Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

You are correct. But they can take more damage before dying. That arrow in the eye might not kill them.


This is going to be a productive conversation.

You’re absolutely right. Still canon though.

I didn’t even bring up the player’s race until you did. Just said the Alliance player saves the zone.

Oh, I thought you were talking about what we were discussing. Night Elves and the Horde.

But soloing squads isn’t doing the mainstay of the work, eh?

I’ve read your entire post, but I’m not quoting it to save everyone reading space. I largely agree with your points. An undermanned force using guerilla warfare to sabotage the enemy forces and otherwise harry them instead of facing them front on makes sense – compounded by the fact that it’s what night elf combat seems to be based entirely around.

I also agree that it should’ve been an azerite weapon to burn the World Stump. The sea air is too damp and Teldrassil is too big to catch fire like it did. Nevermind the distance the objects had to travel.

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And it would cause an even stronger player impression for why the Horde and Alliance to go to Zuldazar/Kul Tiras for a fleet, since they player would have gotten to play through the big naval battle where they’re destroyed.

South Seas expac and no big naval battles :cry:

So after over 600 comments… i am guessing Horde players do want Ashenvale?
Otherwise why is this thread still going?

It’s mostly just me being buttmad that it’s okay to take Troll land but not nelf land. Double standards annoy me.

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I think, like most Alliance/Horde arguments, the real issue is that neither side wants to admit to any shred of weakness in front of the other. Or until the other side admits it first. But then, since the other side thinks the same way, everyone just promotes the strengths of their side while waiting for the other side to back down so they can do so too, which never (or rarely) happens, and so the faction chestthumping continues unabated.


No its mostly horde players being mad they lost the war


Nelves are trolls lol


Mostly wanking over assumed power levels at this point. Night elf players both like to say they’ve been shafted and crapped on but also insist they’re an unbeatable race of super saiyans. No real point in arguing.
On the original topic? I don’t want Ashenvale besides the stuff right next to Org.


How is wiping out an enemy race and gaining new land while losing nothing and achieving peace losing a war

If the Horde actually lost we’d see them forced to compensate in any sort for commiting genocide against innocents, starting with returning Ashenvale. Instead they have to do absolutely nothing, not even pretend that they are sorry.

Don’t care who you are, you get hit by a tree, you are in a bad way.

If by productive you mean, you convincing me to agree with you… then no, it wont be. However, I am used to our conversations not being productive.

Still a non argument.

And the Alliance player could be a Night Elf. Its stupid to take that position. And the premise of my entire argument is that Blizzard doesn’t make decisions rooted in anything believable, just as long as it produces content for gameplay. So its a non-argument.

No, just saying such a thing is possible.

Never said that, I just don’t believe its necessary.

You know how long it took me to think of that? Like 5 seconds. Shows you how little thought Blizz puts in their story.

You have repeatedly ignored me saying that its never okay to displace a people from their home. No double standard here.

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I didn’t imply that you were the problem in that particular discussion. The problem with your discussion is that officially canon content is no longer canon if you don’t agree with it.


headcanon sweetie people are tired of hearing it

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Katiera baiting over time.

Never seen someone shill that hard before.

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Which of the things I listed are wrong? You are the one that somehow thinks that the Night Elves managed to achieve the impossible offscreen without any hints or anything

Post proof that the horde own ashenvale

still waiting for that proof sweetie

you are the one without proof that keeps trying to infuriate others

How I am just saying the status of ashenvale is unknown

and once again, I’m saying that if the Night Elves fully reconquered it it’s theirs, if not it’s the Horde’s. And so far we don’t have a single hint of the Night Elves fully reconquering it.

We dont have hints of the horde holding it, so again post proof not headcanon

So like I haven’t played Treng much since I got the horse and wolf mount but I’ve done the table missions (on Dreadmoore) and they do imply that the Alliance won back Ashenvale.

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