I want to see Thrall come back in, openly acknowledge his own mistakes, and bust his green caboose to set things right. And then encourage a better leader to take the reins without returning to them himself.
Of course that’s not going to happen. Ever. But a fat, bitter pirate can dream.
Maybe I should make my own faction. You’re all welcome! It won’t suddenly turn around and do stupid evil shenanigans for no reason, and it’ll have a little bit of all the good things about the other factions.
I don’t know what I’ll call it yet but it’ll have an emphasis on dinosaurs, I know that much.
Everything is looking good, at least until high exarch queen whatever Ariiah demands EVERYONE BRING HER FOOD. ALL THE NOMS. SHE’S GOING MAD WITH POWER. SHE MUST THEN BE OVERTHROWN FOR THE SAKE OF PANTRIES EVERYWHERE.
Just out of curiosity, do we know what Jaina and Thrall’s relationship is now? I haven’t read War Crimes yet, so I am not sure how things are left between them.
I ask because I wonder, if he did come back, and approach Jaina to begin peace talks… would she listen? Would she be open?
Next Expansion, we get Saurfang/Thrall/Baine as leader. They won’t do anything, then they’ll be replaced by Gallywix and the story repeats itself again, eventually with female Garrosh or whatever her name is.
I’d actually like to see Lor’themar as Warchief. He’s got animosity with the Alliance (notably with the void elves and Jaina) but he’s never seemed to be a proponent of senseless violence.
The Elf I am would love to see Lorthemar as warchief…
BUT, I still think that if we are keeping the essence of the honourable horde, it would have to be Baine. One who honours nature, and life. Baine has dedicated his life to the Horde of his father and Thrall.
Lorthemar was two minutes from rejoining the Alliance a couple years back.
After a few Sunreavers helped steal the Divine Bell from Darnassus, Jaina went full-rage and ordered the Silver Covenant to kill or jail any Blood Elf in Dalaran. That’s when Lorthemar changed his mind, and pledged himself fully to the Horde, dismissing any thoughts he had to join the Alliance.
He was actually in negotiations with Varian Wrynn at the time.
Varian said so himself, when Jaina told him of what she had done, and that she was pledging the Kirin Tor to the Alliance, ending their neutrality.
Both Lor’themar and Baine are bad ideas for warchief. I will explain why.
Lor’themar cares little for the Horde as a whole. He cares more for his own people than the other races. He values the Sin’dorei above all else. He was one of the first to rebel against Garrosh. I would argue that he would give up the position quickly if it meant helping his own people.
Baine would be even worse. Baine has gone against his own people on multiple occasions. He’s betrayed the horde several times by supplying information to the Alliance despite there being other ways to prevent things from happening. Asking Sylvanas to open up peace talks with the Alliance right next to Rastakhan’s corpse.
This latest baffling decision Baine has made has essentially made himself look like the alliance lapdog he is. Giving Derek Proudmoore back to the alliance shows how weak and spineless he is.