Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Dont think it has anything to do with mythics. Personally i would pick racials for pvp purposes. I think the horde imbalance is for reasons like:

  1. Hyperbole horde are t3h best hur hur. We must join the horde for better experience especially in bgs. Oh and blizz favors horde.

  2. Horde are more appealing. Larger amount of people want to play the “bad guy”.

  3. Possibly racials for pvp. Cant say for certain.

  4. Aesthetics. Which falls back to 2. Me personally i like the horde starting zones more. Their races look way cooler too imho.

Im only ally right now to play with irl friends.

Just my 2 cents.

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not enough incentives to keep the sides balanced. as such, there will always be a favored side.

Blizzard’s been that way for years as well. They’re FINALLY starting to gradually allow themselves to consider the possibility, I assume because their internal data sets are screaming it at them so loudly that even they can’t ignore it anymore.


Everybody? You do realize I only have to find one person to disprove this statement, correct?

Note you dont post a screenshot of your actual login screen. So we can see these toons

This is incorrect. The Alliance players are the ones who have stopped playing. They are to blame, not the Horde.

What you just typed is your conjecture, just saying.

You don’t say? Sorry you got the impression that I was claiming to read Blizzard employees’ minds.

I merc in BGs and get murdered with the rest of my teammates. I’m doing my part.

Happy now?

Confirming I am a Mortis Alt.

Not sure about that but I am tired of the horde players kill stealing

Confirming I am also a Mortis alt.

So both Screenshots are legit.

simple answer. Go back to what a paladin is. Simply give all paladins a spell called “Destroy undead.” The spell is cast in and has the area effect as light of dawn. The spell would instantly kill all undead in its area of effect. Either that or have Consecrate instantly kill undead in its AOE range. You would see a massive influx of players into the alliance. The horde could not complain since their paladins would get the same spell and would work against alliance DK’s

Guys… come on. A level 56 death knight (freshly created) with absolutely 0 other posts on this forum came up and made a bunch of wild and emotionally charged statements without any references to identifiable facts, statistics, or metrics. Over 450 people have taken this bait and are now arguing the merits of their own faction or whether or not the Alliance is filled with “Horde players playing Alliance alts.” Come on, none of this is productive.

At max level, yes; the Horde has a slight edge over Alliance players. Whether or not this impacts your gameplay is dependent on your server, shard, and war mode preferences and end-game interests amongst your community.

Alliance is slower to complete raids than Horde. That’s fine; if you’re not aiming to be a top-ten guild this doesn’t affect you. Alliance beats Horde in the battle of Naz every time on RP shards and war mode as a whole is generally far more balanced for Alliance players. Turning it off in frustration for getting ganked a few times hurts your faction more than anything else.

And absolutely nothing indicates that the Alliance is on “life support.” That’s just needlessly hyperbolic. 45% of the overall 120 population is nowhere near life support.

That’d be like installing a catheter in someone who comes in with a mild cold.


If people were going back and forth with the poster, I’d be inclined to agree. But the the thread has kind of forgotten about him and is looking at how players congregate on either server and the contributing factors, which is an interesting discussion in and of itself.

Whether Alliance is full of Horde alts kind of happened on its own. The OP didn’t even bring that one up.

Or AI as we are already seeing.

most reasonable person ive seen in a while. ive said this for a few weeks now, how do the top raiding guilds effect the average player in any way? and how does 1 side having 10% more players ruin world pvp, raiding, instanced pvp, and every piece of content this game has to offer? it boggles my mind

Yes actually, i count only 3 120 toons. Which is exactly what we’re discussing here. Numbers at max level.

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Then you and I are discussing different things.

Because what I have been saying since I got in this thread is that the Horde has more 120s than the Alliance because the Alliance has more lowbie alts than the Horde.

I have a lot of lowbie alts in the Alliance. That’s what I am talking about.

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