Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

You’re blaming the entirely wrong group of people buddy. The ones who created the problem for Alliance were OTHER Alliance. The fact that they transferred to Horde doesn’t make it Hordes fault. It still the Alliances fault for abandoning the ship the moment the other side had a shiny gun they wanted.


Or a shiny new elf? I still see threads wanting High Elves

Blood elves have been out since BC. Alliance still dominated back then. Things didn’t switch to our side until late Cata.

Its not the players fault necessarily. Its more on the devs for fostering an environment that makes players want to join the horde.

When you shower the Horde with affection, cool stuff, babes, cinematics, etc its bound to attract people.

The chest thumping at blizzcons, the edgy hot undead waifu, the sense of being “cool” and fitting in, the belittling of alliance to feel superior if you are low on self esteem. I mean the list goes on and on.

Its obviously too late now, but I think had they not introduced blood elves or at least given them to the alliance instead we’d be pretty even in numbers.


As has been previously mentioned though the Horde also seems to have the richer characters. This makes it more interesting for those of us that play for the story and like to immerse ourselves in the world.

Somewhere along the line Blizzard forgot that WoW started out as more of a PvE world with some PvP elements, not Overwatch with Warcraft Skins. Every time they try to “balance things for PvP” they just end up making a mess of the greater whole.


So now you’re blaming Blizzard for giving Horde nice things?

So i suppose they should have just ignored Horde this entire time so Alliance can prosper?

You obviously didn’t play in Vanilla because Horde was getting completely trounced in high level raiding. Blood elves breathed fresh air into our faction. If Blizzard had given them to Alliance instead, this game probably would have ended back in Wrath when all the Horde had quit the game.

Horde only gets richer characters so it can hurt more when Blizzard kills them off to give the Alliance a win.

Have you actually looked at the sims or have you just ‘heard’ our racials are better?

Loyalty should be earned. It’s not granted by default.

I’d say blood elves did damage population numbers quite a bit. But the trickling became faster when the horde took the spotlight from cataclysm onward.

Why do you look down on people who enjoy playing on a side that gets attention from the devs? I think thats pretty natural.

Oh my god dude this is actually the stupidest thing I think I’ve read an Alliance player post. :laughing:

We’re prettier?

You and your sister are both legitimately hungry. Your dad has enough food for both of you. Your sister, without asking, is handed a sandwich. You, when you ask, are told to either get over it, or be a girl if you want food.

Being that Blizzard represents the dad, the Alliance represents you, and the Horde represents your sister, yes, I would say the blame falls on Blizzard. You don’t blame the players for making the most of their experience within the limits that the game designers dictate.


I mean reread your post. Thats basically whats happening to the alliance as we speak. lol

Whys that outrageous?

You want pretty you go alliance. You want the “band of misfits” or “outcasts” with superior community/dev love/racials you go horde.

It would be decently even.

You know. I see everyone on here whining and crying about horde population and how horde are everywhere.

I turned warmode on because my friend uses warmode and wanted to quest with me. There were nothing but alliance players everywhere. And when a horde player did show up, they ran away or ignored us.

Faction imbalance is for the most part a non issue. The ratio is 51a-49h over all and 47a-53h at 120. That’s not imbalanced. People just like to whine.


No. It would not.

Even without them existing we were outnumbered somewhere between 2 or 3 to one.

If the Alliance had them instead we simply wouldn’t exist as a faction anymore.

I mean… my god that’s a stupid idea.


I’m sorry to burst your bubble but I’ve been gang-ganked a LOT since this release by Alliance players so…what’s your point again?

The simple fact of the matter is that unless you join a faction group of pvpers …and let me type this in a very annunciated way for you…


I don’t get this complaining at all. We’ve all been there buddy. It is what it is. Join a faction group and kill Horde onesie players like me.

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Politely disagree with you. I think certain types of personalities skew towards horde. A sense of belonging and dev affection would keep horde alive.

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True. Its pretty well known that they were introduced because of the population imbalance due to the horde lacking a good looking race.