Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Its because a large majority (not all though) of horde are between 7 and 13 years old. And whats more “cool” to kids of that age? A cute elf or an evil monster?

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lolwut? i’m 35 years old.

im not the lowest populated race :smiley:
And neither are you!

Joyous day!
now who wants chili fries?

don’t let the 7-13 year olds comment hurt you. It’s been a fact since vanilla all the kiddies are alliance. That’s why they can’t hack doing raids.

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i played alliance for a lot of years. multiple times i called someone out for being 12 years old and had them tell me they were gonna call the police on me. XD


Can we just agree the argument is stupid?


Took me awhile to get this, then I got it, and now I’m laughing.

its time for one big faction.

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I’m Horde and I play with WM off.


Same. Oddly enough every time I’m in warmode these massive 80 man Horde war parties are nowhere to be found meanwhile I’m getting mosh pitted by the 40 man male human roaming band of paladin brothers.


No it’s not. We’ve been having less than 2-4 minute queues on Horde ever since 8.2 hit. We’ve also been getting the Call to Arms +50% buff fairly often over these 2 weeks too.

If you’re going to exaggerate, at least TRY to come up with semi-plausible numbers. 4 times as much? Don’t be ridiculous.


HAHAHAHA OMG THE SAME. I had to turn WM off because the band of salty dogs would just corpse camp and raid newhome in nazjatar

You’re lost in a fantasy world or something? There is no “horde” or “alliance” it’s a made up teams, reds and blue. There are just players, and majority of players goes with the team that has numbers advantage over another, unless given some actual motivation for the switch, the end.
Bringing some “faction loyalty” to the argument about made up red\blue teams only shows your braindamage. Imagine playing CS match and blaming players for switching to terr\CT “ZOMG HE HAS NO FACTION LOYALTY!!11” “OMG ALL THE CT ARE SO LAZY”.
Due to imbalance one team ended up with majority of players at some point, with no counter measures taken, that lead to even more players attracted to the majority side, and it will attract even more now, after constant suffer that is WM for the alliance side in new locations, which would again lead to even more players switching to the red team, it is a loop.


Thats a pretty asinine post my man. Comparing World of Warcraft the mmo RPG to a fps is pretty desperate. I’m willing to wager most WoW players know the story and have faction loyalty to some degree.


RP servers are waiting for this type of “special” players having “loyalty” to a made up fantasy team in a computer game.

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I enjoyed it very much and i agree it was pretty cool.

This is not about LORE and pointless story archs. This is about why does horde have four to five times the world firsts, pvp dominance, and the list goes on. Something really needs to be done.


You don’t need Blizzard to give you an answer… its pretty blatantly clear.

Racials and big names setting the FOTM.

People will actively follow whatever the FOTM is even though it really only comes into play in the top ~1% of hard core players. Because you have big names basically going on about how superior one side is vs another you have a large group of players who actively follow whatever is deemed “the best”

Past that it just begins to snowball.


That horde snowball is getting pretty old. I think Blizzard should do something about it.

BTW, are there any Alliance greens? I know there are no Alliance blues.


Odd that some horde complain warmode is horrible on their servers, with alliance gank squads.