Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

oh yeah it was alliance favored in vanilla for sure.

[citation needed]

well do you have an alliance alt? i have a horde alt. in fact, several horde alts.

I have about 16 characters at 120, one of which is Alliance.

most people who’ve played for awhile have alts on both factions. one faction is their favorite and they play their less favorite faction to get achieves, pets, mounts, tabard, toys etc, but they typically dont play the less favored faction in a way that supports that faction, such as endgame raiding, wpvp , rated bgs etc

Doesn’t matter. In fact, that makes the bias more blatant and worse.

It’s no surprise that was the Blizzcon people reported actual physical attacks from Horde players.

Attitude, like many things, rolls downhill. The disdain for the Alliance faction – and by implication, Alliance players – was obvious. It was even here on the forum when a Blue (I want to say Lore, but I’m not sure at this point) said that Alliance players complaining about the devs’ comments and the Corpsegrinder video were “being silly.”

Not long after, Mike Morhaine had to grovel to the Alliance players. That Blue
disappeared for awhile.

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As super scientific as this all sounds and not at all like feely-craft

Where else should we blame it? Racials. Ultimately, if the Alliance suddenly got some of the better raid/pvp racial I expect a steady change.

do you wpvp on your alliance character?

that wont happen because there are too many horde now and it would be extremely unpopular. they cant risk losing more of their players to fix it now. it’s too late. it’d last maybe a month or two at most and the forums would be on fire.


I always feel hesitant to answer this because I feel all schlocky and motivational speakery. I think the main problem is just the belief that the Alliance is at a disadvantage. There has been a constant drumbeat from some circles about how bad the alliance has it and how easy it is for the horde, and I think that people are listening to that and believing that to be meta you have to be horde. I think that if that wasn’t there and people just formed guilds and ran content that you could do just as well.

People can get funny when they have a perception of something. If you feel like you are at a disadvantage even when you’re not, you can be more likely to give up especially if you can “fix” that problem by going to the other side, and you might still fail just as much there but you aren’t fighting the perception that you’re failing because it’s unfair to you.

But in all earnestness, I think the Alliance can do it if they want to, you’re more awesome than you might realize!

right about the level 60 range, people start rolling horde characters. so something happens in pvp and pve content, where its clear horde has better set up and alliance just naturally loses its player base in a steady trickle.

Yeah somehow I suspect it isn’t new players noticing that they just aren’t getting the parses they’d like in Hellfire Ramparts that are the issue.

I have heard of a Merch mode where you can fight for the opposing faction. I don’t pvp, so I don’t know much about it. If it is possible for Horde players to go with Mercenary mode for world pvp, wouldn’t that be a temporary fix at least?

Also, if they allowed cross faction queueing for pve, that would help.

I’d rather we all be able to stay on the side we want to play on, but have some more freedom.

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Not really, I think the only real way to fix the issue of factions constantly swinging one way or the other is to just make it so you can raid with people of the other faction.

Merc mode would only work if there was a large base of people who suddenly decided to fight for the Alliance in wpvp and no one takes faction stuff more seriously than pvpers.


what do you think is causing it? if you move the slider you can watch the population slowly drain from horde to alliance, until by level 60, its starting to favor horde and continues to favor horde by more and more so that by endgame, its 48 alliance, 52 horde. the thing actually says 53.8 horde but that doesnt make sense.

But it doesn’t actually mean that horde does have a better set up in any mechanical way. I can’t deny that right now there’s more community support for those things on horde side, but that’s not anything that’s inherent to what Blizzard has coded into the game, that’s people forming groups and lots of stuff goes into that, some of those things are mechanics and other things are less tangible.

The problem with the balance at this time is that it’s relatively even, I think slightly less than 10% separation between the factions at 120, and a lot of the tools available on the game mechanics side aren’t precision tools. The subtler changes to boost Alliance racials aren’t enough to get people to transfer over away from the social benefits of the horde, and if you put in really OP racials for example you get stuff like when the human racial was just needed for pvp and you really throw things out of whack.

And the social side of things is really hard for a developer to influence. It’s all just what we think. And I can’t think of anything they could do that wouldn’t get questioned. Find a team to make a go at a world first as Alliance, there’ll be posts about how Blizz just stacked the deck for them to hide the truth or something.

I guess I’m just saying that I think that one of the reasons there’s that exodus at 60 or whatever is just because people think that they need to do that to be competitive. It may have been influenced by earlier problems like OP racials that got fixed or the whole mess that’s sharding true, but even after those things get fixed they can still influence people’s decisions.

I can see guild groups doing it just to have people to Wpvp with. From what I am reading in the forums, the Horde are having trouble finding any Alliance to pvp with.

Instead of trying to bribe players like me who hate pvp to turn in WM, just give the player base more freedom.

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I don’t think people’s alts are part of the equation at all.

I think it’s just Alliance get to 120, have trouble finding groups and have all these people crying 24/7 that the Alliance is getting screwed by Blizzard and the Horde has it so easy.

during legion there was a mythic+ boss that benefited blood elf arcane torrent. and another boss fight that benefited goblin rocket leap. so m+ alliance guilds started transferring their guilds over, to stay relevant. this page shows you guild rankings (it use to be solid red for the first 50 or so guilds. i see some blue in there now)

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