Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Problem is that Tyrande switches power levels rapidly. In one moment she can just one shot 50 horde soldiers while in the other moment she’s about to be striked down by Nathanos alone…

I’m sure we will see more of the weak tyrande when it comes to the Night Elves taking away Ashenvale from the Horde.

She played with Nathanos and he retired last, she killed a Val’kyr on the side…um, where was Nathanos more powerful?


She played with Nathanos? It was more vice versa. Nathanos got all he wanted by raising Tyrande’s commanders into mindless slaves of the Horde, and then he left while only losing 1 recreatable Val’kyr.

And in the end, all the powerful “magic” Nathanos used, Tyrande said “ENOUGH”, the magic disappeared and she destroyed a Val’kyr with a single attack and Nathanos was like “Oh fu**” and ran away.


Yes, but Nathanos went to Darkshore with the goal of raising Night Elves into undeath. He achieved that goal and managed to flee. Tyrandes goal was to stop that and well, she didn’t achieve anything. Even the Val’kyr she killed is just recreatable.

And Tyrande’s goal was to win, great that both sides achieved their goals, right :wink:

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Neither did she stop Nathanos, nor did she reclaim her home (which includes Ashenvale.)

She reclaime Darkshore and…maybe Ashenvale…sooooo…what you say? Stop crying here unnecessarily.

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speculations like “maybe Ashenvale” aren’t enough to make me happy when everything else speaks against that speculation.

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it really doesnt there was a whole tread when horde players told you otherwise, but you just screamed and didnt listen

I don’t think we should write off Ele here… Considering how the expansion started, the Night Elf fans are owned at least some explanations.

In truth, we are owed a lot more, but we don’t even have explanations. We are just left to assume things, which is not satisfying in the least. And it’s all because Blizzard doesn’t actually care about Nelf fans, they use the race as a scapegoat for the narrative motivation of none night elves. Throwing us some shiny mounts and nelf themes gear, hoping it would be enough to make us shut up while they continue to ignore us.

“It’s like ordering a pie and finding it has no filling.”


doesnt care, gives the darkshore warfront win, cause it feels right.

Im a bit late to this but just want to throw it in there kinda going forward and in general as a historian and someone who dabbles in genocide studies:

I get that the word of God, Blizzard, had decided to define Teldrassil as a genocide but can we just tone that down a bit as a “got ya!” or “your point is invalid” sort of argument? I highly doubt Golden knows the first thing about genocide, its history, and development as an international crime. Professionals in the field can hardly agree over its use. She for sure has no clue about it other than its great shock value.

It was a singular city that was, while not fully, largely evacuated and threw in a lot of sentimental “these poor people” passages in. Not that it shouldn’t have, its that sort of writing that gets people involved in a narrative, but its far from most things we can consider a genocide by our own standards. Atrocity sure, but lets keep this a bit more grounded and thought through.

If we want to use Teldrassil as a standard, I got some poor news about U.S foreign policy over the past 80 years folks, and I can guarantee most of you don’t care about it in the slightest.


I think the Forsaken would also be happy to have the contested territories in Lordaeron for themselves again, because they don’t have any uncontested territory anymore.

It as an entire Land. Teldrassil is an entire land plus the dead in Darkshore and Ashenvale.

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Yay, we get a off-screen win after the genocide of the night elves was the catalyst for an entire story that barely involved night elf characters.

I agree both the Night Elves and the Forsaken were treated badly this expansion. But at least the Forsaken didn’t get geocided. Though, their culture goes out the window with Sylvanas… so… that sucks.

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its not off screen, you can do the warfront and win in game

Largely uninhabited. The primary center is the city with what? A town and training ground. It still doesn’t fit criteria


Yeah okay. The warfront was built to represent the ebb and flow of the battle. We didn’t receive any in-game notion of a Darkshore victory, AND Ashenvale remains completely obscure.

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it fit criteria.It’s up to par: Because! All living night elves in Ashenvale and the Darkshore, which are by far the most densely populated areas besides Teldrassil, are also there. Besides, the night elves have never been so many, so if you kill from a race where there are only 1000…900, it remains genocidal, even if there are only 1000 in absolute numbers. That’s something you, as a historian, should know.