I never felt shame for anything we did on my horde characters. Then again, I like being an antagonist and always root for the “bad guys”.
I honestly wish Horde was the evil faction. I would have remained horde.
I never felt shame for anything we did on my horde characters. Then again, I like being an antagonist and always root for the “bad guys”.
I honestly wish Horde was the evil faction. I would have remained horde.
I think the purpose of this thread is to detail the moments in the supposedly “neutral and objective” lore that outright exist to shame us Horde Players for Blizzard’s narrative choices. Not so much whether we felt any shame.
Sort of like that moment in GoT - whether Cersei feels any shame for her actions or she is defiant as she is paraded through the city- the woman is still ringing that bell and saying shame.
I guess the difference is being shamed by the narrative as opposed to feeling shamed by it.
I totally understand why someone who wants to play a villain would play Alliance. The Alliance truly does have the more fun Villain fantasy. There is no shame in their game.
The Alliance burns down a Tauren settlement… and Baine says it is totally legit and exiles anyone who wants revenge.
If only Tyrande had Baine’s attitude and just said:
“Whelp, Teldrassil had training dummies, so it was totally legit to burn it with everyone inside! And anyone who wants to fight about it can get the steppin’!”
The Alliance can burn population centers and the Horde blames themselves.
Then you have Ethnic Cleanser Jaina being welcomed into Org.
At least on the Alliance, you can be villainous and the narrative is cool with it. Down right cheers you on.