Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Ironforge is the best capital city but it’s desolate because there’s no transmogrifier


Horde has always been the first and default choice, of course. People moonlight on Alliance sometimes when they get bored.

Since everyone mains Horde, they’re going to do all the new content on those characters first. Once people start completing that stuff, you will see a few filter back to Alliance for a while.

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and 4 alliance races look the same with varying weight and height. also just looked at the link to realm pop and the only reason i think its accurate is because pandaren are one of the least played races

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Woah, woah, woah…

…I also hang out in Boralus and D-town.


The answer is blood elves.

The moment they were introduced it was game over. The only reason why they were introduced was because horde didn’t have any sexy races at the time. The moment it was an option, all the peeps who wanted to be edgy but loathed the ugly horde races, switched over. Remember, this was at a time before wow had its graphics overhaul. So the base horde races looked a lot worse than they do now. It wasn’t immediate, but it was the instigator. After that, it snowballed. Why do you think every 2nd or 3rd horde player you see is a belf?

That and racials I believe.


blame the devs its their fault for racials and nerfing racials.


You can look at the few Blizz official facts. Like how over 100 guilds have cleared Mythic Crucible but only 35 alliance guilds. Or how warming was so imbalanced (stayed by Blizz) they had to give alliance free stuff to tryyy to balance it.


So that tells me that the Alliance need to stop lazy and putting work into content, I guess, if it matters so much. :slight_smile: I don’t do content and couldn’t care less myself, but apparently it’s the biggest deal in the world.


To many power gamers running around Orgrimmar. People go where they best stuff is.

Simply put and admitted buy some of the top players and guilds and supported by leader boards, They have a better chance to accomplish more cause Horde better balanced equipped stats and racial abilities. Compare them all one time see for yourself.


Relax little one, take a breath, no one is going to force you to do anything… Now, that cute little website you posted is obviously wrong as 3 things…

1: Blizzard already let it be known there is a severe balance issue
2: Its why alliance is getting a 50% exp bonus
3: In PVP its why they let Horde merc.

You’re welcome.


If you’re talking warmode, it’s because we don’t like being ganked the second we hop off the flight path


Think of it like being a democrat in current day. When your party shifts so hard, you tend to migrate.


You don’t get bonus rep in WM…


I dont care what the OP said, there is a balance issue… My opinion as to why?
Simple… Horde is just a lot cooler. Alliance has a “teen boy” image.


Same can be said to the horde which has the advantage and don’t have to work as hard.


Fair enough. It could be fixed by different races on Alliance side or something, who knows. Or the racial issue, which I don’t pay attention to or look into, so if that has some merit, I dunno.

As much as I dig the easy, accessible Alliance, I have to agree with this. Horde is much more interesting and complex.

It’s like Boston vs Yes (Alliance v Horde), regards to complexity. More Than A Feeling is rocking and great to get into, with Delp, Goudreau, and Scholz providing great tunes; but compared to the progressive intricacy that is Wakeman, Squire, Howe, Brufford And Anderson it’s a bit flat…I’m my humblest of opinions.


I’m 9/9M. You know the main problem we had? Stable roster. Every mythic raider went Horde. Alliance have no pool anymore.


In my opinion, what we need is some inner turmoil within the Alliance. It’s always Horde with this, and personally I’m sick of it. I like the Alliance story better this expansion, if I want to be completely honest, but the aesthetic isn’t really there for me.

Another issue is that people usually are established on their factions already, for years. I don’t even want to begin to think about the issue with new players and how they can adjust, nor how they even pick their factions.

(Granted, as a player I don’t technically matter in this because I don’t raid, and that’s what people seem to be focus on. Mythic raiding.)