Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

I love how the horde actually has quests that till the player that the horde is weak right now and theres still people being all like “WE ARE STRONG.”

if your so strong why you lose the war remember you where losing before the rebellion even happened

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In the Alliance questing Nathanos couldn’t land a single hit on Tyrande, and that’s while he was powered by two Val’kyr that looked further empowered by the Jailer, and then Tyrande one-shot one of them.

Just because the event was scripted so the other Val’kyr was not targetable doesn’t make Nathanos or the Val’kyr look like anything at all.

They bring their own trees. Like into the Firelands.

We do not have a statement on Ashenvale’s state currently, so these quotes are not verified statements. The Horde just marched through Ashenvale, and they didn’t even leave an occupation force in Astranaar after leaving it. The latest information we have on Ashenvale is Night Elves and Horde fighting over it in the mission table missions.

Anduin makes this statement when the Army of the Black Moon isn’t there to support him.

Phased was only one option. The other option is Ashenvale is not update at all, and this is just a lore statement, so the flight paths aren’t changed or even phased.


Sylvanas was intentionally sabotaging the orc/troll forces by forcing them to fight on two fronts.

the alliance was fighting on two fronts, thats war for you, if you cant handle multiple fronts you lose

The Alliance was not splitting the night elves to two fronts, or the gilneans to two fronts, or the humans to two fronts, or the dwarves to two fronts.

Doesnt matter its still two fronts would it matter if all the orcs are in the highlands? Now that means the orcs that are there now arent there anymore. And techially they did, the front at kul’tiras and zalandar is mult racial

You can still find some web cached posts from the old forum by searching for them in google. I haven’t always had luck with it though. I hope you can find yours!


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“Have a care, warlock. Remember what happened to your precious Shadow Council. I can crush your skull in an instant, and then where will your destiny lie? And do not think this abomination will save you. I have felled ogres before, even the gronn. I can and will do so again. Your goals are no longer important. Only the Horde matters.”

This is one of my favorite exchanges in Warcraft lore and it cemented Orgrim’s place as my favorite orc hero.

It is also completely nonsensical if we compare it to modern Warcraft lore where Gul’dan would’ve responded by ripping out Orgrim’s soul in close range combat and turning him into dust.

That, I think, is the embodiment of this issue. In old lore mages needed time to cast their big spells and were vulnerable to a powerful warrior who got too close. Now mages have auto shields, instant blinks, and for some reason superhuman physical stats that make them untouchable for even our greatest non-magical warriors.

I love Malfurion. He’s one of my favorite characters. But he also should have been in serious danger fighting Saurfang in close range combat. Like you say, if they wanted him to manhandle Saurfang they should have at least made Malfurion take one of his feral forms to do it.

Same for Sylvanas. Saurfang should’ve been rocking her in melee until she started using her newly acquired superpowers to stop him.

The new lore just has no respect for old soldiers I suppose.



The horde’s forces in Arathi and Darkshore were made weaker because instead of bunkering down and reinforcing one warfront, they diverted those forces to reinforce two. One of which canonically was won via use of two literal and/or exaggerated demi gods.

Dreadmoore they lost both warfronts. if they won one and lost one you’d have a point, but they lost the reforced one too.

Either I’m writing poorly, or you’re reading poorly. You are not understanding the point I’m trying to convey. I have not made any argument in favor of the Horde winning a warfront.

Then you understand that spliting the forces does nothing right? They have to fight on two fronts cause the alliance is pushing them on two fronts


You are fighting a force of 1,000 orcs.
Akiyass is fighting a force of 1,000 tauren.
Akiyass has a total of 1,000 units
you have a total of 1,000 units.
The Tauren have two gods on their side, both of which are capable of and factually do solo squad units.
You and Akiyass have no gods on your side.
You devote 500 of your forces to Akiyass.

Forces Tally:
Orcs: 1,000
Katiera: 500

Tauren: 1,000 & +2 demigods
Akiyass: 1,500

Your forces are outnumbered two to one. Your forces are going to lose.

Akiyass’s forces might’ve actually won handily, but the two demigods are fully capable of – and factually kill multiple squads on their own. Akiyass loses.

That’s what happened.

Once again you’re assuming the remaining night elves could somehow turn the tide all by themselves. You genuinely believe night elves are the stronkest race to ever exist and could take out an army with a small crack squad.
Honestly, whenever orcs have fought night elves, the orcs have ended up on top in the end, starting with Grom vs Cenarius.

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That is not what happened, because the alliance won BOTH fronts




Katiera. The orcs are Katiera. The Dwarves and Humans are the Orcs/Trolls. The undead and goblins are Akiyass. The Tauren and Demigods are Night Elves/Gilneans and Tyrande/Malfurion.

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The horde has orc and trolls in highlands lets say they are 1000 and the alliance has 1000 humans and dwarves

The alliance attacks darkshore with 1000 nelves and worgen, and the horde was defending with 1000 undead and goblins

so highlands is 1000 vs 1000
darkshore is 1000 vs 1000

the horde pulls orc and troll troops to darkshore so now darkshore is 1000 vs 1500

now it doesnt matter cause the alliance won both.
so it doesnt matter that highlands is 1000 vs 500

The Alliance won both because Tyrande runs off on her own soloing orc armies in the scenario.

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Not only that, but neither you and and Akiyass were commanding any troops at all! This is clearly just something he made up!

What are you trying to pull Dreadmoore? Some sort of easy to understand example explaining how the suboptimal placement of resources can turn 1 loss and 1 stalemate into 2 losses?


Yeah the horde cant win a war