Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Orcs and trolls were largely deployed to Arathi, Amadis. You know this. A handful of orcs and trolls in the scenario is not comparable to the army that is fielded in Arathi.

How amazing it would be if they actually didn’t leave so many lore holes in BfA, so many discussions based on speculations would be unnecessary then…

Guess the last hope is a book, even though it will probably be a Sylvanas only book and leave every BfA question answered

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who also lost

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I wouldn’t trust any Blizzard book again after BTS.

You’re correct. But the black moon army didn’t defeat them.

No even smaller army did


The nelves and gilneans went off on their lonesome without any support. Does that mean the rest of the Alliance were aiding Arathi? I don’t know. I legitimately don’t remember who you fight in Arathi (besides humans, obviously) because I play Dreadmoore way more than I do Treng.

If they were defeated at Arathi it doesn’t sound like they would be counted as part of the estimations of the forces at Orgrimmar.

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We see Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, undead and Goblins in Darkshore between the cinematic and the Warfront.

That means such races were deployed to the region.

The Night Elves won Darkshore.

Which means those races deployed there lost.

This is not complicated. Your willful disregard of facts because it doesn’t suit your headcanon is not amusing. No one takes you seriously. No one is on your side.

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There was only humans, and dwarves and the humans where split because they where gonna attack dazalore with the Kul’tras soo the army at arathi, fought not just orcs and trolls, but the belves too.


Akiyass I may not like the Alliance, but I do main it. Don’t lie to me.

the scen is a part of the story too, now you are the one who is lying my dude

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The scenario is before the Warfront. The warfront is the actual battle for control of Darkshore. You do not win control of Darkshore in the scenario.

Indeed. You claimed Shandris stated that the Night Elves could not win without the Alliance’s support, yet had nothing to actually prove that claim.


I didn’t lie… watch the cinematic. Just because such races were not represented in the Warfront doesn’t mean they were not there. We have physical evidence to prove that they were.

Other than that the Alliance and Horde were likely to lose against the loyalists and Shandris cautions Tyrande against biting the hand that feeds her?

Scenarios is a part of the same battle too, its the first part of the battle

@Treng: Your willful disregard of facts is not amusing. Just sad.

Without the Army of the Black Moon being there. And also having nothing to do with providing military support to the Night Elves.

Which was about comfort and civilian aid, not military support.

So, no, you have not met the burden of proof for your claim.


There are few people in this world who can make me take sides with Kat. Treng is one of them.