Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Can’t disagree with that.

But as a previous Alliance player, I never noticed the disparity outside of high level PVP, with WM on, and “world first” raiding (which I don’t really partake in).

As just a casual player, AOTC Raider, I don’t really notice it much in every day play.

Go somewhere else with your personal attacks, pls.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it isn’t a marmot.

As is yours fotm Hordie.

It’s the devs’ fault for making the Horde so much cooler than the Alliance! And the Horde players’ fault for being so awesome that everyone wants to play with y’all! If not for a few stubborn friends that can’t see the writing on the wall, I’d have gone Horde long ago.


according to all the realm population data it’s actually pretty well balanced ratio of horde to alliance.

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Answers to what? Your imagination? Blizzard doesn’t have any people trained in doing that.

Personally, I play both factions. Horde have not “ruined” my Alliance gameplay at all. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Are you talking about PvP? Less than half of the players do PvP.

Are you talking about world PvP? Even fewer players do that.

“Warmode” eliminated 2 different kinds of servers. “Warmode” was never intended to turn PVE players into PVP players, and it didn’t.

Oh, thank goodness somebody explained this. Now I understand!


This is just an outright lie. You get a 15% bonus to PvE rewards that impact raid progression with War Mode. It absolutely was intended to turn PvE players into PvP players. Two of the top PvE essences for all 3 archetypes in 8.2 require Arena and BGs (Blood of the Enemy and Conflict and Strife). There’s a good chance Sphere of Suppression will be mandatory for some tanks on Necrotic weeks too. Blizzard absolutely is designing their game to force PvE players into PvP and War Mode was just the first step of many.

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Ding ding ding ding ding, we have a winner. Doesn’t matter which site you look at, Blood Elves make up for the majority of the WoW population. Blood Elves were truly the downfall of the Alliance. All because a small population of humans were a little racist.


So negative comments toward the horde get a “Go somewhere else” from you, but you’re cool about negative comments toward the Alliance.

What’s that word that starts with “h”…sounds like hippo something.

Maybe it’s just possible that blood/high elves are extremely popular and there would be a higher alliance tilt if y’all got them instead? Then we still have the same problem.

Jaina Poudmoore is the main character of BFA. Quitcher bichin.

I forget, it’s definitely the Horde’s issue that Alliance won’t turn on warmode.
How are those Horde players supposed to get them to do that again? Walk over to their PCs take their characters to SW and turn it on for them?

Or was there a way in game that one faction can alter the other factions WM. I’m dying to know.

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It’s 10%. I know it’s been awhile since you have seen it this low.

So something introduced literally a couple of weeks ago made it an issue over 8 months ago? Also, arena and battleground. You said it yourself. These are instanced PvP so in no way affect WM.
Also “two of the top PvE essences” for some classes.
Out of 25 dps specs only 4 have a PvP essence as one of their top 2 essences. If you check top 3 that goes up to I believe 8 which isn’t even half.

Ever since players wanted parity between gear this was always going to happen. People wanted to jump from raids into PvP with their awesome raid gear and stomp people and didn’t think it was fair that they had to compete with players who had PvP power and PvP resilience.
Well this is what you get.

If all gear is the same, you get instances where the best gear for a certain content will come from the other. Just look at PvP, it’s been historically dominated by OP items from the top levels of PvE.

You need not look any further back than CoS to see this in full swing. But go to Uldir and you will also see it with everyone including casters using OP tank *agility items because they are so strong.

At the end of the day you don’t need these items.
All of those classes that have a top 2 or 3 PvP essence also have the other 1-2 as PvE essences, a lot of which as simply Crucible which is free.
If you don’t want to PvP. Just don’t.

What the? You turn on WM as Alliance you will be fighting 10 to 1.

It’s not like all the fotm Horde players, would actually rerolled Alliance.

We all know that won’t happen, it’s been the same since BC, they want easy mode PvP so they roll Horde.

99% of players don’t care about the 1% doing progression raiding- whatever tiny bonuses from racials that players who are paid to play the game are using means nothing to a vast majority.

But, the attitude the community has in game and on the forums is going to have a far greater effect on players. When they come here and find nonstop whining from Alliance players, it’s no wonder they’d rather not join the faction.

If anything- it’s clear that Alliance players have ruined the game.

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You do realise that if more Alliance turned on warmode that wouldn’t be the case right?

Not all 100% of Horde players turn warmode on, and population wise Horde isn’t 10x as large as Alliance in total.

If participation numbers were better then warmode balancing (outside of sharding) would be more balanced.

The has always been that Horde players are more likely to participate in wPvP whilst Alliance are less likely, it creates additional disparity between numbers.

For evidence just look at when AoO first came out with the highest available rewards in game at the time. Every Alliance player and their dog jumped straight into WM and there was no issue due to the numbers, in fact on many shards they were the dominant force.

The numbers are there and available, people just choose not to participate.

It’s interesting how some people are saying Alliance has a “teen boy” image. Except horde capitals are the ones with all the edgy spikes and skulls everywhere, lol.

This expansion I’m personally more a fan of the Alliance story, zones, and races. I love NE’s and the introduction of VE’s has been great imo. I’m working to unlock them along with flying. For PvP I absolutely love the NE racial.

At the end of the day, people should play what looks good to them because if they don’t like how their character looks in gear and mogs, the game will be a little less interesting.

Give it a rest.

Nobody cries like Horde when it even appears as if Alliance is getting a break. The incentives for being the far less populated at max level faction has been one long pout fest from the Horde that hasn’t stopped.

Also, your 99% figure you just pulled out of your posterior. It makes as much sense as saying someone shouldn’t worry about their team winning the Super Bowl because they aren’t personally playing in it.