Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Here’s what I said.

Nowhere did I say I wanted to play for the underdog now. Sheesh. Reading comprehension seems to not be taught in schools anymore.

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Out of the 261 comments this one is pretty much the most on point.
Also belf racial was dumb AF when it came out.


And some horde players can be so oblivious.


The Alliance population has been on life support since 2004. Nothing has changed population and pvp wise. The only BG’s Alliance used to win was Isle of Conquest and AV but now the Horde wins that too now lol.

You definitely didn’t play in 2004 based on this post.


I did actually. I was there since open beta. My first pally was a dwarf named Jrussellmoon.

If you had played then you’d know the Alliance outnumbered Horde 2 or 3 to 1 in 2004.


You are clearly talking out of your butthole there. On the servers I was on, such as Warsong and Arthas, Horde were always 85-90% population.

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It’s cute that you think that fam. :blush:

It’s not that I think, it’s that I know for a fact.

So this means what, you have a couple horde heavy servers that you have the numbers for to prove that those individual servers were massively horde despite the fact that across ALL servers there was a massive imbalance in favor of Alliance. Because I’ve pulled up the numbers Blizzard used to release and can’t go back past 2005, but it stays right around 60% alliance 40% horde the whole time.

Oh wait no. For that one the population of Arthas is 52% Alliance 48% Horde, and funnily enough the numbers reverse on Warsong. 48%A 52%H. Oh my god, how horrible it was almost even! On that month the worst a server got for Horde was 63%, but there were five with horde population percentage in the teens and Llane was even worse with horde only being 10% of the population there.


I guess 1:1 would feel like 9:1 for Alliance. It would certainly explain their behaviour in wpvp. :woman_shrugging:

I can see how it happens, I just pve and I don’t know the percentages on my server cluster, but damn in the new zones I’d love to buy this supposed massive population imbalance in favor of the horde. Cannot do any new questing area without hoping I can get tags in before the sea of orange rolls over them.


Just pull the plug and let the Horde win, GG alliance looks like we win by player count it’s been fun.

The thing that hurts my feelings is Alliance is the majority on Oceanic and they basically own WM, but they still get the +25%.


shame on you fallynn. i thought more of you than that. hehe
if you push the slider to max level, its 53 horde 48 alliance. and a good portion of that 48 alliance are horde alts.

yeah that needs to be fixed

It is very rare for me to be in the mood to PvP.

My condolences about your 25%.

this is how it works and always has

people start off as alliance. realize horde is better and move to horde before end game. so starting numbers are higher at level 1 for alliance, but by endgame its horde favored. theres a slider you have to push to max level to see where the issue occurs.


Not here, the numbers from way back when don’t seem to have that much detail to them. And no, my point is about Vanilla and someone trying to pass off some nonsense that the Horde outnumbered the Alliance then.