Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

They are pushing the culpability of the Horde on Sylvanas and Elune for the next expansion.

When did Blizzard writing ever make sense?


I am still waiting for her to explain what makes a purple human and a nelf different

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I have… in several of our discussions. I don’t see the point in having a moral argument with you because we are just not going to agree…

… and all the things you’re trying to call me out on is all that you do yourself. It’s exhausting, and not worth my time or energy to even entertain.

I went into this conversation with maybe the slightest hope that you would exercise the least bit of situational and self awareness, perhaps even empathy, but those are all things you seem to be incapable of. So why do you insist on dragging out a conversation?

… when have you ever asked me that? Never.

The answer is pretty extensive. The most glaring thing is just an entirely different world view. Humans dominate everything they come across. From logging, mining, architecture, it’s all in the service of dominating nature… which they do as a necessity of survival. This is akin to humans irl.

Night Elves do not seek to dominate nature but to live with it in the balance. They have the means to do that with structures made of living wood, and a means of alchemically creating metal so they have no need of invasive mining operations.

That’s not even getting into faith, history, politics, even gender roles…

No, I don’t do those things myself, and I just got done explaining why the behavior is one sided. I don’t generally go around saying people are pathological liars because that takes a very specific mindset to get into, I don’t give vague details about what i’m critiquing by and large I do research and explain why I feel the way I do about a thing. If I behaved in that way I would never even try to talk to people I am almost guaranteed to never have an agreement with like Katiera, but I do because occasionally we touch on a common talking point or even do find something we agree on. Those conversations are genuinely enjoyable, and they would never occur if I just dismissed her as a Blizzard shill like other people do.

All you do is say you have thoroughly explained your point, but not only do I not believe it, I very rarely meet people who do. I want to have empathy, but empathy is not being your punching bag or letting these things side, it’s conversational poison. I don’t know if this even has a remote chance of breaking through the walls of delusion, but on the off chance they do, I feel compelled to keep trying to talk regardless.

But at this point it’s getting disrespectful to Amadis thread, and I would at least like to address his original questions with any further posts.

For me at least, as a Forsaken player, I have no stake in Ashenvale. As far as i’m concerned the Night Elves woodland doesn’t really have any value to the people of Lordaeron. To me what I would like out of the ceasefire is the time to rebuild both the Orc and Defiler holdings in the Arathi Basin. After the Alliance invasion of Trisfal Glades it holds strategic importance as a supply chain to Undercity and a massive source of resources, as well as a buffer against Stromgarde if the war kicks up again.


So how am I one if I don’t do any of that lol

You do not have an objective perspective to make that distinction.

Well, you do actually. You are entirely Alliance bias, you spend almost all of your time on the forums trying to invalidate or illegitimize nelf player complaints and concerns. You are an Anduin fanboy, you claim elves and trolls are one in the same, you claim Elune and The Light is one in the same. You either willfully choose to ignore the cultural divide of the factions, or you have no concept for what a cultural divide even is or looks like.

But my biggest frustration with you (that isn’t related to irl) is you are a Blizzard apologist, constantly defending them for their horrendous story telling, despite just about the entire community disagreeing with you.

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I dont see anything that comes close to purple human stuff you listed

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Of course you wouldn’t lol

sounds like your problem is with blizzard, specially since the stuff I “claim.” Are facts.

Dude, you can barely read.

this is a fact.

this is likely

and this is just a fact too, the alliance and nelves are similar.

Decedents of troll, not literal trolls. Humans are not the same species as the common ancestor we share with great apes. Elves are Elves, Trolls are Trolls.

No it isn’t. And even if it is likely, its not a “fact”

No, they are not… they are just more similar than Nelves and Horde… and some people even argue that.


Ooh, definitely me. I definitely think the NEs would have got along much better with the Horde after WC3 than the Alliance. They just have a lot more in common once you get past the whole “cutting down trees” thing. Which, if the NEs had joined the Horde, they Horde wouldn’t NEED to cut down trees anymore.

I disagree the Night Elves would have “gotten along” with the Horde better… With the whole -Orcs used demonic power to kill Cenarius- thing. And I think the Undead would be a big point of contention there. However, the Alliance is only marginally better, just by the virtue of not being around before hand.

Even if we disagree on that end, it’s true that if the Night Elves didn’t make themselves an enemy of the Horde by joining the Alliance, the orcs would of had less reason to attack them.

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On this I hope they don’t. Giving Undead skins for NE and BE to make them look like Dark Rangers just feels so off as a customization option. That’s more than just a cosmetic skin change. It’d be like making Undead a customization option for Humans.

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I just wonder what they have planned for the undead Night Elves. A customization option would’ve made sense if they stayed in the alliance, but instead they chose to join the Horde and kill their own people, so the possibility for the Night Elf customization option is pretty much dead.

Allied race also seems unlikely, maybe in the pre patch but what factions would they make you farm reputation for to unlock them? Perhaps they will give the forsaken the customization option to be an undead Night Elf?

Undead Night Elf Druids. :upside_down_face:

I agree, but I also don’t think the Forsaken should have been Horde.

The Forsaken, all formally Alliance in life. And with most of the Alliance’s more bigoted elements split off into the Scarlet Crusade, could have joined the Alliance.

This also would have given the Alliance a bit of desperately needed depth and edge.

At this point I’m just kinda hoping for a kind of catch-all undead elf AR that includes Dark Rangers, undead NEs, and the San’layn.

Maybe if they looked like Derek Proudmoore does.

I want red eyes for night elves tbh. I hate the black eyes they look so… off. Like somethings not quite right…

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