Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

No you didn’t.

Yes it did.

What? No its not lol

Sure… but he is not of age like his Father… His father is the true sentiment, who only asks “Why” the boy feels sad.

The Boy has his Mother’s heart… but not his fathers. The Father doesn’t care.

The boy does not represent the current horde, he represent the future Horde.

I should practice self control… but I can’t help but wait for any opportune moment to remind everyone that he “Katfishes” people on Moon Guard and Discord lol

His father is representative of the Old Guard, the orcs who came across from the Black Portal, drank the demon blood, had to conquer their own demons and were deeply scarred by their sins.

The son reflects the Horde as it is becoming. Like Zekhan, there are new inheritors to the Horde.

where? is it?

Perhaps, but that’s not the Horde that needs to prove themselves to me.

This is true. Now is the age of the UwU Horde, like Zekhan, Baine, Tinklady and the vulpera.



Something I said in other threads, but obiviously its not a story blizzard can tell right now, its a shadowlands thing or after shadowlands

The horde said they changed, and they changed there government and stuff good, but now they got to keep going and prove to the alliance they arent the same horde anymore.

I suggest you look up the word “Vergangenheitsbewältigung

I’ll give you a little review. During WWII, both the German people and the German Military were under the belief that what they were doing was Just and Noble and Patriotic. They didn’t see just how far and how fast their nation was going until it was too late. All they knew was that they were at war, fighting for their nation and as such, they followed orders. Period.
Was it right? No. Were they fools? Yes.
But hindsight is 20/20.

Immediately after the war, you’d have a hard time finding anyone who would openly express guilt and remorse for what they were a party to. They still FELT it. They just couldn’t bring themselves to express it. Not yet, anyway. The Shame was just too great.

It took time and a lot of self-evaluation before they could bring themselves to admit to what they’ve done. It wasn’t because they didn’t feel guilty but rather it was because they DID.

This is the reason that Soldiers during war time aren’t prosecuted for warcrimes that they were made to participate in just by virtue of them being a party to it. The exception to this is those who could be shown to commit a warcrime willingly and without reservation (Following a order does NOT count.)


No it isn’t… Soldiers are typically not prosecuted because they are just difficult to prosecute. It is extremely difficult to hold and individual soldier to a specific action in the chaos of battle.

It is difficult and tedious.

Furthermore, if the Horde is mindful enough to rebel against their warchief, then they ought to be mindful enough to express the shame of their deeds.

That’s a logistics issue.

But no, Soldiers are generally not prosecuted “just” for following orders.
If they were, the prisons would be the size of Russia… EACH!

That’s actually not a bad solution. I would be open to this idea.


Delaryn doesn’t represent the whole Night Elf race, though. Same as Sylvanas wanted Delaryn raised to as undead to show hope broken, but Sylvanas failed at that, too, as the rest of the Night Elves weren’t broken and won back Darkshore.

Even Tyrande is questioning the only true deity in Warcraft right now.

Tyrande: Know this. My hunger for vengeance will not be sated so long as Sylvanas Windrunner remains free–and until I know why Elune abandoned her children.

maybe getting enough power for her to be almost as strong as Nathanos wasn’t enough for her :woman_shrugging:

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Inc Shadowlands plot arc where we found out that the real Elune was imprisoned in the Maw and the person giving Tyrande her night warrior powers is the Jailor.

Tyrande does have a point though about Elune. She was able to prevent her favored priestess from being harmed by frickin’ Archimonde of all beings but somehow preventing a bunch of night elf civilians huddled in her temple from burning to death was a big chore.

Something doesn’t add up with that.

Something as in poor blizzard writing but…whatever.

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I can see it being Anduin going to say Elune actually evil and we have to purge Tryrande of the black moon.

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I think they will just kill off Tyrande in a raid or a quest and make Elune Horde or something.

exactly… It is a logistics issue.

Honestly though, she kind of did in Warbringers, at least that was how I felt about it. “You cannot kill hope” was kind of like, the last warcry of the Kaldorei that I wanted to rally behind. Then Elegy just shot that passion in the foot.

Eh I wouldn’t say Elune is evil. She seems very similar to the ancient 3 fold goddess of old timey earth religions. Maiden, mother, and crone are her three faces…one of those faces is less nice than the others.

Horde already has the Earth Mother which is probably Azeroth herself. Elune defines the night elves, you guys should keep her.