Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

we don’t know what kind of power she could have got, so yeah,it was potencially dangerous for the world the same way it was for genn to attack.
makes me wonder why sylvanas didn’t let the world be killed by the legion if she simply wanted more death :thinking: plothole?.

And yet it still happened. the horde did it, sylvanas didn’t do it alone.

Depends, if the alliance is simply wanting justice then the horde should show good faith and maybe deliver the officers and soldiers who participated.
because otherwise, i don’t feel like the horde is justified to… anything else.
The alliance is already willing to show that good faith in the name of peace, can the horde do the same?.


It’s funny cause she could have killed him too but just lets him walk away as she stands there dumb founded that her plan failed.

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Well I guess undead can’t claim lorderan cause they they turned into undead


You subscribe to BOY’s mindset. Okay.

But the night elves lost their home and Tyrande’s next announced home was not Ashenvale.

It was Nordrassil.

We know she has infinite Valkyr now. That was stated at Blizzcon.

Thanks, Genn.

Are you kidding? He had just given her the golden ticket. She let him go on purpose.

Nordrassil has Night Elves living there, yes.

So did Ashenvale.

Ashenvale is Kaldorei land.


Oh to start a genocidal war where the end result would be both factions dead?

4-D chess, etcetera

And Tyrande stated they would return to Nordrassil.

Not Ashenvale.

I’m sorry, I don’t understand which part of my post you’re specifically replying to?

Isn’t obvious the Sylvanas part

Whenever it comes down to evaluating elf vs troll land rights, the in-game lore is surface level facts of convenience that alter to fit the needs of the story at a given moment, like all Blizzard games.
So, let’s go directly to the needs of the story.

Elf land rights (particularly night elves) are intended to be highly moral and unquestionably proper because elves are (second to humans) the playable species the game most intends for the audience to empathize with, being simply ‘humans, but fancier + X’ where X is arcane decadence, arcane decadence+, pretty nature, spookyness, etc. Accordingly they are presented sympathetically and their crimes (if any) are downplayed or presented as justifiable folly, their evil masterminds are treated as outliers and isolated problems rather than fundamental flaws within their very existence, etc.
So when elf lands are threatened, we can expect it to be presented as a Bad Thing happening to Sympathetic People, and the game’s facts will be arranged thusly.

Troll land rights, by contrast, are treated as dubious expired and irrelevant because trolls have spent most of WoW’s history as a fictionalized stand-in for every single colonial slur on indigenous peoples first and foremost and as a single and unpopular playable species second. In step with these stereotypes they have been presented as deliberately and fundamentally backwards degenerates whose problems are of their own making and who deserved every single lump they took. Even BFA’s second perspective on playable trolls fits right in with this portrayal of them as a fallen people whose problems are self-inflicted, who need to learn to be satisfied with what they’ve been reduced to.
So when troll lands have been taken, we can expect this to be presented as something that happened ages ago and that they need to get over it and also it was at least 50% if not 100% their own fault.

In conclusion, vengeance for Zul’jin.

tl;dr: even if the game’s facts would seem to inspire a level of equivalence between troll and elf land loss, the game’s story won’t acknowledge it because trolls are intended to be largely unsympathetic racist stereotypes who had it comin’ and elves are intended to be sympathetic quasi-inserts for the players. Taking elf land will always be presented as a new and unjustifiable crime; taking troll land will always be presented as something that happened ages ago and was either morally grey…ish or incredibly heroic and cool.


Oh, yeah, Sylvanas wants everyone to be dead. That’s not new news.

…. Yet both places are Kaldorei land.


That would have led to a campaign of extermination as every single Horde race fought for survival against the Alliance they trusted to help stop their Warchief.

And with that in mind, is it stupid for the Horde to allow the Alliance to exist right now? Considering Anduin said those who went to Orgrimmar’s gates are the last of his men, and Sylvanas was poised to win, and there was no bloodshed… The Horde should be the dominant military force on the planet in this moment. And likewise, when they have the power and position to dismantle the Alliance, they offer a hand instead.

We don’t even know who the main people in charge were except like, Lorash and Saurfang and they’re both dead. And Saurfang more than made up for his role in everything. You’d need to find out who assisted with the catapults and spreading the fire to Teldrassil. The rest of the Horde there are guilty of nothing other than participating in war. They just happened to win, and made a point of letting civilians go unharmed. There was even a quest about it.

At this point, both sides are clearly tired of war. Only some of the night elves are still chomping at the bit.

The elves are trolls specially nelves

Well one is definitely dubbed by Blizzard this patch as Kaldorei land, yes.

When the Horde has the power and ability to try to exterminate the Alliance (soldiers and civilians alike), they do so. Most recent examples: Teldrassil & Brennadam

It will be a matter of time until another alliance race gets wiped out.


They have both been Kaldorei land since there has been lore about them.


Ashenvale has been contested land since the Year of Our Lord 2,004.


Yeah… the Horde is invading land that is not theirs…


Nope in mop the horde pulled out as a part of the treaty read the books

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