Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

The last actual change began eight years ago. They haven’t actually tried to fix the Alliance side; they’ve tried to stem from the horde side.

It didn’t work.

If you want to play underdog, you know that you should be playing Alliance.


I already chose my side back then and have no plans to change. Hopefully any new players might see it that way and help you guys out.

At that point why not just open up raiding to cross factions and let the best composition win?


I wondered that also but I see a lot of resistance from forum goers. The faction war thing is not working. I had high hopes for a rekindling of the old style war but it didn’t turn into that in BFA so might as well combine both factions imo.


I loved the old RTS games but the current faction system in WoW isn’t really designed well for giving us that same type of feeling since no one can really win or lose. At the end of the day we are people wanting to enjoy a good story and we are fundamentally tied to our factions so if the factions are not portrayed well no one is going to find satisfaction.


Yeah, my end sentence was vague. I meant all elven races: Sin’dorei, Kal’dorei, Ren’dorei, Shal’dorei. I like the relatively repeat concept of searching for fonts of power that defines them: sunwell, the void, night well, well of eternity. While also the hubris that envelopes them. A twist on a tech-culture, they usually delve deeply into magic, opening their own pandora’s Boxes (as opposed to a tech-based culture).

The thing is, Blizzard keeps tilting things towards the Alliance, in-game. The Alliance has all the advantages on paper:
*Alliance racials are superior for PvP and PvE. This is why most top Arena players play Alliance, as well as top MDI teams.
*Alliance receive superior rewards, in-game. From the extra gear rewards, to the 25% bonuses, etc. And they get these rewards even when outnumbering Horde 20-to-1 (as is frequently the case).
*Alliance, story-wise, always have the moral high ground. The Horde is repeatedly used as Blizzard’s story prop. Need a storyline? Make the latest warchief crazy! Then kill off the next one! Har har har FUN FOR ALL!

The Alliance’s problem is its players. They always complain, even when things are stacked in their favor.

If I had to harken to a particular point in time where the Alliance jumped the shark, it would be Mists of Pandaria. We had an entire year dedicated to the Siege of Orgrimmar, where the Horde were the villains, Horde lore characters were murdered as loot pinatas in the raid, and all the Alliance ever did was complain on these forums about how Siege of Orgrimmar was “horde favoritism”.

I can’t tell you how many times I saw this conversation, back then:
Alliance player: “Siege of Orgrimmar is such Horde favoritism.”
Horde player: “Would you have preferred that we sack Stormwind in a raid? We would be fine with that.”
Alliance player: “No, that would also be Horde favoritism.”

That’s when the Alliance really morphed into the faction of complainers. They complain, they’re defeatist, they constantly harp about how they can’t get anything done, and they come up with preposterous conspiracy theories all the time. Like all the “Chris Metzen hates the Alliance!” when Chris Metzen’s main is a Human Paladin and has been since the beginning. (Check his twitter for frequent screenshots, if you want.)

Mathematically, and in all of the game terms, Alliance has everything going in their favor.

But they still complain. And that’s why so many people have been leaving: They don’t want to play in the defeatist faction of complainers.


LMAO nice one mate posting this in a Horde character lol! Its Sunday here so nice way to open it up with senceless post… let the Sunday post trolly entertainment begin! :rofl:


You are just trolling/joking right? :sweat_smile:

Anyway I got my popcorn ready! :cup_with_straw: :sunglasses: :popcorn:

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Interesting to see the back and forth. As a very casual player, the problem doesn’t really affect me too much since I don’t particpate in high end stuff like raiding or world pvp. Lorewise, I just roleplay that the Horde has won the “war” and the remaining Allied forces are the holdouts.

This imbalance problem has been years in the making though. I remember that one Blizzcon years ago when someone asked a developer what the Alliance warcry should be. The reponse was: “Have mercy!” Obviously the dev was just making a joke, but little things like that can add up when it comes to influencing player population and morale.

I think another issue is the Alliance has traditionally been the home of the more casual playerbase. Things like Pathfinder have driven away some of those players. I had a friend who stayed subscribed just for the sheer joy of flying around the world. That was enough for her. Once Pathfinder came along she couldn’t be bothered anymore.

Anyway, I don’t think there is an easy fix to this multi-faceted problem. It’s something that would have to be corrected over the course of years.


I remember that Blizzcon, I was there. It was Chris Metzen who said it. He plays Alliance. :thinking:

So drop the claim that you want to play for the underdog because you obviously don’t.


Found your problem OP.

Some of us still do :slightly_smiling_face::lion::blue_heart:

Chris Metzen did NOT say it. He was on the other end of the panel smiling.

Add this to youtube: watch?v=vbY7fowIaYM

Only one dev was not smiling (third from the right); I assume he was the sole Alliance dev on the panel.

Metzen is also the guy at Blizzcon 2018 who said, "Alliance I don’t want to offend you…the first question is, “horde, where you at? Good, I’m glad you’re here.”

Add youtube: watch?v=WwYukrsx1k8&t=42s

Then, upon hearing just how bad it actually sounded, said, “Oh hell, Alliance, where are you?”

He had two questions:

  1. Horde where are you?
  2. When is the horde getting its true warchief (Thrall) back?

He may have played a human Paladin back in the day, but this is the guy who is all-Thrall all day - GREEN JESUS HIMSELF - the very heart of the horde.


No it hasn’t.

“Hardcore” players go where the best racials are. They used to be Alliance, currently they are Horde. That is the disparity where high level raiding and PvP is concerned.


Come to Moon Guard and say that again, OP.

Oh I wouldn’t blame the Horde players. Blizzard thought it was okay that there was a slight racial advantage for PvE a couple expansions ago, and essentially doing absolutely nothing worthy of note (hall of fame lol) essentially precipitated into an Alliance skill drain. The idea that it’s okay for there to be a slight disparity essentially snowballed into the right mess you see now.


I believe Alliance has been traditionally more casual. You believe otherwise. Neither of us can prove anything. Neither of us have access to those kind of statistics. Also, those stastics would vary depending on your definition of casual.
This entire thread is just wild conjecture. Something to pass the time.


Oh they did. They joined the Horde and then did it.


Way back in WoW Classic, Blizzard made one big mistake. They should have made NE go Horde and the Undead go Alliance. High Elves would become playable on Alliance and it would make Alliance more popular than it is right now. Horde would get their feral NE’s from W3.