Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

No. They needed the entire Horde to defeat Tyrande and Malfurion, and their civilian army.


Who are Night Elves… lol


But not civilians.
Or even mortals.


Yes they are.


Okay. The chosen priestess of Elune, who the goddess channels her power directly into and The First Druid Literally Ever are mortals.


Yep… Just like every other night Elf. They became moral when Nordrassil was damaged in the Third War.

They age, they bleed, they can die. They are just powerful. Arguably, every Druid and Priestess is.


They’re both mortals, they literally mentioned how losing their immortality affected them, are you just ignoring the Battle for Mount Hyjal?

Malfurion is literally called one of the strongest mortals


Treng is just salty cuz orc bois cant zug real good.


I was unaware that Malfurion ever commented on it. I don’t know how a druid of his caliber can die when he can not only heal himself, but transform.

What stops him from transforming into a younger bear? A younger sabrecat?
A younger Malfurion?

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… Why do you assume he has any control over the age of the beast he changes into?


He can literally turn himself into another vertebrate, Akiyass. Also, you know, his power is steeped in life.

And that is evidence that he can alter his own actual age… how?

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I like how this thread completely derailed to who would win between the alliance and the horde

I am just gonna say only one faction is back to back world war champs

The Horde couldn’t even beat the Kaldorei alone without luring their armies away.

Maybe the reason the Horde always has a civil war after starting a fight with the Alliance is because it’s the only way they know they could win something.

Technically… Baine could say he’s never lost a war… Because he has always switched sides.

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He has control over what he transforms himself into.

like the italians, the horde truly represents the axis powers

He can take the form of several animals… However, with all of his forms, and seemingly with ever form any druid has ever taken, those forms seem to be animal reflections of the druid. We have never seen an elder druid take the form of a cub.

Sure, but we have direct and explicit evidence that he doesn’t use that power to artificially extend his life. It’s questionable even if he can, that power seemingly only capable of Wild Gods (With the help of Ardenweld) and a Titan empowered Dragon Aspect.

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Much like what Akiyass mentions, it’s always a reflection of the druid’s appereance, it even takes some features like Tauren horns into account, you can’t justify the existence of something just because it hasn’t been proved impossible, yet. Under that speculative logic, there’s nothing that shows they can alter their age with shapeshift.

Also you literally tried to salvage the ‘‘mortal’’ argument, derailing into a shapeshifting discussion.


You’ve only adopted the Zug… he was born in it.


He has selective control. He sometimes has a deer bottom with an elf top and moose antlers.