Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Sounds like these alliance need to find and transfer to a server that they dominate

Doesn’t exist. You’d have to buy a new Oceanic account.

Oh poor thing, lets turn off life support and let the Alliance die with dignity

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Yeah, Neall is Alliance main but he has a Horde to help people get achievements on the Horde side too. Crepe is also Alliance Main. There are a few more who main Alliance but greens are certainly horde dominant.

I am pretty sure there are Blues who main Alliance but I wouldn’t know :confused:

Honestly, I am kind hoping that they retire the old “factions” and I don’t mean get rid of them entirely but allow cross faction play and guilds. I think that there should be mercenary factions for PvP that players choose to join. Idk, I have a lot of thoughts on what I think should be done and it would end up making this post like a novel but I fully agree that something needs to be done.


Aren’t there two different elf races on the horde? Do you mean you like the night elf culture?

Giving horde the best racials helped skewed it a lot for the new people. And then blizzard let it persisted. We a tually did great in wod. Things were even. But the vocal minority of the horde changed it for Alliance thus we got crippled again. After legion all of our best raiders switched to horde.


What do you think of my idea to keep factions but remove the racial limitations?

That is, you choose race THEN choose faction? Outside of a dictatorship, there isn’t a nation on Earth who is only loyal to one political party.

Why not empower players to choose whatever race they want? That would get rid of OP racials on either side.

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I wish the Greens would rep as Alliance here. There is just so much horde stuff from anything having to do with Blizzard that a breath of fresh blue air would be nice.

I wish the Q&As would have Ion on one side and an Alliance dev (there’s GOT to be at least ONE!) on the other.

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I dont see this solving anything. Racials are very balanced atm.

I have been having similar thoughts as of late.

The core issue is that the dedicated players that populate the endgame content of mythic keystones and raiding will always gravitate towards the faction that has the most beneficial racials and better recruitment pools.

Even if the Devs were to make Alliance racials superior for end game content it does not solve the fundamental problem of shifting player populations from one faction to the next. If this was true the Horde would be in the same situation as the Alliance. But to keep things as they currently are is unacceptable. No one should feel that choosing one faction over the other is a mistake and you should not have to pick one over the other to have a better endgame experience.

BFA was supposed to be an expansion in which people would feel pride in their factions yet it seems most peoples’ reactions have been a disdain to the current story and the ongoing meta in pvp and end game content.

If factions as we know them were to fundamentally change I would be curious to see how a seasonal pvp environment would work out if Blizzard allowed players to pick a pvp faction for a time and then have the ability to pick again once the season has ended.


BfA proved that there was a “wrong faction”. I believe this is the lowest point of faction pride on the Alliance side.

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Legitimate question. Do you think horde are happy with where we are? Do you think we are proud to be at civil war again? That our warchief is going to be removed again?

There was no wrong side with this writing


No, I totally agree with you; Blizzard’s writing is horrible.

That being said, they spent time delving into why there will most likely be a faction split, even giving you guys choices to make.

The Alliance had ONE SCENE to hint of a possible split in our faction. I guess my complaint is that at least you guys get fully drawn-out story lines. We get crayon sketches (the Jaina story was the only good writing we had Amid could be removed from the storyline without any real impact).


More isnt always better. It really isnt. Id be down with Legion 2.0 where we dont exist again. Honestly if its between butchering our faction again and being ignored. I choose ignored

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Poor Alliance! It’s not fair that the Horde continually gets ripped apart by the writers and turned into everybody’s punching bag. It’s not FAIR that the game made sport out of attacking Orgrimmar and Zuldazar, while there has never been a raid attacking an Alliance city. It’s not FAIR that every expansion, Blizzard turns Horde characters into cartoon villains and loot pinatas.

Poor Alliance!


Sharding is more at fault here, you get shards who stomp on either factions, very rarely get on a balanced shard.

Thats a good point assuming our “choice” will actually mean anything. We’ll see but the probable inevitable “Sylvanas betrays you now that she’s done with you” will feel 10x worse that not having a choice.

So far we’ve done the exact same thing as the traitors just with Sylvanas’s blessing.

I think they’re trying to solve the faction problem by providing two more factions.
They spent all of their high end cinematics detailing the why on the horde side.
One small in-game scene where the Night Elves leave Anduin is all we got.
The problem is that even if they create these split off factions, they’re still Alliance/horde. No one will choose one of the new Alliance factions if they were horde.

I highly doubt theyll split factions. It would only server to make forming end game groups harder as the population would be divided into 4 vs 2

All I know is that when I started playing WoW, which was at the end of TBC but before WotLK, the Alliance had the numbers and I decided to play Horde because they were the underdog. I’m glad I did because I love the diversity.But with Blizz giving racials to factions to tip the balance instead of just allowing players to choose based on the race they wanted to play I have no clue wtf the flavor of the month faction is at any one time now-a-days.

And then add to that the % bonus and the balance just gets more out of wack. I say just pool all the racials and allow players to pick at character creation what 5 racials they want. I believe it’s like 1 - 2 actives and 3 passives. Any characters that are already made can pick once and it’s permanent with no redos.

It seems that every time Blizz thinks they are fixing the balance they just end up screwing with it even more. :angry:

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