Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Nice headcanon baine is nothing but a big baller please don’t headcanon cause you don’t like a character it’s unbecoming

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Azsharas Treaty? I don´t know…page 94 after the night elf empire map.


This was part of their terms of surrender during the war between the Troll Empire and the Kaldorei Empire. I can cite the page when I get home. But it is marked as the main reason why trolls hate elves so much. They have a legal claim to land they view as rightfully theirs, sanctioned by the Zandalari.

nvm, he cited it for me.


Lorash was a hateful punk who wanted bloodshed, and said those people aren’t the target but he isn’t against killing him. That’s going against the orders he was given to kill his targets. And later on, in Darkshore, you’re literally given a quest to help Night Elves evacuate.

Did you do the scenario? He even admits he messed up. Kiro handled those problems quickly and easily.

it wasn´t a war, small battles, but nothing more,

“Small, sporadic battles ignited between the two sides”


Sylvanas became Warchief and wanted a war so she could get as many people killed as possible. No gesture of good will would have stopped her.

Yes, but another meta reason to factor into this is that the Night Elves won’t breathe down Orgrimmar’s neck if left alone. Malfurion even says the Night Elves won’t dream of attacking Horde members’ homes. Even now Tyrande isn’t attacking the Horde, and, like everyone else, just focusing on Sylvanas.

Once again, leveling questing has no relevance to this discussion. The leveling questing will remain, be the zones unchanged for gameplay, or preserved with phasing like Darkshore leveling content.

Scroll up a bit until you see a map I posted. Trolls never made it to Ashenvale, so it was never Troll land.

Flight paths will remain unchanged or preserved with phasing.

You mean a war Sylvanas started.

No they didn’t. Sylvanas celebrates the Horde player attacking the Alliance in Legion.

The Zandalari actually make several attacks on Kul’Tiras and are in support of the Horde’s war before the Battle of Dazar’alor.

Ashenvale was not taken by the Horde. They marched through it, but didn’t even leave any occupation forces at Astranaar when they left. The latest information we have had on Ashenvale was the Night Elves and the Horde fighting over it in the mission table missions. We have not had an update on it since.

Zoram’gar was described as so unused that it fell to ruins in A Good War.

    Saurfang ordered the army to set up a brief staging ground on the open shores near the ruins of Zoram’gar Outpost.

I found it by looking up the Zandalari empire page.

The ZANDALARI Trolls only gave up their claims to Azshara, save for some mountains they were permitted to keep. The Amani did not. None of them gave anything up to the humans in this agreement.

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I did he messed up about inviting the vulpera not about the military situation lol the whole quest is that he thinks the vulpera would drain horde resources

Amani don’t fight nelves this is about ashenvale

The Zandalari speak on the behalf of all Troll Tribes. the Tribes that went against the word of the Zandalari would be traitors… Which, to be fair, is not uncommon among the troll empire.


If you’d read what I’d typed, I’m using the trolls as a benchmark for when it’s okay to take a land from a race who originated therein.

Blood elves took troll land.
Humans took troll land.

It is celebrated as correct.

What makes it correct?

“Ultimately, the queen struck an accord with the zandalar tribe, which held immesne influence over all other trolls. IN exchange for ending troll incursions into night elf territory, the Zandalari would be allowed - by Azsharas grace- to keep the saced Zandalar Mountains south of the Well of Eternity”

in other words, the zandalari selled all other tribes out and keep them in line on the termes of this treaty.

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It is never okay to displace people from their home.


It’s a weak defense against nelves who are the trolls that’s owned ashenvale

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As the successor of the Highborne, this also happened under the law of this treaty, humans are a different matter, but elves have a special position when it comes to Trollland. With the exception of Zandalar.

And to prove to you once and for all that the Zandalari and the trolls swallowed it all.

“With the trolls not longer a threat, Azshara continuid expanding her dominion.”

page 94. So, i would call it clearly…the trolls

were sold by the Zandalari, and had to put up with everything from then on, after which there was never again a fight between the great Empire and the trolls.

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It’s just the same. The Horde are just the humans who are taking what would be the troll land in ashenvale.

But they aren’t successors to the Highborne. The Blood Elves specifically revolted against Azshara’s empire, to whom the agreement was sworn.

You wanted to make this akin to lawyerism. Well, this is lawyerism.

Humans didn’t take troll land they helped the belves take it

Wrong, they are descendants, and therefore rightful heirs, whether they stood against Azshara or not, the contract was between Night Elf Empire and Zandalar(troll) Empires!

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About the zandalari thing:

Horde: commits unspeakable and unforgivable atrocities against the Alliance and nature itself, knowing that the Alliance would have to strike back

Zandalari trolls: still join the Horde on their genocidal campaign and set fire to stormwind, home to many refugees

Zandalari trolls: are getting attacked by the alliance

Zandalari trolls: surprised pikachu face


Humans took Arathi, which was Troll Land.

But they aren’t. They rebelled against Azshara’s empire. You can’t be heirs to an empire you rebel against.