Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?


i am not pretending that the alliance didn’t killed civillians,those civillians died by either colateral damage or simply the dwarfs ignoring orders.

jaina specially ordered her troops to try to avoid civilians casualties.
Not like some warchief that i know.

lets say that you are correct and genn started it (ignoring of course arathi).

Do i need to remember you who attacked his city and killed his son? .

why do i have the feeling that i am going to be insulted by very angry horde players?.

Ashenvale was not taken by anyone else, therefore your comparison does not apply.


There’s a high chance of that. But the server needs more team blue in it.

It’s not a strawman I’m filling in the important detail you chose to leave out.

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So Jaina was Saurfang.

Do I need to tell you that he was party to an armistice where his personal grievances were put to the wayside for the benefit of the entire planet?

It does apply. Land was taken from Trolls, who owned it by right of being there first, of being an empire. Everything the night elves can claim. If the Troll’s land can be taken, so too can night elves.

We just need to decipher what makes it appropriate to do so.

It’s 100% a Strawman. I never defended Sylvanas’s dumb action. I stated the fact that Genn started the war by attacking the Warchief during an armistice.


This was never used as justification to begin with. It was mentioned as a thought in Saurfang’s head. Nothing more.

Zandalari didn’t provoke anyone and were minding their own damn business after Talanji escaped Stormwind. Did you play the Horde story? Zandalar didn’t really want anything to do with the war. They were too busy dealing with an Old God threat and a traitor on their island to be bothered with anything else. They see the Alliance attack as entirely unprovoked. Quit with your self-righteous attitude.

Cata was active war. Peace was achieved after Mists. Genn immediately broke it.

Genn had ZERO idea what Sylvanas was up to. He literally went and attacked her because he was mad and he could, and damn the consequences. It was a straight up act of war.

Ashenvale was taken by the Horde. It’s Horde land now. Does imperial ownership still apply? The Horde giving back Ashenvale would be an act of kindness and a gesture of goodwill and you’d still complain about it.


Ashenvale never belonged to the trolls

Ashenvale was not conquered by the Kaldorei. It’s always been theirs.


Not anymore it isn’t.


11“The boy in Stormwind will not start a war tomorrow,” Saurfang said.Her eyebrows lowered. “With Genn Greymane in his ear? We will see.”That was a concern, Saurfang had to concede. In the thick of the fighting against the Burning Legion, Greymane had launched a mission to kill Sylvanas. It had gotten some of Stormwind’s few remaining airships destroyed.There were whispers that Greymane had ordered the attack without Anduin’s permission, but as far as Saurfang knew, Greymane had not been punished. The implications of that were troubling, and every possible explanation led to same conclusion: the old worgen would always drive the Alliance toward war against the Horde.

Ghostlands/Eversong and Arathi did. Both were taken. They are no longer considered Troll Land despite the Trolls being there before anyone.

well, sure then, go ahead, could be fun.

just saying that alliance leaders (you know, the highest ranks) did their best to avoid it. not like sylvanas. your ex-warchief.

and doing so he potentially saved us all from sylvanas getting infinite valkyr.
he did the right thing.

it seems like you didn’t played the alliance side either.
lets not forget that zul who acted as rasthakan emisarry was provoking both factions in both cata and mop.

Then we see them attacking kultiras at the start of the 8.1 war campaign.
they also secured the abyssal scepter stolen from kultiras in rasthakan vaults.
Even going a little more further sylvanas says at the start of the 8.1 that they secured the fleet for the horde, all of this happened before the raid.

Look, i wish the alliance has made more “morally gray” stuff but sadly, it is overshadowed by teldrassil genocide. everything we do feels… extremely justificable.


That’s why I said Jaina was Saurfang and not Sylvanas.

You’re telling me Sylvanas with more Valkyr is more damaging than having all souls damned to the Maw in the Shadowlands?

Yes, I know what you are getting at. But Quel’thalas is troll land. Ashenvale is Kaldorei land.

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Sylvanas was working towards that, and a few tens of thousands already suffered the fate of never ending torture in the maw because Sylvanas was alive and free. If Genn killed her, all of that could’ve been prevented, but now we have all these innocents stuck in the maw forever because Sylvanas wasn’t getting stopped sooner.


Teldrassil was not something most of the Horde wanted anything to do with. It wasn’t the plan. The plan was to capture it, keep civilians unharmed, and use it to negotiate a favorable treaty. Nobody but Sylvanas knew that it was going to be burned, and that she planned to do that all along to feed the Jailer. If you try and use it as justification for literally everything from now on, the Horde would find themselves justified in wiping out the remaining Kaldorei just to secure some kind of peace. Even Shandris knows this is not a good hill to die on, when both sides would like to just bring Sylvanas to justice.

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Quel’thalas is currently owned by blood elves. They do not care about the Troll claims to their land.

When is it okay not to care about the Night Elves’ claims to Ashenvale, based on the fact that we’ve already seen that it’s okay to ignore first dib land rights?

So why didn’t he kill her? He didn’t even finish the job. He just wanted to rub her nose in failure – which allowed her to start a war and damn all of Teldrassil and all souls who die after.

Genn is entirely at fault.


You can blame Genn for not killing Sylvanas.

You can also blame Varian for not dismantling the Horde after MoP when he had the chance, so many lives could’ve been spared.


Maybe. Varian had reason to believe the Horde might not be dumb. Genn had no reason at all in any universe or any timeline to expect anything other than for the city killer to retaliate.

Taking away someone’s home from them is never okay.