Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Lol, that’s never been a thing.

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I think you may be confusing Keepers of the Grove with Malfurion.


Maybe I was, but the point remains the same. He has combined pieces from other animals into his elf form. Bird wings? Check. Bird feet? Check. Moose antlers? Check.


You might have been thinking of him in Frozen Throne. He uses a stag as a mount.

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That’s not him incorporating things into his elven form, that’s just a consequence of druidic power. Druids have no say over such things. Like Broll Bearmantle gaining Amber Eyes in Stormrage.

Edit: Thing is man, I want to agree with you here. I want to say that Night Elves have a means of salvaging their immortality this way. That would be baller.

But I can’t because it’s not true. And you’re just going to have to get used to the fact that the might of the Horde struggled to defeat the Kaldorei, without their armies even present for the fight. And I have only that to hold onto as the only somewhat redeemable aspect of that entire scenario for the Kaldorei.

Taking that away is really taking away the only mildly satisfying win the Kaldorei have had this expansion. The Darkshore Warfront not withstanding because how unextordinary Tyrande’s fight with Nathanos was, and the fact that we were forced to kill one of our own characters, risen as undead.


Ashenvale is ours by right of conquest. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve repeatedly stated Malfurion was a demi god level character who gave us one hell of a time.

We still won the War of Thorns, though.


I’m still -really- disappointed that the civilian issue wasn’t solved by having them… shadowmeld. Disappear into the forest. Sabotage and retreat, surviving not due to the ability to go toe-to-toe with the ENTIRE HORDE ARMY, but because they’re masters of hit-and-run tactics and they are in their element.

I’m too bitter to think of it as a win. As people here have said, the night elves already had two demigods in Malfurion and Tyrande, they had a big home field advantage… and none of it matters. Their 8:1 ratio against the combined Horde army won’t matter either if Blizzard wants a smelly bunch of troggs to overthrow night elf civilization next.


You are way, way too invested in this single race. I haven’t even seen gnome players get this mad about being shafted in the story.

I don’t think she specifically is.

Yeah… its not much, but its something. I still think the Kaldorei have been getting crapped on by Blizzard since WoW released. As soon as it was decided to make them an Alliance race instead of a neutral one, their lore was screwed.

And yet again, Blizzard is also ignorant of the social and cultural implications of their story telling. The progression of the Horde/Kaldorei conflict has been narrowly reminiscent of the displacement of First Nations Peoples in the Americas. Having that to serve as a plot point for their invaders, and have a Blond haired, blue eyed human moralize to them about peace in the wake of that, is seriously problematic.

In addition to that, but the slow disillusion of the established Gender roles in Nelf culture is not just bad world building, but also carries some mildly sexist implications.

I don’t believe Blizzard is racist or sexist, I just think they are stupid and lazy and don’t bother to analyze their work.

My point was you said the Night Elf forces were not split into two fronts, but they factually were.

They clearly needed the Night Elf army and one of the Night Elf leaders to be away from the lands, and they needed Sylvanas to handle the remaining leader, and even with eight to one fighters in the Horde’s favor the Horde almost still lost.

Sylvanas didn’t show up for the Darkshore Warfront, and but Tyrande and the Night Elf army did, so the Night Elves won and the Horde lost.

And last I checked, the Horde still does not have Sylvanas.


Okay well they were not split more than orc or trolls were, so it doesn’t matter. Infact, were I to go do that scenario again, I’d bet we’d see a total of zero (0) black eyed night elves there, just like we did in Razor Hill.

One single race isn’t more powerful than the rest of the Alliance combined. The Horde didn’t come anywhere near almost losing. Did you read the short stories? Horde rogues snuck up on Nelves in their own forest. There was a plan for every Nelf tactic. The only main issues were Malfurion and Tyrande, and it takes one axe boi to deal with Malfurion apparently. Dude’s all offense and no defense. Darkshore warfront is all goblins and undead, and let’s be real- most of the Horde wouldn’t be okay going around blighting everything like you do in that warfront. I’d walk away too.
As it stands now, though, the night elves and Alliance do not have the means to retake Ashenvale by force. But I’d say it’s likely that the Horde gives it back, or most of it, anyhow. Most would like to keep the areas closest to Orgrimmar.

They only needed Malfurion and Tyrande away. The army wasn’t as important.

Malfurion was vital in War of Thorns, but to think he is the only reason why the Horde suffered so much in that conflict is silly.

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"The Horde commander responsible for the fall of Silverwind Refuge marches against Astranaar. Show him the Alliance will not give up Ashenvale so easily. "

"Maestra’s Post controls the pass between Ashenvale and Darkshore. Orux Thrice-Damned is leading an attack to take control of the region. Take him down. "

These are after the War of Thorns. So, the Night Elves and the Alliance already was able to take significant locations in Ashenvale back by force… Even when we take into account the Horde counter-parts to these missions, it proves the ability of the Alliance to contest the zone… by force.


Bruh are you talking about the mission table? The same one that thinks long-dead characters are still alive?

Yep. I am. They’re in the game :grinning:

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And were clearly made by people not paying attention to much of… anything.