Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Faction changes, and the removal of 1 faction only per pvp server


The rep bonus to get you flying faster with human racial, shadowmeld, stoneform, emfh, and escape artist, u got more get out of jail free cards than horde do…

Its called faction change, and killing the 1 faction per server when we had pvp servers.

The truth stings sometimes…

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Fascinating. Ive run into teenagers playing blood elves, but I have yet to run across anyone under the age of 18 playing alliance these days.

Its not the horde players fault, its the game designers fault. I remember screaming this from the roof tops in the last 2 expansions that horde will eventually just take over the whole game. But people kept laughing at what I was saying.

The truth is that factions need to end, or at the very least in a pvp setting people get put on random sides. Until that happens, the imbalance will just get worse.

Doesn’t matter who is at fault at this point.

Blizzard knows there’s an issue, even if they won’t outright admit it.

Unless the ability to group up with the other faction becomes a thing, the Alliance high-end participation will just continue to go down until very few bother to do anything really competitive at max level.

As someone who enjoys both factions, it’s sad. But it’s slowly, but surely, got to this point. There is no turning back. No matter the incentives. Heck, even High Elves won’t save the path the Alliance is going down.


Lol. No.
www method gg/raid-history
Blizzard messed something up somewhere.
Death and taxes? Vodka? Gone.
The last alliance hope method? Went horde and went from taking a boss here and there to dominating.

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You wanted to play the horde who happened to be the underdogs at that point. No need to make excuses lol

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Yeah, and while OP is growing up, I’d thank them to leave me, a Horde player, out of their accusations about a ruined game. Having never met me and with complete ignorance of my playstyle, what an obtuse statement to make.


At some point the quality of players matter as much as the racials themselves. A guild like Midwinter was content to but Alliance until they faction changed on Legion, where they outright state that the recruitment pool was far too limiting for them to stay on the blue team. Also, to your point, there are zero Alliance racials as meaningful to progression as the Rocket Jump in Kil’Jaeden, or heck, even Arcane Torrent in Zul.

Don’t know know? Sylvanas killed all the Alliance players.

That’s why Classic should favor the Alliance. Let horde have WoW, let Alliance have Classic.

Why does everyone throw up their arms when it comes to faction disparities? There is a clear answer and we KNOW it works because it ALREADY HAS.

Give the Alliance a few OP racials; the kind that Method said would cause them to reroll. Guarantee no nerfs for at least six months.

Ion himself said in the Forbes interview that OP racials caused high end Alliance talent to reroll horde. And get this: He said that the horde OP racials are only “largely (not totally) remedied.”

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The vast majority of people who play this game are “casual” in the sense that they do not engage in competitive PvP or “world first, cutting edge” raiding. The “proof” is in the pudding, so to speak. The “pudding” being…

  1. More casual content.
  2. High level gear from said casual content.
  3. The ridiculously high participation rate in LFR.
  4. The less than 10% of the playerbase who completes Mythic end bosses while current.

And the list goes on.

That “upper tier” of players min/max and move where the best min/maxing is available…i.e. best racials. I don’t need statistics to tell me that. I’ve watched it happen over and over again for the past 12 years. And the dev team (the current one, and past ones) have said it themselves.

This entire forum…this entire website…heck, World of Warcraft its self, is nothing more than something to pass the time. Every thread is just “wild conjecture”.

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Alliance racials are not slightly better. If you want a damage boosting racial, your only option is dark iron dwarf or horde.


Because the Alliance players ruined the Alliance. Blaming the Horde for a lack of Alliance popularity is like blaming Football because Golf is boring and stupid.

A better analogy might be blaming Patriots fans because the Broncos didn’t win the Super Duper Bowl.

Maybe they should remove racials.

Perhaps if the Alliance got some cool new races to play with it would encourage people to roll Ally. I mean Horde got Zandalari and the Mag’har with their ton of customizations, they’re going to get Vulpera soon enough I’m sure.

What did Ally get? Fat Humans and a few customization options for Dwarfs, oh but yeah eventually Junker Gnomes (you know, Gnomes, one of the least played races). Could Ally get Sethrak instead? No of course not! They look too awesome! Think we can get Waveblade Ankoan? Don’t hold your breath, they look too awesome!

You need to learn how to read. All those Alliance firsts you are looking at on that list were done by one guild. Now use Google and find the rest, they’re all mostly Horde. D&T was the only real cutting edge Ally guild.

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Part of the problem there is that there used to be skill bonus on a lot of the races, and when the skills got removed there went the +5 sword skill of the human etc.

That didn’t really matter. Horde had those same skills. Orc had axe i believe.

They did, but not every profession could use every weapon:)