Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

There will be a few more eye colours for Night elves in shadowlands I’m sure, but I don’t think the undead (red) version will be part of it, atleast not for the normal Night Elves.

Isn’t that the general idea? Night elves so consumed by vengence that they’ve literally gone psychotic in the eyes? At least that was my take on it.

And if anyone deserves to have red eyes it should be Gul’dan style red eyes for warlocks.

Just sayin’

That’s all fine and good except it looks like the game literally is buggin or glitching and forgot to load their eyes in. Like it doesn’t come off as psychotic and crazy, it comes off like the file for the eyes got deleted or something lmao. Maybe if like actual smoke or something was coming out of them idk, just think it needed something more visual.

I’ll have to take your word for it. I don’t pay enough attention to nelf faces to really notice how scary it looks vs how buggy it looks. I’m sure in the future they’ll get an update, just like DK eyes did.

…though if they were updating eye graphics, would now not have been a good time as any?

Also, I wonder if such an update will come before or after this “Night Warrior” arc is resolved.

Well for one they should’ve started with allowing them to have any skin tone with the black eyes similar to how Blood Elves can have any skin tone with their gold eyes. But that would require giving too much to Night Elves or something so they didn’t do it. The plan was to replace Night Elves with Nightborne but the playable models weren’t well received by Horde players. We’ll see what happens in Shadowlands. :v:t6:

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They did update the normal Nelf eyes I just noticed, I think they look good. They’re like the Belf gold eyes now, only that moon color, instead of just the big LIGHTS coming out. But yeah, the black ones still look bad to me. maybe it’s just my opinion cuz some people like them but they just look bugged out or like a graphical error to me. (I also hate how it’s like this metaphorical BLACK EYES after the night elves got beat by the horde lmao. prolly over thinking it but it seems like a sick joke on the part of the devs)


Yeah, I agree with you. Their black eyes make them look like they’re possessed or something.


They all only focused on reclaiming their land and hunting down Sylvanas. I don’t take than as “been consumed by vengance”.
They actually showed way more restrain that one could have expected intheir situation.


It could be taken as “The Horde has to give up Sylvanas to us by making a peace treaty written in her blood, otherwise FU”

I’m curious if Tyrande’s going to get in her head that the Horde’s actually hiding Sylvanas away from Justice.

That or: “You Horde are once again being given the opportunity to toss all your blame onto a single entity so either take it or accept you were all guilty of supporting yet another genocidal maniac for the who knows how many times now and keep the war going”

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Tyrande has 0% reason to trust the Horde. The last time she did even a little she ceded Azshara (and all its lumber/resources) to them in good faith of no more attacks after Garrosh’s reign ended. She was rewarded with a genocide and debilitating loss of both infrastructure and cultural relics for that leap of faith.

She should expect treachery from them. It is all they have ever shown her.


Yet, as you say, her primary focus is finding Sylvanas and is only willing to sign armistice once she is dead. So after Sylvanas is dealt with, what then? Does she agree to quit fighting now that they have Darkshore back for themselves or does she continue pursuing revenge?

If the later, that will obviously not end well for Tyrande as she would likely be shelved right alongside Daelin Proudmoore in the “Vengeful Villain who met a bad end” category.


Typical Horde attitude. It’s like someone keeps on poking a dog and then yelling that said dog bit them because its rabid and so it needs to be put dowm.

Horde should start owning their issues and accepting that this is all their doing.
Yes, I know most players never asked for it and it sucks. I also know that half NPC Horde wasn’t happy about Sylvanas but the truth is that no matter what it still happened and we all have to live with the consequences of that.
So now to start treating Tyrande like she is some crazy warmonger that only whats to bathe in the blood of her enemies just for the lolz is absurd.


There, fixed some of that for ya. So I guess the point here is… what if the Horde delivers unto the Alliance a peace try literally written in Sylvanas’ blood? Tyrande claimed that’s what she needs to open negotiations.

I don’t see them villain batting Tyrande, or any Alliance character really. I do see Blizzard deciding, based on BfA’s numbers and the structure of the next expansion, to rule out any future faction conflict expansion and focus all future content on faction neutral threats, possibly told from slightly different points of view to justify people playing the same content twice.


I’ve always tried not to attack players and mostly I talk about NPC and factions as a whole but you can’t deny how many Horde players are basically salivating on the idea of Tyrande turning evil and getting the chance to kill her because she is after them.


I can deny it, I do deny it. It has been denied.

Your perspective is not a clear one. Just like you have read into Jorado’s posts

Something completely nonsensical, I expect you have read into a number of other posts something completely absent. The number of Horde players interested in farming Tyrande for the luls is small, I would guess it was even smaller than the number of Alliance players bringing it into unrelated threads.


If they don’t villain bat her then she’ll go nice again and forgiving.

Well…maybe not forgiving but she would certainly give up any quest for revenge beyond Sylvanas.

Mostly because I would like to see Blizzard actually have the stones to villain bat an Alliance character.

Which I don’t think do. Easy enough to smash Horde characters to paste, but Alliance characters? I think even allowing them to get angry gives Ion cold sweats and night terrors.


Yeah, I assume she’ll just turn ‘civil.’ It will be like Genn. All the edge, but no action.

I stand corrected. The number of Horde salivating at the idea of an Alliance character going evil and the number of Alliance players bringing it unnecessarily into an unrelated thread currently stands at 1 to 1.

Still Jorado, did you think the Alliance story was particularly good any of the times this happened? Sure instinctively it’s easy to see the fairness in taking turns, we stepped up as the faction villain twice, that’s two times more than the Alliance. If it should happen again, it should happen to them.

But if the Alliance taking a turn as the villain means I have to take a turn as the frustrated doormat. I mean, it’s not worse, but I’m not sure it’s better.


It’s not like Tyrande should be villain batted for wanting the Horde to answer for its crimes, but the chances are very high that they will force us to kill her because she attacks the Horde in Ashenvale or something.

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The sad part is that no side has to be a villain for conflict to ignite. There are so many different external situations that could potentially bring the need of fight without tossing the blame on a leader for being secretively evil.
Blizzard just finds it easier to pick someone up (mostly horde) and turn them villain. After a while we all get bored of that because it simply makes no sense. Even as an alliance player (I’m alliance because night elves are there) I’ve hated what they’ve done to many of my favorite Horde characters just so they could advance a forced story that ultimately pleases nobody.