Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

This is probably the best way to describe it, and the main reason I feel pushed away from the Horde. Bandwagons have always repelled me.

Warlords of Draenor.

ahh the cool faction concept was something the devs did. i still remembering asking my fellow group mates in wsg, how come alliance never win (this was like tbc) and was told because 1) horde are better pvpers, 2) they form more premades (et.al use their brains), 3) more new players join alliance so our pvpers tend to be less skilled cause they’re new, 4) and the devs all have horde alts, except 1, and prefer horde, so horde perks, horde popularity, etc


And the actual reason is that Alliance players sit around making excuses all day instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting anything done. As shown by #1 through #4 on their list


Which is why a lot of the older Horde players started playing Horde to begin with.

I think we can all agree that Alliance players who jumped ship are the worst.


alliance is the engine that feeds the horde. players roll alliance, play till they find out horde is better and re-roll horde. been that way since at least tbc

If I had started back in Vanilla, I would have chosen Alliance because of aesthetics to start with, but then switch to Horde as soon as Belves were available. Then I would have switched back to Alliance as soon as the Horde started developing the “coolness” perception among the player base.

and now they pretend they are better than other people, just based on the faction. it’s ridiculous.

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Anyway. It has been fun, but I need to get back to the grindstone. I have a lot of work in game to get done. Take care, all.

bollocks, as an alliance in WM currently you have just 1 choice if you want to farm nazj\mech rares consistently - join cross-shard raids, and when we do it, that horde shard suffers, getting stomped as helpless kittens(basically it gets to see what alliance gets on all the other shards) and then it’s just a walk in a park, you even start to feel pitty for those hordes caught in that shard.
So yeah, you don’t work harder, you get everything for free by sheer numbers. Horde WM ON = easier expirience than Alliance WM OFF, as you’ve got zero competition and pvp talents enabled.

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It’s exactly the same for both factions. I go to Mechagon with War Mode on, there’s 200 Alliance swarming the island and I can’t get anything done. I need to join a Horde-heavy shard to accomplish anything.

War Mode is just a massive failure, all around. The only difference is that Alliance get paid time-and-a-half for doing it.

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That’s partially true. If everyone turns it off because they don’t want to get attacked then it’s a smaller we on population. It’s also they I’ve seen time and time again that when an all i is getting attacked by me and another walks by or goes by they don’t stop to help. It’s 8/10 times they keep going. Where any time a horde is in trouble they tend to rally to that person and help. The only time the Ali seem to do well is when they themselves do camping at fp in naz too. Both sides do it. That isn’t a horde exclusive. It happened a lot today. But every time it did horde players came out to help. It’s so easy to get help from them you usually don’t have to ask. So that’s what I see as a bigger issue that needs addressed on the alliance side

Nice Horde alt, OP.

There was a large raid group in naz today of alli and surprise. They got stomped so bad we were camping in their base farming honor today. So many people got the alliance slayer title. Even my dad and he mains alliance

When yall say the horde you mean the blood elves right? Cause thats the only horde toons i ever see anywhere.

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Blizzard the evil company supporting evil with the horde. News at 9. Not even sure why I play this crap right now with so many good looking games out.

According to that it’s evident what the issue is! more males playing than females!

Shame, Blizz. Shame.

This. Ill never understand people’s obsession with the horde racials. My orc still gets stunned despite the stun resist and my forsaken still gets feared even with will of the forsaken, which has a long cool down. These two races were in the game from the start.
The blood elves that everyone is fascinated with have basicly garbage for racials. Reduced arcane damage and a small buff to a profession. Whoopty Doo let’s burn the house down and whine for twelve years over these so called best racials. I’m far more inclined to believe that people prefer horde because of the community. It’s far less toxic and least whiny , judging by my experience in game and on the forums.

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Well, there are two hordes.

Lore Horde is same as always.

Playarbase Horde is Belf, Belf, Belf, Belf, Tauren, Belf, Orc, Belf, Forsaken, Belf, Belf 

That’d be one reason.

Another reason is that some of horde races have simply better racials (plus the recent adition of Zandalari which needs no further explanation).
making them the choice of preference of minmaxers or even just raiders.


I really feel like people need to be forced to actually look at the sims before they make this claim.