Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

You know, except for the first war. And the fourth. And was on the same side as the alliance in the third.
WC2 and Mists? I’ll give you those.
Even after the devastation of the fourth war and losing heroes like Saurfang, Sylvanas, and Gallywix, the Horde looks to be in a tentative position of power right now.

Also, you know, the War of Thorns.

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I said war not battle

So did I.

And after an expansion as bad as BfA, this is what the game needs now most of all.

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For 1k Needles. Yes, I guess. There’s no arguing that they defeated the rogue remnants of the Grimtotem.

Hyjal is a no for me. I’m reasoning this because I felt the defenders of Hyjal was still a vastly a Nelf thing. It’s very reminiscent of WC3 Nelfs with the large concentration of Ancients, Hippogryphs, Dryade, and Droods. The wardens, the Nelfs in green armor and not the Maiev type, were all Nelfs as well. The most memorable thing a tauren did during that storyline was getting turned into a well done steak. I did remember another Tauren druid stationed at Aviana’s shrine, but she was overshadowed by Crow. All in all it was the Nelfs that were leading the assault and manning the defences.

I also felt like the invasion of the Firelands was stepping on the Earthen Ring’s toes as well. An elemental plane invaded by a class that has no elemental affinity. Should have had at least some Shaman in there.


Agreed there.

I wanted to see, at the least, a flame-based shaman grumbling about the audacity and insult of forcing a tree (and all its water) into the realm of fire.

Ah, and what I would have traded to get these themes fighting in Ashenvale against the Horde deforesting invaders instead of only on neutral fronts. I guess that’s one good thing with BfA, and those are words that do not come easily.

Like druids in general, the Hyjal campaign was presented as so neutral and distant from the playable night elves’ faction that it felt as foreign and non-night-elf as, say, questing for the Earthen Ring.

As I and other players have been told multiple times, Ancients aren’t really night elf things and don’t actually care about what happens to the night elves. They’re just night elf aesthetic-aligned and only appear when they can help the Horde, too. (Yes I’m bitter. Zuldazar was beautiful and I want at least some of the Ancients to buddy up even a fraction of how the Loa do.)

So, I suppose that’s my partisan worldview, but hearing the Cenarion Circle’s victories called night elf victories (with ‘and that’s why you should accept getting ambushed by goblin shredders in Ashenvale’ as the perhaps unintended implication) is as rankling as someone saying that the tauren had a lot of victories in Hyjal and Thousand Needles and places, ‘and that’s why the Alliance should have been able to break down the Great Gate and invade Mulgore’. I’d happily trade those distant events which have only a superficial aesthetic connection to ‘my’ faction for some events which I feel is the core of ‘my’ faction. (Though I want to see more tauren victories too. Show off what terrible destruction they are fully capable of when one finally pushes them too far!)

Not the best argument with logos, perhaps, but Blizzard has given me way too much pathos to work with and at this point it’s leaking everywhere.


That’s true, but the last time the state of Ashenvale WAS verified, it was under Horde control.

Until Blizzard DOES state otherwise, I’m going to operate under the assumption that nothing has changed.

We didn’t?

No, that’s boring. And being boring is worse than being bad.

Own your ****up and roll with it!

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I disagree

Alliance cities are all far away from any Horde vs. Alliance border skirmishes. Orgrimmar is on the border of an active border skirmish. You are right that this was to promote Orc and Night Elf hostilities, but we are talking about a scenario in which there is an armistice in place and Night Elves control the entirety of Ashenvale. Would I be okay with that? My answer is not really. I like having at least a little bit of Ashenvale to act as a buffer because I don’t want to have to wave at my Night Elf neighbors anytime I leave through the West Gate. The one in the Valley of Spirits. The place where my beloved Darkspear live.

I’m struggling to understand your point. It’s an indisputable fact that Alliance had more zones than the Horde did in Vanilla. That didn’t have to be the case, but that’s what happened. Ergo, Blizzard was more generous to the Alliance than they were to the Horde in Vanilla.

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Well, there’s Talanji who has Bwonsamdi now I guess, but I’m not sure if we’ll see her fighting in SL


I would be so disappointed if they bench Talanji in Shadowlands, specifically the story around The Other Side. What would even have been the point of Rastakhan’s bargain? But it wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard built something up and then let it go to waste… coughwarchiefvol’jincough


Talanji does represent the Horde’s best death flavored NPC now. Well, Talanji or Nazgrim but I’d prefer the death themed NPC who works for the Horde, and while I’d love to see Nazgrim return to the Horde I don’t see that happening in a Bolvar heavy expansion.

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I’d be happy to see Talanji being involved in anything at this point. Ever since she became queen she’s been involved in pretty much nothing at all, which is disappointing at the very least.


Talanji’s greatest power is a dead tyrannosaurus. bwonsamdi couldn’t help defeat Jaina.

I suppose they could try and continue Vol’jin’s story with the Darkspear troll Heritage armor, (assuming it’s released in SL), but I’d like to see some quest involving him in Ardenweald


The Night Elves actually participated in the Nazmir feint for the Battle or Dazar’alor, where Genn also called for Rastakhan’s surrender, despite both the Night Elf forces and Gilneas already fighting at the Darkshore Warfront.

I want to see Malfurion in Cat Form.

You know the Legion was defeated, right? No more demon blood to power up the Orcs.

It was never verified under Horde control. In the in-game event, the Alliance quests in Ashenvale is after the (probably non-canon) Horde quest, where the Horde left no forces in Astranaar but some rogues that the Alliance clears out. Then the last state of Ashenvale is the fighting in the mission table missions, where Night Elves are defending Astranaar again and holding ground all over Ashenvale and even making their way into Azshara.


The orcs and trolls are also called to Nazmir, so I’m unsure what your point is. Horde forces were mismanaged. Blizzard babied night elves with demi gods. Nothing changes.


Orcs don’t need demon blood to beat night elves, clearly.


Clearly they do. Needed all the allies of the Horde in War of Thorns, just to beat a mostly civilian army.