Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

I play only alliance with WM and I don’t blame other players for wanting to be on the faction more supported by Blizzard. Why would I do that? It seems very rational actually, I just really like the Alliance themes.


Yeah, I enjoy the alliance aesthetic, too. High fantasy appeals to the nerd in me - when playing a mostly fantasy genre. I like the elven cultures, too.


They have spent the entirety of the game propping up and building the Horde, the entirety of everything is about the Horde.

You need look no further then BfA to see how incredibly imbalanced the game is.

What do we have 3 or 4 cinematics (all Horde) about Saurfang and his travels and now the return of Thrall.

AR’s, Horde got EVERY ORC RACE IN EXISTENCE as their AR while Allies got DI Dwarves…so they can trickle us Wildhammers at some point in the future as another “AR”. Horde got all of the meaty AR’s with story in Legion while Alliance got fluffy pieces of art that don’t mean a squirt of piss in the game and have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING since inception kind of like the Draenei who were a placeholder race for almost a decade before we got any story at all about them. Zandalari vs. Fat people…do i really need to cover this disaster of “balance”.


Horde have been able to make several (3 or 4 now) decisions in the game now…Alliance MIGHT see some decision to be made in the game at some point in the far flung future if Blizzard ever gets around too it. I mean it would have been nice to have a choice whether i wanted to go save a Horde leader…but you know that was a must because it makes sense for me to go do that as an Alliance player.

No Alliance victory is ever done on screen or actually allowed to be reflected in the game. Horde basically win everything all the time in the game no matter what and just take Alliance lands while also having to deal with leadership that is so incredibly stupid they should be murdered by their own troops for treason. SUPER POWERFUL GIANT GODS with little itty bitty tiny brains who don’t make even common sense decisions, need look no further then the end of SoO or even Tryande’s tantrum with Anduin and then Her and Malfurion not being involved with what is going on with Azshara…totally moronic.

Alliance is ALWAYS an afterthought, in story, in zones, in character development (unless it is moving the Horde story along) in pretty much everything in the game.

Alliance also gets to deal with really great things like the devs absolute ridiculous position of High Elves…more numerous than the first 2 AR’s introduced for the Alliance (supposedly this is why we couldn’t play them to begin with) by a factor of 100’s, yet they throw them in the Alliance face all over the place for the entirety of the game. Can’t have High Elves ( a classic ALLIANCE race) to play and maybe at least help the Alliance population imbalance…but it was ok to give them to the Horde after Vanilla to solve THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM, see any double standards?

Gnomergan…a capital that is not allowed to be because that would be “game breaking” imbalance for the Alliance to have another capital and of course its a dungeon, can’t be having that.

Alliance leadership is never allowed to have a competent strategic or tactical win through any type of thought, they ALWAYS back into wins or use their ALMIGHTY GOD POWERS and then when they “win” they are complete morons about it and NOTHING CHANGES EVER in the game. Alliance wins are like children’s sports where everyone wins because they participated and we don’t keep score and then pretend the Alliance “won” something.

I could make this post a book if i wanted too but you get the point…all that i have mentioned just scratches the surface.

So the real question isn’t why does everyone play Horde? The real question is given how Blizzard has crapped on the Alliance since the start of the game with everything from no faction leader in SW for the first 4 years of the game to continuous cuts of Alliance content through multiple expansions to absolutely ridiculous and horrible character development for it’s leaders and characters…why would anyone WANT to play Alliance?


This, seriously how do it not know this by now?

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Wrong, back when paladins were alliance only, Allies used to outnumber the hordies for quite a bit but after the BE’s were released in TBC, alliance top end guilds started transfering in droves for that PvE edge.


It’s not like all the top guilds have already ,on multiple occasions , said racials were broken on Horde side


Which in that case would be Blizzard’s issue, not players…? You can’t have both.

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I’m a dark fantasy fan myself, that’s why I choose Horde. More of an antihero outcast theme. Well, it used to be, before Sylvanas. sigh


“Horde players ruined the game because Alliance players don’t want to participate in Alliance raiding”


Its kinda both The DEVs created the problem players went embraced it.


If the problem is that too many Alliance players have re-rolled Horde, doesn’t that mean Alliance players have ruined the game?


This is why I called it a troll thread, until a bunch of Alliance decided to chime in agreement.

Let me ask you this, then. So…what do you expect Horde players to do? Just go ahead and swap to the Alliance? Because as you can already tell, that’s not going to work at all.


Nope, means everyone that cares about gear and shiny stuff, re rolled horde and forgot about loyalty and faction pride.


Not everyone, Alliance players.


Can they hurry and delete my faction /merge them. I want other choices other than plain ol human looking characters,but they’re mostly horde races.


Go roll alliance and play alliance then on the same level you play horde.


So Horde players need to fix the problem the Alliance players created?


No, I’ve played Horde since 2004. It’s not my fault Alliance have no backbone and came to us in massive numbers.


This is pretty much spot on. I mean from a certain point of view…the devs have succeeded. They have stated the story of WoW is the story of the Horde and done everything in their power to prop up the faction and make it the badass faction of the game.

I would say mission successful. It’s not a player problem, they are just reflecting what they like, it is ENTIRELY a dev problem and their bias and complete love of the Horde.


Correction Devs created. If want to blame alliance then you have to blame horde that stayed horde to because they embraced the change to their advantage.