Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Elegy and A Good War indeed seem to try to make the Night Elves look as good as possible as if to compensate for the burning of Teldrassil being a decision set in stone by the higher ups.

I am still waiting for my proof they did it with enthusiasm


With the exception of Delaryn’s crisis of faith.

I am still waiting for proof of Horde remorse.

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I did get you though.
Then you repeatedly got yourself, fumbling with the idea of:

Trained to obey orders (minus) laws about genocide = Horde military structure.

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Boy howdy you did… Got me real good.

That incorrect call out, failed backtracking and circular reasoning were real zingers.

I posted two characters, you say thats not enough fine, but then you said they burned the tree with enthusiasm I just want you to point it out to me is all.

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You got it, you just refuse to accept it.

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One of them is dead, the other was vague enough to have nothing to do with Teldrassil.

I need proof of faction-wide expression of guilt and remorse. Show me.

If you had been in the military, you would understand.

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but thats wasnt your arguement, so why did you say that if thats not what you wanted to say? was enthusiasm thing you trying to troll?

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Is this arguing all day fun?


to me it is

They’ve just been moving the goalposts.

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It was my argument… I offered proof as a courtesy, but it wasn’t necessary. The burden of proof is on you.

Traveling Son says: I feel bad that the elves lost their tree.

Traveling Warrior says: Why?

Traveling Son says: You told me that we orcs once lost our home.

Traveling Warrior says: That was long ago.

Traveling Son says: Didn’t it make everyone sad?

Traveling Warrior says: We were… not ourselves. It is difficult to explain, boy.

Traveling Son says: Mother spoke of it sometimes. I… I think it made her cry.

Traveling Son says: I don’t think anyone should lose their home. Not if it makes them feel like that.

Traveling Warrior says: You have your mother’s heart.

Traveling Warrior says: You have your mother’s heart.

So you can see here that the boy feels this way, and the father implies his mother would feel similarly.

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Ah yes… a God of War Reference. Very nice.

So… where is the faction wide expression of guilt and remorse?

No I said the horde feels remorse, you said they didnt I posted proof, then you said they burned the tree with enthusiasm, so I asked for proof and then you linked me a passage that didnt show enthusiasm. So I am sitting here wondering why did you move the argument from the remorse thing.

burning of a world tree is a thor reference does that mean it doesnt count anymore?

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A god of war reference in models and tone, but still reflecting the Horde as the expansion progressed.

I don’t know how you would even get it short of something like this. Do you need a cutscene with the entire horde gnashing their teeth?

Waste of money, innit? BOY conveys the message. He is the salt of the earth. He isn’t a racial leader. He’s just a boy in the Horde.


I want to see this cutscene she saw of the horde cheering when the world tree burned. I think she is confusing the forums to canon.


I mean, I know it.


This is why I don’t read Katiera’s posts.