Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Keep lying to yourself.


“Sylvanas commands what may be the ONLY army capable of defeating N’zoth. Perhaps we should step aside and let her?
note that includes the army of the black moon.

^This one is largely inconsequential other than showing that Sylvanas’s forces are so plentiful that they have a pretty firm control on the skyline as well.

^“Our forces are few in number. We must make use of the surrounding terrain yada yada”
^“The sentinels are masters of knowing everything, yada yada”
Even with the night elves, who proved to be gods in mortal form in the War of Thorns, they are uncertain of victory against Sylvanas’s forces.

^“This is our one and only chance. We must stop Sylvanas here and now.”
^“Our people are tired and ourn resources are dwindling. We need every weapon and soldier at our disposal if we are to take the city.”

^"We have prepared for this battle as best we can. I pray that we survive what is to come."

^"These warriors have sworn to fight for you. Many lives will be lost.
^“Or, perhaps, just one.”

Okay noted. You agree with the point that Cenarius was not an issue.

As for the other Wild Gods, you also saw that the Night Elves befriended them right? So at worst we’re looking at the two groups of wild gods cancelling eachother out, at best we’re seeing the Night Elves with an advantage that explains their victory.

Lets assume you’re right on that, I withdraw the point.

Right, but that doesn’t matter since we agree he liked the Night Elves more.

Then try and explain your point, and as you do remember we’re discussing Tauren during the 3rd war.

doesnt mean anything, you are alright have the fallacy that those lines means sylvanas will win, All they mean is alot of people will die

He just says its the titans pov, titans pov is canon

I’ve met my burden of proof. I can’t help that you’re going to ignore it.


I am not you are the one ignoring what is actually going on, the rebels and the alliance are betting everything on one final battle, this doesnt mean that sylvanas is gonna win.
anduin was worried about the nelves losing darkshore, they didnt.

and I am not saying sylvanas couldnt have won, just the battle wasnt fought it is dumb to assume cause the battle wasnt fought that she would have won if it was, at that point why is the alliance betting on a siege they might lose

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My point is that the Tauren were never druids before, not at any time until after the third war.

The long war between the Tauren and the Centaurs lasted for many years, and there were not immediately druids available, but Hamul Runentotem was the only Taurean first to ask if he could learn it because he found old writings from a similar past.

So at the time of this genocide of the Tauren, there was exactly one Tauren Druid, not anymore.

And he only came to Malfurion after Cenarius was dead.


And you thought the best way to communicate that was to

Establish that they weren’t druids 10,000 years ago. Nice work.

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I actually don’t agree with that, I just think its irrelevant if he is or not. But like I said, interfering in a conflict half a continent away, on the behalf of a people who failed to uphold the traditions you taught them, is a far cry from interfering in a conflict that is happening on your doorstep between two races who worship you, who are both peaceful and who both have a reverence of nature…

Now this is just getting silly. You are suggesting literal battles fought between Gods without ANY mention of it? Not a single thing to suggest that there was a conflict over mount Hyjal between Troll and Elf… Both races are peaceful, both races worship the Wild Gods, Both races are nature oriented… Come on man, this is getting sad.

Which doesn’t really matter, because there is zero evidence to suggest any conflict took place. Had it, then surely a conflict between Gods would be recorded somewhere, but its not.

No you haven’t.

Akiyass: They never say Sylvanas has a larger army than the Alliance.
Dreadmoore: Provides umpteen links of exactly that, including Valeera saying it verbatim.

Literally didn’t tho.


None if any of that has to do with the Night Elves needing Alliance support to win.

In such a statement it doesn’t matter how dwindled the rest of the Alliance forces are or how strong they are. Their strength has no relevance if the Night Elves can hold their own without them.

So, once again, you have not met the burned of proof, because the references you are making have no relevance to your claim. You are making a bunch of references that aren’t evidence of your claims.


It has all of the relevance because the night elves do stand with the Alliance and they don’t have any appreciable faith in victory.

You place a lot of value on the War of Thorns depiction of Night Elves. There are more Night Elf soldiers with the forces here than were mentioned in Elegy. This suggests that a small night elf force will not be enough to contend with Sylvanas’s forces.

No it doesn’t.

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The Army of the Black Moon did not stand with the Alliance during those statements, do even this claim you are making isn’t true.


I specifically wrote night elf and not army of the black moon, Amadis.

Which specifically makes your statement meaningless if Night Elf forces that won Darkshore back weren’t there.

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So you agree that Cenarius liked the Night Elves, and at the very best was indifferent to the Dark Trolls and quite possibly actively disliked the Dark Trolls. But you don’t think it’s relevant because, there might be some wild gods that weren’t even mentioned who mattered more… somehow.

500 years laid out in a single paragraph. Not being mentioned in Chronicles means nothing.