Horde Leaders

You gave us the leader we needed Thrall, who stepped down after 3 expansions

The Leader we hated: the war monger (Garrosh) that not one horde member liked, but the alliance IRL act like we’re the bad guys because of what he did in his story through 3 expansions.

You gave us the Leader we deserved: Vol’Jin who championed the end of Garrosh while defining what it meant to be a member of the horde.

You corrupted the leader we wanted, turned her from the hero who freed the undead from the grips of the lich king, to the monster who tore the horde in two, corrupted her character from someone who dispised what the lich king did to her and made her want to do the same to proudmore…

You gave us the worst sub-leaders, Sourfang who turned coward unable to follow the orders of his warchief, Bane, the son who can never fill his father’s hoofprints, Lothremar, not even good enough to be king… no leader for the undead, no story for Rokhan, not even the lore can agree if he’s the leader of the darkspear…

Meanwhile the alliance have lost 1.5 leaders since the beginning of Classic, their leaders are well defined, their leaders all have story.

So my point, give us a horde leader story that for once we don’t come off as the bad guys that the alliance think we are. you gave us a “council” to make us unique from the alliance (my assumption as to why you would weaken us even further by not giving us a true leader, one shared by most of the other hordie’s I’ve talked to) Give us democracy.

I propose that you give us a series of quests to get to know our horde leaders, or establish leaders where there aren’t any real leaders. The shadowlands gives you a great opportunity for this.

Give us for example: Brown thrall from the moghar orc line, his story is un established we could spend expansions learning how he is the same and how he is different.

Give us a story for Rokhan learning what it means to lead the darkspear

Give us (HEAR ME OUT) the revival of Kael’Thas, the redemption of this once corrupted leader, again, expansions worth of material for him learning to be a leader once more to his people… or his long lost child appearing from nowhere to take the throne of silvermoon, again, drama and conflict with lothremar.

Give us Menathael learning to be a part of the people who have been taught only to be conniving undead, you’ve already started this might as well follow through, though I for one and most of the hordies that I know would much prefer you find a way for Sylvanas to become the queen we once knew again.

Then once you’ve established a story of each of them “campaigning” to be the leader of the new horde council… let us vote… give us a unique event… I think we’ve more than earned it after having been turned into the Sith of the WoW world…

On a side note… maybe you could consider doing something you haven’t since Classic… corrupting an alliance leader… the wild mutt Graymane would be nice for this.


I support this big times. Have a like.

Um, Sylvanas was never a hero. And I sure as heck never wanted her as Warchief.



After lighting the second light
Lor’themar Theron says: Sylvanas Windrunner was our kingdom’s protector. Had she and her rangers not met Arthas with such fierce resistance, our people might no longer exist.
Lor’themar Theron says: She paid the ultimate price so that enough of us might escape to rebuild our fallen kingdom.
Lor’themar Theron says: When Arthas raised her as a banshee and turned her against Quel’Thalas, it broke all our hearts.
Lor’themar Theron says: I’ve had my share of disagreements with Sylvanas… But I will never forget her sacrifice. She was the Ranger-General of Silvermoon. Nothing will ever change that.


It makes me sad that I have but one like to give this post.

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So that automatically forgives all she did afterwards? Even up to Legion, she had committed pretty terrible deeds.

I will say again, she is no hero. Arthas isn’t celebrated for the heroics he accomplished before becoming the Lich King. So why should she be treated any different?


I mean… was =/= is. Those are two entirely different statements.

Nobody’s claiming that Darth Vader is a jedi, but nobody’s trying to argue that he never was a jedi, either.


Sylvanas died defending her people until Arthas enslaved her as banshee. Arthas was a dbag even without being undead at first. That’s the difference between them.


TBH I don’t want an alliance leader corrupted, it sucks to have a character your supposed to follow and be able to trust turn out to be evil. I’d rather we just stop corrupting and killing racial leaders all together.


So did Jaina. It wouldn’t be so bad if they hadn’t simply wiped away what she did and expect us to regard as a friend of the Horde.

I mean, at least you were allowed to hate Sylvanas…


Seconding this fact.


How is it you’re able to believe both of those things?

If she’s a monster, how was Saurfang not doing the right thing when he refused to follow her?

That sounds like a HUGE waste of developmental resources.

You played a video game. You didn’t “earn” ****.

Alright, now I’m on board.


Jaina… imprisoned some blood elves under suspicion of treason, may or may not have killed a few people (depending on what lore person you talk to)…

That’s “terrible deeds”? I mean, I’ll agree I don’t consider her a friend of the Horde but come on.


I don’t think Jaina’s a horrible evil villain or anything (She’s by and far my favorite NPC in this game), but that’s sanitizing the purge a little bit. A bunch of the people you kill in those quests are just shopkeepers, or like, the one guy just trying to get his stuff out of the bank before he leaves. It wasn’t the war of thorns, but it was bad, according to the game.

Let the Alliance have their moments of darkness, I say. Makes them more interesting.


Yes, she was. Before Blizzard retconned it so that she wasn’t. And lots of other people did.


They didn’t need to retcon anything for that…

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Well even now she still was a hero, at least when she was still alive.

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I suppose she could be considered sort of a hero? However, I would not say she was ever all that nice a person.

Even back when she was a living elf she still considered her troops to be disposable ‘arrows in a quiver’ and flung them at The Scourge without much seeming to care she was sending them to die. She has always had sort of a hm… Psychopathic(?) streak to her.


When it comes to leader statements about what we needed, deserved, or wanted that’s leaving you open because not everyone will agree with who is attached to those statements. Now I, personally agree, with Thrall and Vol’jin but I disagree with Sylvanas.

When it came out that she was becoming Warchief…the forums were active to put it politely, and it wasn’t just because Warchief Vol’jin was getting shafted.

While that would be a good way for us to get to know the leaders more, I don’t see it happening. Though I do think it would be beneficial to see how the Forsaken have reacted to Voss , who recently joined in BfA, leading them over prior established characters. Plus I’m rather curious how the goblins are reacting to Gazlowe being in charge.

Thrall’s AU counterpart is Overlord Geya’rah, leader of the AU Mag’har.

Nope. I’m against the idea of random Sunstrider coming in to claim the throne since it would feel random and there is nothing to suggest that Kael’thas had any children. And when it come to Kael’thas himself…I have nothing against him but I would prefer that the dead characters stay dead in Shadowlands.


I actually want to see Renthar Hawkspear actually put foreword a claim to the Throne, like he implied in In the Shadow of the Sun. Of Hell, I just want to see him reimplimented into the story as more then a wondering NPC in EP.
Something involving Cyndia Hawkspear too.

So much story potential that’s left fluttering in the wind.