to save), will destroy the horde as well. and this is what caused it:

years of propping up the horde as the cool faction. the place to be. the honor bound, rag tag band of bros. and criticizing the alliance as a bunch of boring human-esque races who are likened to old racists.

lets ignore the details that the human not humans but human, who treated the blood elves so badly, was from lordaeron who were all turned into undead in the same story, yet somehow its the fault of my draenei or my gnome or my dwarf, void elf, stormwind human, night elf, etc, and i must bare the guilt of being in a faction of racists.

granted, the old southshore humans were mean to the orcs but we rescued them! doesnt matter, i’m in a boring faction of racists.

Many of the Horde characters could be Alliance alts.

Yes, indeed, only reinforcing that Realmpop may not be reliable, however, it’s more believable to say that Horde has more active players because it’s the faction that is dominating both the PvE and PvP sides of the game, which means more players will join the Horde looking for a serious competitive scene.

It’s fun to be the evil faction and we have cookies.

The Horde story alone is a story of diversity and conflicting ideals. It’s not all orcs or forsaken etc. It’s everyone. Lor’themar is heavily involved. Baine is heavily involved. Thalyssra is heavily involved. Galliwix and of course Sylvanas. Everyone is present and playing a part.

Meanwhile the Alliance is the story of Jaina Proudmoore. Boy King indeed. He’s so naive and just absent. Tyrande? Missing in Action. The rest of the faction leaders? Sitting in the war room shrugging.

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Warmode was all introduced at the same time. It wasn’t “an imbalance and then Alliance didn’t turn it on” when the switch was turned and the mode released before population balance was known Alliance didn’t turn it on making it worse for later.

You argue that “people rolled for FotM Horde” when the faction was already slightly more populated way before warmode.
We have no statistics to say how many people rerolled/switched faction.

Switch it on and be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Buahaaha ridiculous. Horde has had a population advantage since BC. Warmode did nothing to change that.

It’s the Horde player base that has always caused the population imbalance with their selfish, entitled mentality.

Why would Alliance turn on WM when we are out numbered 10 to 1…

Yes its really logical saying the less populated faction, is “part of the problem”.

Faction imbalance is the fault of the Horde player base. If we really wanted faction balance all the fotm Horde populists, would need to reroll Alliance.
But again, that won’t happen, because of the demented ideology of " real PvP players roll Horde."

It’s laughably ignorant.


This is such a weird thread lmao.

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Oh, that “I paid for the game so I’m going to the faction with the most people” thing? Yeah, that’s selfish and entitled.

Nobody buys the game and automatically dedicates their efforts to making one faction better than the other, dude. They join whatever faction their friends are on.

i left alliance because most act like jerks
the community in high end is already small and they drive what little people away by being toxic…example?
being 2k io warlock getting decline to 15s on alliance side…in lfr there was at most like 10-20 high keys going. i could never get in any of them so i went horde … 100+ long pages of high keys and i got to 2.5k ontop of being more players you cant be isolated because only same group of people doing high end stuff

now i wouldnt say that is toxic but ipeople berating you in raid when rosters are hard to fill as it is went horde and found a guild same progression in a day alliance i been looking for months