Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

There was and extreme imbalance in racials in favor of the Alliance for PvP from maybe Cata - WoD i think it was when Blizzard finally decided to balance them.

I think people now like the Horde story because of what they stand for, Blizzard has been trying to sabotage the Horde story and make them look evil for a long time now. Horde was all about Honor and protecting your own.

Where is the Pride in being Alliance? All of the Alliance’s great Honor ended with Tirion Fordring. All of the Alliance’s geat warriors are dead. Tirion Fordring, Anduin Lothar, Uther, and Varian Wrynn, they’re all dead. The Alliances best hero type NPC is Khadgar, and where is he? Alliance hero type NPC are casters and they sit in some room and are nowhere to be found on the battlefield. Now Anduin could become that person, that BFA Cinematic had me wanting to be Alliance again. That is a leader and someone to look up to. But where else have they shown that kind of leadership in Anduin outside of the Cinematic?

If Blizzard wants the Alliance to be a race people want to play they need to give them a STRONG hero of action that people want to be like.

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Should I tell him?


Once?? That was one example lol. Been playing since vanilla… stop being clueless to how you guys play

If it has nothing to do with my point, no.

To be fair, while the 0-120 graphic is 50-50, the 120-only graphic is pretty unbalanced.

I would conclude that a lot of people main Horde and has Alliance Alts.


??? What? That’s blatantly false. I have Zero Alliance alts at max level, but I have 4 Horde. Every person I know has the VAST majority of their alts in their own guild, same faction buddy. Very few people are going to have a Main Horde and their alts are Alliance. ROFL

twas 2005, was brand new wow player and on the alliance. i’ve chosen normal pve server. i’m in northshire doing like level 2 quests. when suddenly a big tauren hoof was on my kill. and there in front of me were 3 horde, a troll, a tauren and an orc. i had not one clue about flagging or pvp. they apparently were all flagged and in their 30s. i didnt know what to do . they just stood there looking at me to see what i would do. so i bent down to loot the corpse and because the tauren was standing on it, it instead auto attacked him, insta flagged me and they killed me.

as i’m running back i’m thinking…something is wrong. i did not select a pvp server. how did that happen. so i respawn at my corpse and get killed again. i’m thinking…omygosh they’re hacking the game. so in a panic, i logged out and didnt play again for like 3 months. even then i wasnt real sure what happened.

btw, one my first memories as alliance was a pally hopping down off his horse and buffing me with blessing of kings. i thought that was so nice cause i had just come from everquest where you usually paid for buffs.


My main is Horde. I have 22 Alliance alts. You and the people you know are a very small group to conclude anything from.

I am just trying to interpret the data. There’s a considerable difference between the percentage of Alliance characters on level 120 and the ones on every other level. Why? We don’t know for sure. But a valid hypothesis would be a large number of Alliance alts.

Is your main a hunter? I only ask because that’s a long bow you’re drawing.

This is my main! :smiley:

so 120 is the most likely percentage of actual alliance players? notice that the number starts to drop around level 60 so that by the time you get to 120, its nearly 8% difference. its improved somewhat since beginning of bfa when it was 10%

Maybe, but it took another 10 years before it happened. I’d say that’s a fantastic game decision.

Except it lasted thru Wrath and Horde had pallies then.

Racials were actually FAR more powerful back then. Fear ward for example, and humans dominated high level PVP with their 2nd pvp trinket racial.

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That is such nonsense. Seriously post on all 22 Alliance alts you have.

I call BS. Every single toon i have except ONE is Horde, and that 1 i rolled 12 years ago when Dark Iron was down for 2 days due to severe server issues so i played thru the Gnome opening area.

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I’ve got a few low level Alliance characters but I don’t play them because I find Alliance races bland with a couple of exceptions. You could give them the most amazing racial abilities and rewards and I still wouldn’t invest time in these characters because I find them so dull. Almost every race is just some type of human with different characteristics. The Horde has far more variety and I would say fantastical races than the Alliance.

I would get reported for spam, silly.

Nordrassil and Muradin are the realms where I put my Alliance characters. Turns out I have 24 lol

well there are allied races from previous expac, void elves and lightforged draenei. there are mounts and other achievements from legion. there are people who played horde before unsubbing years ago, coming back for classic, who are subbed so they can take part in beta classic stuff. and who also play retail. they would likely resume where they left off and be behind on achieves and mounts. if they are that kind of player.

you have more than i do of horde. i have like 10 or less horde and all the rest are alliance.

I used to have more Alliance than Horde, but the Alliance’s Allied Races are so bad lol

Void Elves and LFD are good though. DID and Kultirans? No interest here lol


heyyyy. watch whatcha saying there bud. haha