Horde Leaders

Many Greek heroes didn’t have the purest intentions either.

I dont think most greek heroes planned to turn on the living right after they won

Uh, you read a lot of those myths because the depravity of say Zeus makes Windrunner look like an upstanding citizen.


is a greek god, not a greek hero The stories of the gods, and greek heroes like hercules and achillaes are very different and are trying to tell different morals.

Hercules is a god. Like, literally people worshipped him. Some debate if the Greeks or Romans started that but, definitely was a god.

he becomes a god, he is a demigod, half man half god, and becomes a god with his trials. Either way its doesnt matter in the argument, each greek story has different morals

besides, this thread isnt about if forsaken people think sylvanas is a hero, cause thats a obivious yes, its players, I guess its your right to worship a person who has nothing but disdain for your faction since vanilla

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You know this goes for alot of characters in WoW aside from maybe a few… But They lack unique qualities that make the characters stand out.

This goes for alot of the Allied race leaders, as well as other characters. I mean Yes baine has him getting into trouble all the time and getting captured and such by multiple people (centaurs, sylvanas, Jailer etc etc) and not having a backbone or any bone Literally. But I am starting to suspect that is more of a Tauren problem than just being related to baine. I also dislike cairne going on about how proud he is of his son or whatever. It seems really out of character.

Anduin is a Whimp is a core part of his character but he doesnt have anything that makes him stand out to be honest aside from character model but that is a literal standing out. He doesnt have experience.

Tyrande IDK she should have alot but the only thing i can think of is well a spanish angry woman shouting random spanish terms. and being angry at the horde. Sure there is the “Elite priestess of elune” stuff but. idk

I feel Thalyssra was “Ok” but the Valtrois and Oculeth completed the character and made them a trio in the same way team rocket is a trio of characters (no other similarities to them than that though aside from them playing part in a leisure thing (games/tv series)).

Thrall, Rexxar and rokhan etc. IDK I stopped caring about Thrall in Cataclysm I think because they went too far to make him into a Tirion character. I would have loved for him to have a backbone instead of bending over to the night elves leader by saying “i will bring you the head of sylvanas” I feel like there have been missed opportunities for thrall by not tying him or any other orcish character into legion, It was a missed opportunity because KJ was the one to enslave the orcs to the burning legion and thus caused much of the First war and the Second. So I guess you could say KJ was the one that made the Burning legion destroyed.

IMO the best character blizzard has had (and to this day he still is) Is Garrosh Hellscream. Really wish he was the mag’har Leader. Not the AU Garrosh or whatever, but our Garrosh. That would have been badass. Just a Garrosh that is more in line with his stonetalon Appearance and more “Yeah I will aid you to redeem myself like my father did to the orcs”

Aside from that he is very Iconic because of Gorehowl and his armour and the tusks are an important part of that (could even had justified it by him having the mannoroths tusks from Hellfire citadel.

Anyway I havent even gotten to the relatability of characters. Now Blizzard Really are not that great in this department, but I feel like they hit it alot better when there are minor Npcs like the bridenbraid quest or some other minor quests. I cant recall many but Usually the small things tell a better story than something larger than life sci fi adventures do. Like having a character talk openly about how he doesnt want to live anymore because the world (of warcraft) is so chaotic and bad things happen everyday so he feels apathy towards every threat out there. or something.

Why do you think that?

Man, sorry to burst your bubble, but Illidan´s treatment on Legion WAS bad writting. Incoherent AF. And he had it easier than Kael´thas has it for SL.

Cause there´s nothing relevant to say about the current Horde council apart from what OP mentioned. The troll characters get ignored, Baine is an Alliance lapdog -as usual-, Lor´themar lost his nuts and Gazlowe is a non entity. And the allied races are nonexistant sans Thalyssra who basically rides in the coatails of Lor´themar like her glorified cougar current self.

Lul, this explains all.

Garrosh was just Orc version of edgy Arthas, less interesting and miles more obtuse too btw.


Nothing in the OP is about lorthemar he just babbles about bringing stupid crap like bringing kaelthas from the shadowlands, and other stuff like democracy. no idea who “menathael” is homever. Baine isnt mentioned but idk. Lor’themar and the blood elves being involved in everything since 5.2 is getting kinda tiresome.

Those two are quite different actually. Garrosh was a typical hotheaded douchebag most of the time, but its obvious he could have become something else instead of getting villain batted the moment MoP was announced because blizzard needed to promote their crappy movie by making WoD.

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I like Thrall so I really don’t mean it the wrong way but he allowed things to go sour between orcs and night elves.
Night Elves were trading lumber to Orcs but he still did nothing to prevent the Warsong Clan to keep chopping down Ashenvale.
If Thrall had managed to control them he would have them as allies and by doing so probably keep a good relation with Jaina/Theramore.
I still think he’s the best Warchief but it doesn’t change the fact that he made huge mistakes.

Hercules was a demigod. You cannot seperate Greek heros from Greek Gods. Most of their trials were a personal vendetta between them and the Gods (almost like Sylvanas). They didnt have morals. Not like we understand them as today.

I mean there was both truth and lies in your post. Most of their trials weren’t vendetta’s between them and the gods, as despite what a lot of people beleive, the Greek Gods actually had redeeming Qualities and generally liked Humanity, they were just dominated by their emotion. Bellerphron, Theseus, Jason, Perseus, all those guys had issues with other mortals, not gods. Sometimes the Gods played an Antagonistic role (Hera to Herakles, Aphrodite to Psyche, Poseidon to Odysseus) but many other times they were allies to the heroes (Athena is the most famous, but every god has effectively helped a hero at some point)

Also Herakles ascended to Olympus after his death by Self Immolation as a deity, i think he married Hebe. Still, separating Greek heroes from their Gods is stupid, as Greek Heroes were religious figures, having entire cults dedicated to them.


I agree with everything you said. I stand corrected.


He was a side character in tbc Yes he had some quests here and there but wasnt a major player. he wasnt destined to become a villain by then. That happened in MoP for the exact reasons I stated.

He was 150% okay with everyone in his clan dying because “my daddy was evil, abloobloo.”

Are you ignorant of quest text or something?
wow.gamepedia. com/The_Inconsolable_Chieftain

wow.gamepedia. com/A_Visit_With_the_Greatmother

read the quest text next time.

Anyway I am heading to bed its 3 in the morning here so good night.

Garrosh is willing to let the Broken Raiders kill his tribe, my dude. He is not, and has only been one single time (in Stronetalon) a hero. He has been a villain since TBC.

I can’t agree that Saurfang refusing to follow Sylvanas’s orders was “cowardly” considering her orders involved burning a tree full of civilians or gassing her own troops. He should have challenged her to mak’gora the moment she gave the order to set Teldrasil ablaze if anything.

I don’t get why people think Baine will never fill Cairne’s shoes, so to speak. They both faced the Legion, they both faced the Alliance. Baine’s done lots since he became chieftan. Cairne’s activity since the start of WoW up to his dead was pretty lackluster to be honest. Are people just upset because Baine’s BFFs with Anduin? /shrug

I’m not against the redemption of Kael’thas but I do think he should stay in the Shadowlands and not be resurrected. As for Lor’themar, it would be nice if they explored his reasons why he refuses to take the throne.

As of Shadows Rising, Rokhan currently is the chief of the Darkspear. Some ingame representation of him becoming chief would be great.

Lilian Voss currently represents the Forsaken on the Horde council. Whether it’s her or Calia who gets to be their leader in the end, I honestly don’t mind either. Just give us some story behind them to give these characters some life as the OP suggests.


Baine chooses the Alliance over his people every single time. He banishes his people from their homeland for defending their homeland from evil invaders who murder and burn innocent Horde citizens.