Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?


Shandris: You spoke harshly to King Anduin, Tyrande. The kaldorei can ill afford to shun the Alliance. They have provided aid and comfort to us in these dark times.
Tyrande: The young king is foolish to trust our enemies. Harsh words should be the least of his fears.
Shandris: The Banshee Queen no longer leads the Horde. Those who do seem more inclined toward peace than war.
Tyrande: If the wolf is rabid, it matters not who rides it. Sooner or later, the beast will bare its fangs.
Shandris: You are dearest to my heart, Tyrande. I beg you, let go of the Black Moon’s rage and embrace the mother’s light once again. I could not bear to lose you to darkness.
Tyrande: Know this. My hunger for vengeance will not be sated so long as Sylvanas Windrunner remains free–and until I know why Elune abandoned her children.
Shandris: Tyrande! Do not say such–
Tyrande: I will tarry no longer in this city of men. Let us leave for the boughs of Nordrassil.
Tyrande: From there we will dispatch the Sentinels to every corner of Azeroth. Let no one rest until the Banshee is found!

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I mean your comment is fair about Golden and the framing of it but I’d also be fine with the use of that criteria and accusing the U.S. of genocide, multiple times over.

[quote=“Etheldald-ragnaros, post:194, topic:417650”]
well, sure then, go ahead, could be

Redacted link

10 characters

Except we don’t know anything about actual populations here Mr. lv10 mage. While also in your example discounts the rest of the entire world of Night Elves from north as Teldrassil to as south as Silithis (RIP Cenarian Hold), to the east as Wetlands to west as Desolace and Feralas. Let alone the number of refugees to Stormwind - Original Teldrassil population other than ‘a lot.’

Which is further why we should ground the conversation and take a step off the petal because we know absolutely nothing. It doesn’t help our discussions and muddies the whole topic about what any side deserves and, how they should get it, and under what circumstances.

“The Horde should get a sliver of Ashenvale just for a little extra border protection for X lore reasons, Y meta reasons, and Z personal reasons”

“You get nothing because you big bad genocider!”

It just does not help.


Still waiting for you to tell me why Horde and Human Player’s $15 is worth more than a Nelf Fan’s $15


And my lvl has something to do with the quality of my statements? I don´t get it.

this you can read in chronicles 3, the majority of the night elf people live in this three areas.

This is a bad analogy because Orgrimmar isn’t just the orc city. It’s the entire Horde’s capital. Your $15 to make your race seem cool is outweighed by the Horde’s collective $15 to seem cool.


its a laughable argument.

“Don’t care got mine.”

That’s all I needed to hear. Good to know that you’re that kind of person. Now I don’t need to concern myself with your opinion.


You provided the argument that my $15 were equal to your $15 (and as such, all orcs $15 are equal to all night elves $15). But Orgrimmar is not only a city of orcs. It is a city of every Horde race, including the recently orphaned Forsaken. So it now becomes a math problem of the night elves $15 versus the $15 of the orcs, mag’har orcs, tauren, forsaken, blood elves, goblins, trolls, (to be fair I’m not going to include pandaren, nightborne, zandalari, highmountain tauren, or vulpera)


What criteria? I have yet to see the legal wording of genocide laid out within Warcraft lore.

If you mean our modern standards of genocide, for example the ones the U.N. uses, then it does fit the criteria. And just because people don’t care doesn’t make them not cases of genocide.

No mention of military support here. Shandris is just referencing bringing their civilians to Stormwind during the War of the Thorns.


nothing to do with the military

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Aid is aid. The Night Elves are severely outmanned. The entire Alliance is, for that matter, as of 8.2.5.

Shouldnt argue with someone who wants stormwind destroyed they dont understand what your trying to say with that.

So is the horde

The Horde is the one outmanning the Alliance as of 8.2.5.

Given that the Night Elf army sent to Silithus was meant to counter Saurfang’s entire Horde army if it hadn’t made its feint, and that said army returned and won Darkshore back specifically without Stormwind’s support, Anduin and Alleria’s statements at Orgrimmar without the Army of the Black Moon being there don’t actually mean anything.


Not true, again you hordies need to do the vulpera quest line,

But there were night elves present, Amadis. A whole lot of them, infact. It almost seemed as though the Army of the Black Moon were not representative of the majority of the night elf race.

I will literally never do it. Would you link me the source for the Horde no longer outnumbering the Alliance?

Without the blackmoon army, and this army alone fought the entire horde army back.

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