Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

That wasn’t because of races, that was because of classes. There were no Horde Paladins with all of their long term buffs for raiding in Vanilla. So yes Blood Elves did breath life into the Horde because of the addition of Paladins to the raids.

I am addressing the “current state of the Alliance”. Blizzard is trying to shovel feed PvP to us. Did we really need “warmode” when we have PvP servers for those who want constant PvP availability? Warmode just magnifies existing issues in other parts of the current game design, like lack of content. If you are going from 1 to 120 where are you going to do it? where you are entertained by a story every time you log in, or where you have to slog through yet another grind with minimal subtext.

For example:
The under-utilized Bloodelf starting zones, I use them to level up to 35 these days completing every single quest because they give me a picture of that entire zone, as well as some background on Sylvanus, what happened with the elves, Arthas and the Undead legions of the lichking.

Now take the Draenai starting area which is its counterpart…quests certainly, but not as much on the story. We do get a mention of the Erudar and a meeting with the Night Elves, but far less rich detail.

Compelling game play leads to where people go with their characters over time. Thrall, Garrosh, Sylvanus, Rexxar, Saurfang, and Baine/Cairne they all have a good yarn in them. Jaina has gotten better but many of the other Alliance characters dont really connect you to the world.

We had a whole xpac of a far worse faction balance than there is now, what, did those sorts of people not play back then?

I mean so what, you think ‘a sense of belonging’ would somehow have doubled or tripled the Horde population to bring it to parity?

You’re actually deluded if you think the Horde could have survived the Alliance getting belfs.


Or imagine this… alliance refuse to turn on warmode because they’re scared of pvp. It’s evident they only engage where they have the upper hand. When they don’t, they run scared


You’ve made your point. It’s a stupid point, but you’ve said it. Maybe you’re right. Horde players are all bold, brave heroes. The alliance are all timid and don’t know how to play the game.

Now that you’ve stated your position and we’ve heard it, please leave the thread so the adults can continue talking.


That’s not true. Several alliance races have stat increases, LFD have there holy beam. Horde has CDs, but more stats increase your damage as well, which is why better gear makes things easier.

Horde racials aren’t necessarily the problem. OCE has a huge faction imbalance too but it is the Alliance who are dominant.

OCE Alliance has the superior playerbase to do Mythic progression with and are able to do world content with War mode on without any resistance.

Easy War mode questing with +25% rep and guilds that don’t have issue recruiting 20 players to work together.

Being OCE Horde is suffering.




Oh man, I didn’t even know any FM Horde were left.

You have my condolences.

Just lol… it’s the truth. Iv’e encountered countless world pvp’s that are one sided for the alliance and when it’s a fair fight they all run away. Im looking at Nazjatar for a recent example

Why do you guys keep bringing up racials? Do none of you sim or something?

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TL, DR - Alliance were selfish teenage Jerks that wanted to play cool NE’s, Horde was mainly adults that had each others back. Also, the Horde’s story was better.

I can tell you how I ended up Horde. Back in Vanilla Horde and Alliance treated each other very differently. When Alliance was getting ganked other Alliance would just stand there in watching them die. If you killed a Horde you better damn bet that another 6 Horde was going to show up and kill yo @ss.

I was Alliance at first, but when I was level 58 I was farming for epics in Tiers Hand with my buddy. A geared level 60 rogue sapped me and started to kill my buddy. Once I broke free we started fighting. There was a lvl 60 Pali with MC gear on near us, so we ran over his way. We were standing there fighting right next to him for probably a minute before we died. Once we did the Paladin walked right over our dead bodies and right past the rogue. The rogue ran away and stealthed. That’s when I had it and rolled Horde. I remember running down the road as a level 8 and an Undead Preist buffed me. I was shocked Alliance didn’t ever buff each other.

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Fact: the horde got blood elves to balance the factions.

All of those terrible kids now play for the other faction. The real reason players transfer is because their faction no longer provides enough incentives for them to stay.

It was popular?


This has been mentioned, but I’ll add to the cacophony. The faction imbalance is caused by 1 thing. Racials.

Trolls and Orcs had a >1% DPS advantage for most of the life of this game. This wasn’t an issue in Vanilla and BC, but as the game started to become more and more analyzed and the “elitist” scene started to become a serious part of the game most of the serious players began migrating towards Horde.

It doesn’t matter that today statistically on sims Horde and Alliance racials are close, what matters is that years of allowing this unfair advantage had snowball effects no one considered. More serious raiders on Horde meant more pugs with high ilvls. More pugs with high ilvls meant more casuals able to pug harder content as carries. More casuals with higher ilvls means more player retention because even bad players can progress.

War Mode is the perfect example of how this snowball effect has made an Expansion feature welfare for Horde and a constant thorn irritant for Alliance. Even if I join a group, the odds are my group’s ilvl on the Alliance is lower than our Horde counterpart and we have to fight an uphill battle every time in Warmode. On top of that, Horde STILL have unfair PvP racials. Orcs are resistant to stuns and in a PvP meta that favors burst gets their DPS racial on a CD to align with burst. Tauren get an AoE stun. Trolls can align with burst. So War Mode is just another passive unfair advantage Horde get to have that Alliance don’t and more Alliance guilds re-rolled Horde. Because when even your casual carry raider is getting +15% to everything it makes everything easier.

It’s time to get rid of the faction system. When there are 100 horde guilds with full clears for every 15 alliance guilds the Alliance isn’t on life support, the Alliance is on brain death. Abolish the factions or give free faction transfers. I’m tired of being disadvantaged because 15 years ago I picked the wrong faction.


I have seen a metric fton more Alliance in non-Warmode than Horde, especially in the new zones. Mechagon rares are a sea of orange Alliance names.

I’m not exaggerating when I estimate it at twenty Alliance to one Horde. Rustfeather is a primo example.

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I really don’t get this whole “Alliance is scared/cowardly” thing. Most of the talented Alliance PvP players rerolled horde over the past two expansions, leaving the majority of Alliance PvE players.
So if there is an incentive to turn on WM, those PvE players will turn it on to get the benefit and then return to PvE.

And that is just as wrong as the horde imbalance is on NA servers.

Because that’s all I notice when pvping in the world. The alliance just run scared when it’s an even fight. We actually had PvP in Nazjatar where it was about 50% horde and 50% alliance. And the alliance just went and sat in their base

Wow, cool story. You saw it once so it must be true.
You realize this is a GAME, right?