Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

This is a lie. It only fought the undead and goblins.

And none of them were using the Night Warrior model features. I’ve posted screenshots for you on this before already.

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no…the entire horde. you sea them in the cinema . orcs, trolls, bloodelves and tauren.

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Baine Bloodhoof: Though I am honored by your request to join us, I am afraid that I must decline.
Baine Bloodhoof: Meeting the needs of our current allies has stretched the Horde thin. It would be unwise for us to take your people under our wing.

I am not saying the nelves could siege org, but take back ashenvale, they could totally do that. Also numbers dont matter in this game

Not to mention the loyalist ending shows Sylvanas has troops with her still, meaning she took a portion away from the Horde.


They came through the Felwood, and possibly Winterspring. Their occupation on Darkshore gives them no claim to Ashenvale.

Would you care to post the cinematics?

That doesn’t state that the Horde no longer outmans the Alliance. It says they’re stretched thin. They are. They’re dealing with N’zoth.

Anduin and Valeera both confirm that it is wholly unlikely that the Alliance and Saurfang’s rebels can defeat N’zoth without Sylvanas’s forces, who outnumber both of them.


Marry me! /10 chars

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Sylvanas took forces, and the alliance was missing forces, and then in 8.3 we find out its all bull, armies dont mean anything against nzoth

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That wasn’t the black moon army defeating the entire horde, Zahirwrite. That’s before the Warfront was even unlocked.

also in the scen, the nelves fight orcs, trolls and tauren in the death camp

but every horde race was there, so, i profe you my point.


This seems like baseless speculation. That or you’re saying that the Night Elves were able to win Darkshore without even needing their full army.


You do not win Darkshore in the scenario. You win it in the Warfront.

Which only has undead and goblins.

then play the scenario again…:slight_smile: You will see wich armys are there.


literally beat them back lol Tyrande then one shots a whole base of undead, so glad you agree that a small nelf force of the hero and tyrande can defeat a well intreached foe then.

Also the horde lost on all fronts in the war so yeah, they dont sound too strong

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The Warfront takes place after the scenario.

You clear Orc and Troll forces out of Darkshore in the scenario, leaving only Forsaken and Goblins left for the warfront itself proper. It’s all still collectively winning Darkshore back.


And? the armys were still there

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