Horde overreacted. Blizzard changes killed the AV premade

…when the good ol’ days were really good ol’ days…

On now wait a damned minute!

Why does it get a bouncy castle?

Nope I knew horde ques would suck, so I chose alliance for the sweet ques.

Why would a 3 cap in WSG be guaranteed?

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no timer in WSG one side has to 3 cap

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Which means premade vs premade will be a turtle until one side AFKs out. That side will get zero bonus honor, meaning they wasted 15-30 minutes, not including queue times. AV is still better honor even if you lose.

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You’re really close.

Before the new Honor DR changes, I would’ve agreed with you. And yes, as Horde we are getting 1 hour+ qeues. We are also winning every single game, farming honor off HKs like crazy and walking out of AVs with 6-7k honor per game. Since we are all in the same faction, it doesn’t matter if alliance gets their honor in WSG, we still get our daily points and meet our weekly quotas to continue ranking up.

The fact of the matter is Horde players weren’t enjoying 30-40 minute qeues that ended in a 6 minute loss. I’m sure Alliance, with their instaqeue were having the time of their lives. Now your premades have moved on to WSG. Have fun there. Horde continue to play AV, enjoying ourselves a lot more than we did before, and getting our points.

And for everyone who believes we got screwed because we ended up with an extra 30 mins of qeue, well, more time to farm herbs, ore, leather, gold and yes, to do some WPVP.

So thank you Blizz for fixing the imbalance.


This is sadly a result of the premade meta. The Alliance zergs forced the Horde to play defense and stop the zerg in midfield. Now that the premades have disappeared, the Horde strategy has remained and almost guarantees a Horde win in AV.

As Horde I was always in favor of Battlegroups. As I understand it, we currently have all of the NA servers in the same Cross Server group. Blizzard surely has statistics about how many players play PvP in each server and on each faction. Something could’ve been attempted or surely was at least considered in some meeting.

The salt is almost sweet.

They just made that change. So no, not impossible at all.

I dont see a problem when wsg queues are 10 mins, you keep thinking that horde want to play av. But really we want to play WSG.

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Imagine being carried to R13.

There is no ‘overreaction’. People, even your own faction although for different reasons, wanted the AV premades to stop.

For AV, Horde wanted fair matchups. Wanting fair is not a overreaction.
So far today it has been fair. Zero premades in AV. 100% win rate for Horde for myself.
It’s just the first day and I’m sure Alliance will figure out a way to improve those odds.

But its FAIR. I can see through your bias in your title and message.

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Give it a week.

GOOD, Premades killed the game!

I do to, but i have face nothing but premades today. I’m aware horde is doing it as well. WSG is RUINED. I expect the queu on WSG to get longer over the week. winning less than 5% (that was my win rate today in WSG) is not going to keep the playerbase playing that. Unless you are in a premade group, but that is not everyone.

You mean Horde pugs?
Alliance HAD to premade to rank. Horde could just pug av and rank.

You realize ally premades screwed over players who weren’t in premades right? The horde didn’t cause this.