Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Zoram’gar remained manned?

The Horde literally just offered peace while in a position of power. Like, currently. Teldrassil was not meant to have civilian casualties, but Sylvanas decided otherwise. There was even a Horde quest during the War of the Thorns solely about evacuating Night Elf civilians because innocents were not the target. Brennadam is some weirdness that Horde players never even see. And it’s never alluded to.

Well, Ashenvale is currently not Kaldorei land unless the Horde decides to give it back, which seems likely.

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Not by orcs the border fort on barrens was manned by nelves

Someone didn’t read the quests while unlocking vulpera lol

Zoram’gar isn’t a barrens border fort. It borders the sea. It’s where we launched from in order to attack Darkshore during the War of Thorns.

It wasn’t man either read a good war

Horde players literally never even go near Brennadam and it’s never talked about once. What are you on about?

“We’ll anchor ourselves on the coastline to the south.” Saurfang tapped on a location not far away. Zoram’gar Outpost. The Horde hadn’t used it much since Hellscream had been deposed.

Ashenvale is Kaldorei land regardless.


IF you read the quest text you realize that the horde can barely fight naga

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Are you sure you want to make the legal argument here?

Because from that point of view the Night Elves have and had every right to take any land except Zandalari, and that was signed by the Zandalari.

You know what that means, don’t you? There’s a treaty here, a contract that brought about conditions for both parties.

Regardless of how that treaty came about, it existed, and that’s what Sylvanas was trying to force on the Alliance, presumably, a treaty entirely in favor of the Horde.

In other words: ALL LANDRIGHTS, with the exception of Zandalar, were transferred from the trolls to the elves by contract.

And with that…the trolls no longer had any claim to anything except Zandalar.


Conquered land is no longer your land. That is how conquest works. Unless you want to admit 90% of land is troll land.

What? The Horde can fight naga just fine. Baine was being a punk about sending people to Zandalar to help due to resources stretched thin at home. It can absolutely still fight, the dude was just putting off ‘small’ problems and learning those are important too was part of the questline.

It shows how inept he is at ruling more than anything about the Horde’s strength.
Unless you want to say the Vulpera somehow match the rest of the Horde military in might.

Yeah it was abandoned thanks for proving my point

Your source being… what?

Much =/= not at all.

I want you to go to your nearest Indian Reservation and ask them how they feel about this issue.


Nope, after MoP it went to the Night elves, fully. Then after BfA it went to the Horde, fully.

When I checked, you had the option to kill civilians in Astranaar and if you did it, you were cheered for. On the alliance side, all civilians were dead in that town, so the target was indeed civilians. The same thing happened in Cataclysm. Fly to Ashenvale and check out the corpses lying around in Silverwind refuge.

Also I’m not entirely sure here, but I thought those civilians that the horde left alive in Darkshore were also killed later?


How is it conquered if Sylvanas pulled back the troops in 8.2.5


Chronicle part 1.

In this contract the Zandalari pledged to waive all claims and even to keep the other troll tribes in check, in return they were allowed to keep Zandalar.


What is the name of this contract so I can search it up?