Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

no where do they say this, they said there was gonna be alot of horde death

Wow. They say it in two separate cutscenes, and in open world text.

No they don’t.

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Bottom line is despite some throw away lines by Alleria/Anduin, the Horde lost both Warfronts, lost their fleet, and one must assume a further portion of their army who stayed loyal and followed Sylvanas abandonment of the Horde.


the cutscene is what I am talking about where saurfang says, theres gonna be alot of death, and thrall is like thats a siege for you. Nothing of this implies losing

Not to mention that, despite outnumbered the Kaldorei’s mostly civilian army 8 to 1 in War of Thorns, they still suffered more casualties.

Fighting the Kaldorei in their own land is not sustainable. Not with Malfurion and Tyrande there. And not when the Army of the Black Moon is made up of Divinly empowered professional warriors…


As an Amani roleplayer… My man!


You missed the point. Chronicles said he grew to like the Night Elves. Which means he either didn’t like them before, or liked them alot less. Before they were Night Elves they were Dark Trolls.

Unlike the Dark Trolls, the Tauren were actually druids, trained by Cenarius and in his service. I find it impossible to believe he didn’t know. And unlike the Night Elves you think he would intercede against to save Dark Trolls. He actually liked Night Elves, his ‘disowned grandchildren’ we do not have any reason to believe he liked.

Since that’s not what he said, I do believe you’ve shown us you speficially can make up this garbage.

Wrong, they use nature magic…but the first mortal druid ever was malfurion.


When do you think Malfurion became a druid? Because the time frame being referred to is the 3rd war.

read chronicles…^^

Chronicles isn’t canon anymore

it is canon…wtf?

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Since you don’t seem to know I’ll tell you. Malfurion started studying druidism more than 10,000 years ago.

Now, since the event being discussed happened during the 3rd war I’ll just ask this question as simply as I can. If Tauren are studying to be druids 20 years ago, does that mean they’re studying after Malfurion?

I didn’t miss the point, I just don’t think the point is relevant. He grew to like them, which means he either didn’t like them, or he was indifferent to them. Cenarius is also not the only Wild God on Hyjal.

Not at this time. Their druidic traditions had been forgotten for a long time, and only returned to their culture when Malfurion agreed to teach Hamuul at the end of the Third War.

Also, the Dark Trolls could have been druids. Druidic traditions are found in Troll culture, so it’s not unlikely given their particular connection to Nature and Hyjal.

I think it possible that Cenarius just stayed to the forests of Northern Kalimdor and didn’t know or care of what was going on beyond it’s boarders.

Again, this is besides the point, because Cenarius is not the only Wild God on Hyjal. And there is a big difference between not interfering in a conflict half a continent away, and not interfering in a conflict happening right where you live.


Go watch the Warcraft QnA for Blizzcon 2019. It’s no longer canon per Steve Danuser. They don’t want to be held accountable for not knowing their own story.

Chronicles is still canon

of course i know it, but you don´t get my point.

literally doesnt know what canon means

it is canon…^^