Horde PC Shame Tally (BfA)

Indeed; views are subjective.

The Horde has every reason to see Orgrim Doomhammer as a hero because he’s responsible for slaughtering the Shadow Council to the point where it was only Gul’dan, Cho’gall and a couple lesser warlocks and that unlike his predecessor Blackhand he genuinely sought to make a better future for his people, in addition to leading the orcs alongside Grom and Thrall to free their people from the internment camps, unfortunately dying at Hammerfall.

The Alliance and the Red Dragonflight has every reason to see him as a villain because he was the one that led the Old Horde in it’s rampage during the Second War and during the First, he helped marshal Blackhand’s forces against the Kingdom of Stormwind. He permitted the enslavement of the Red Dragonflight, the Death Knights, etc. Also, if he had won, Humanity bar Alterac and perhaps Dalaran would have gone extinct, as would anyone else that had opposed the Old Horde. (The Old Horde could conceivably destroy all of the nations if given the chance, but i do not believe Orgrim would betray Aiden and turn right around to destroy him, and i don’t think the wizards of Dalaran could just snap their fingers and turn Dalaran into a floating city like it is now instantaneously. Stromgarde were able to hold off the entire Horde for a while by their lonesome, but they wouldn’t be able to last forever.)

Thrall is certainly a hero to the New Horde, they’ve not a reason to see him as a villain. And though he is not a perfect man by any stretch and he certainly was not a perfect Warchief, he has done objectively more good than harm and the harm that he has caused has not been world-ending, while the good that he has caused has often helped saved it more than once.

While i don’t think the Alliance would view him as a villain on the level of say, Garrosh Hellscream or Sylvanas Windrunner, they do have their own reasons to dislike the man nonetheless: He refused to publicly reprimand a group of orcs that had savagely attacked and skinned a group of Kaldorei sentinels because he lacked concrete proof and it would also hurt orcish morale, not bothering to apologize for the theft of their goods, the murders or how they were performed. While Thrall can not be blamed for Garrosh’s crimes; as he can not see the future he had no way of knowing the atrocities Hellscream would commit, he was still the orc who placed Garrosh as Warchief despite the protests of everyone involved, including Garrosh. He also failed to completely stop slavery amongst the orcs, despite his attempts to do so.

(apologies for necro)


Alright, time to fulfill this.

I guess Aethas forgiving Jaina counts as another example of shaming? I mean, the Horde PC participates in trying to save people during the Purge.

Edit: Just noticed this thread said BfA. Whoops.


It really annoys me that they added Aethas as one of the randoms that visits the Trading Post. I’ve seen his dialogue pop up a couple of times when going through Orgrimmar and it still never fails to bring down my mood when I see it.


Boosting. Any more examples? Maybe the buff in Bel’ameth?

What buff is this? I haven’t played through the new content yet.

There is a whole questline in Waking Shores where a drakonid helps out an old orc who spends the whole time wallowing in guilt about his past actions re dragons. That isn’t really connected to the events of BfA, though.

It’s a PTR buff.


When in Bel’ameth, horde players get a buff saying that the sentinels are watching them


I wonder if there’s any special interaction if a Horde player tries to place a campfire in Bel’ameth? I hope so - that sounds hilarious.


It kind of would be hilarious. Like an Ancient or dryad hurries over, admonishes the horde player and quickly puts it out. :stuck_out_tongue:


Go full elephant-style - the camera starts shaking as a giant Ancient thunders over, stomps on the fire (maybe knocking back the player if they’re too close?), gives the player a pointed stare and leaves.


I feel if a Horde player tries to start a campfire, the interaction should be to physically kick them all the way off Amirdrassil. Like, the whole way. With fall damage and everything.

It would be very good.

For the immersion.

Not because I want this to happen to me.


That old Dragonmaw story was pretty good tho.
I feel like it was a rare case of a story that explored an Orc’s villainous past, but in a way that wasn’t trying to shame them.
if I remember right, most Horde players thoroughly enjoyed it.

Side note, tho, if we want to try and find more tallies, there is some dialogue that sticks out.
Voss has dialogue for Horde PCs stressing that “Not everyone agreed with Sylvanas”.
Which is funny considering how Voss was present in BfA following Sylvanas’ orders.
She also accuses the PC of being a cop.

And we also have dialogue between Voss and Lor’themar where he says “The Forsaken have a lot to make up for.”
Which, again, comes off as funny since Lor’themar also aided in the war effort until Baine happened.


Now I’m imagining a bunch of ancients setting up goalposts off the coast of Amirdrassil and them having a horde punting contest to see who gets the farthest punt :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve read conversations with Vets from various wars who had to deal with this kind of double think mindset.

Technically, US soldiers are expected to not follow orders that are immoral, however, soldiers are also taught that following orders is moral. In the past the strong willed were even beaten if they didn’t follow orders, all off book of course wouldn’t want a record of that.

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transmogs torch as off hand. Dual wields torches.

I just want to watch the world burn.


If they’d let me be a shaman I could help with that.


Today we unleash our secret weapon!

Boomkin lazer attacks!


N’Zoth tried to shame tally me once, he said, “Your crimes are terrible… numberless.” Then he became my #1 fan.


Oh good, we need a good secret weapon.

… um… Karestae… those aren’t a secret. Everyone knows about those.


Aww, I guess I’ll have to use my super secret move than! The Boomkin chicken dance! :stuck_out_tongue: