Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

go to https://realmpop.com/us.html locate the slider below the pie charts and slide it over slowly, while watching the horde/alliance pie chart.

And yet up until this patch hit, weren’t Night elves head and shoulders the best choice to run M+ with? But other than the invitational people didn’t leave for that. More than racials go into the decisions to change factions, a lot of it is fiddly psychological stuff that changes person to person.


I tend to gravitate toward the side of the social underdogs. That personality type pushes me toward the Alliance. The pressure to Join the " Herd " has the opposite effect on me. Even though I play both factions, I feel more comfortable on the blue side.

I know Team Blue is seen as less desirable, and I don’t mind it.

If they allowed for more freedom and fluidity, I’d be happier. of course the Nay sayers will be very vocal.

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Yeah, we’ve already covered that. But unironically if you legitimately think people are swapping to a new faction for a gameplay advantage at level 60, you’re just
I’m sorry, but I just cannot take that opinion seriously.

And Throne of Thunder was chock full of bosses where you benefitted from Stoneform. So why wasn’t everybody switching to Alliance during Mists?


There’s a slight disparity right now, favoring the Alliance. Why isn’t everybody transferring to Alliance?

once the alliance m+ guilds started transferring, the younger guilds that try to emulate them so they can do m+ too, started transferring as well. it was an avalanche. now they dont have a reason to transfer back because horde is still as good if not better at pretty much everything.

look at this 1800+ rank in rated pvp

Alliance 30.7%
Horde 69.3%

thats a huge margin

Which is ironic because the Horde was the scrappy underdog for the majority of WoW’s history and this is the first xpac (maybe second) where it’s really been an issue.

Not to mention being the underdog is literally the Horde’s backstory.


its not an opinion. why would they switch to horde in the level 60 range? it isnt because blood elves were just introduced. what happens in that level range? thats a legit question

I know it’s weird. Back in early Cata when I first started, there was a lot of social pressure to go Horde, though. I don’t know what the player balance was back then.

So everybody transferred to Horde because Horde racials were slightly better. And now that Alliance racials are slightly better, people aren’t transferring to Alliance because
 why, exactly?


/Worgen wound noise.

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no idea. thats a good question, if what you’re saying is true.

The Horde is seen as the “cooler” faction, I guess. Most of the players I run into irl are adults and act like it. We might even have a little joke argument for fun, but some have actually given me dirty looks because I main Alliance.

I am not making this up. A Grown man that looked to be in his 30’s gave me a nasty death-glare when he heard me say that I main a Human Priest! What’s up with that?

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Alliance are gross.

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lol Really? Even if the ones with the /waggle?

I’m not sure if you think you’re disagreeing with me?

I’m saying that because in general the whole WoW playerbase believes that the horde is better than alliance for doing content that people gravitate there without really seeing if it’s true. Normal guilds followed bleeding edge guilds more because of a bandwagon effect than anything that would have a significant impact on their progress.

It’s not as dramatic, but 58 out of the top 100 3v3 players are Alliance. Top 50 however you’re looking at 36 of them are Alliance.

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Upright orcs run around as if they urgently need a bathroom.


Because it was never about the racials in the first place. If it were, the same people who, back then, transferred to the low-pop faction (Horde) for better racials would be transferring to the low-pop faction (Alliance) now for their better racials.

Those ones get a pass.

That’s because they piss excellence.