Horde overreacted. Blizzard changes killed the AV premade

Do alliance really think balance means you must be allowed to win 50% of your matches?

Roflmao that delusion explains a lot of the posts here.

We’ll do you guys ‘change AV for us’ one better. Lets switch sides entirely. No other changes. Then we can put the ‘who has the map advantage’ debate to bed.

Spoiler - Ally win rate will still be ~1%

I suspect that lots of Alliance players were riding the Discord pre-made train, including many of the high rankers. Easier to be carried in a 40-player AV than in a 10-man WSG.

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I’ll probably be the first idiot that runs to frostwolf wondering where everyone is.


You laugh, but add nothing to the discussion.

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That is what happened.

Cool, just making sure it was zug-zugs being zug-zugs. Looks like it is.


Alliance need 40 man voice-coordinated premades against Horde pugs to even have a chance of winning.

Source: Alliance players in this thread

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Ah, now you’re ignoring context. Nice. Yep, the map’s current iteration is horde-sided. That’s why I exclusively play WSG for battlegrounds. That’s also why the Alliance meta is finally shifting - people are starting to realize this.

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r14 was always an endurance test. The AV pre-mades in Classic turned it more into a participation contest. But Blizz devs surprisingly made the changes to AV before the first batch of players hit r14 so it’s back to being an endurance test. Skill of course can make all the difference between the players going for the #1 spot.

Never was an endurance test. Just easy hph.

The meta is shifting because the 6-7 minute, pally pull wins in AV aren’t happening as much (if at all) anymore.

…Because the map is horde sided and Alliance can no longer utilize organization to overcome this. WSG, on the other hand, is truly symmetrical design. Skill does trump map design there.


Been there, done that. r14 was an endurance test.

That was covered by fixing the error in blizzards settings. Everything else on the list of changes was what I was asking about if you were paying attention, you obviously weren’t.

At the end of the day. I know that horde queue times are only going to go up when AB comes out, and that makes me happy.

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In the beginning horde rushed as well. Both sides ended with decent honor (horde usually had way more honor even on a loss). Then horde just started farming allies at our tunnel grave yards while being able to avoid the same thing with their open graveyard. Horde would always force a turtle stop people started premades.

You have an incorrect idea of the queuing rate of players given cross-realm BGs. That wait would have been 3 minutes max. I know this because that’s how long we typically had to wait before new games started to pop, to signal a new queue attempt. (New games pop when the dropped games fill).

Yeah that’s what I said.

id bet any amount of gold you have not one example of proof of an alliance admitting that the change was made for any other reason than the Horde QQ