Horde needs rep buff in Battle for Ashenvale

Your problem with recruiting is t hat you’re only looking for people in Ashenvale. LookingforGroup is where I got almost all of my players and people are HUNGRY for wins.

If there are <10 Horde players in the zone or layer when the event is on-going, excluding bots, seems like it would be a bit late to try pulling in more. Could just be that the times that I’m online, there just aren’t any Horde players on Lava Lash.

Possibly. I can only speak from a Wild Growth perspective. But People come far and wide for good organization. I found it harder to find people when we lost all the time, but once we started showing we could not only win but win everytime, I had too many people wanting to join.

okay so I joined the ashenvalepvp channel, and each we have a bunch of people on 1 layer and we’re going to roll no problem (probably).

So you just have to know that channel exists - otherwise you’re stranded on the half dozen other layers were we just get rolled.

So even with all the organization, we’re going to go 1-5 this event. It’s not better because I’m going to get the rep, sure personally it is better for me - and how are the people that don’t crawl over the forums all day going to discover the ashenvalepvp channel.

by playing the game and watching people talk about it like the rest of us