Horde have a huge advantage

I don’t pvp anymore myself since it all changed back in MoP an there after. but ya. I wont be joining warmode any time soon since PVP isn’t even the main focus or main part of this game anyways :slight_smile: meh its just a mini game I play when I am bored with pve :slight_smile:

For competitive players it makes a huge difference. I hope you do realize this.

That will do nothing.

That will do everything.

But you are getting a BIGGER advantage. I love my +25% xp leveling my alliance alt.

Also the advantage is because alliance doesn’t turn it on and many who do aren’t there to PvP. How should that be addressed? They already have a massive bonus for turning it on.

I play on 3 realms, of which one I have both horde and alliance 120. I get ganked on both, and gank on both. Depends on the sharding and time of day.


Just participated in a battle for nazjatar and lost in under 5 mins. We had 2 alliance at a node vs 7 horde. This is what it’s like every time. What do you get for winning it?


I don’t pvp. I did a little here and there in the past for mounts and transmogs but it doesn’t interest me much.

I turned it off on my Horde because of the constant ganking and because it wasn’t worth it. I keep it on for my alliance because it is worth it and I don’t get ganked any more then my horde did.


Horde just won the battle for nazj in 6 minutes. Balanced folks.


Couldn’t have just contributed to the other 10 threads on this very same topic? :neutral_face:

Wait, your post count is 2 (from your OP), so I’ll give the benefit of the doubt you’re new and just had an epiphany regarding the imbalance that’s been there since 8.2 dropped.

Yes, there’s a “huge” advantage for Horde, unless you’re from the oceanic servers … which I’ve read on several occasions are the opposite.

Blizz’s solution to this was this (for the new zones):

More to come, I’m sure.

Lol cry more. Alliance have proven they can rally and destroy horde to the point they were camping horde flight paths all across Zandalar when the against all odds quest gave you a 400 ilvl item before the new raid even opened!

The difference is Horde will pvp just to pvp. Alliance need a frickin’ golden carrot just to pvp. If there isn’t one you can’t be bothered to make a group.

You. Are. Lazy.


Lazy and Spineless. Not OP but the Alliance in general.

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When are you going to address that alliance are perpetual victims that wouldn’t fight even if it was balanced

You can literally burn down a tree full of their kids and alliance will just cower and run

As they watch us hunt down and gank their friends

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Alot of people aren’t interested in PVP -period- haha


Here’s the problem. They can’t give Alliance a buff in damage/life/healing/etc. because then it’d be unfair. The Horde may have numbers, but that doesn’t mean that you should be able to be as strong as 3-4 Horde.

Quit pretending you are a particular faction in real life, you guys. You PVP folks could have choose any faction, but most of you chose Horde. It’s your own damn fault. I suppose you identify as Horde because you like to think that one faction has better players, and you are in the faction, and therefore you are a better players. I think that’s where a lot of this faction talk is coming from. It’s just a way to feel superior to other players.

It won’t do you any good, though. There are plenty of people who don’t like PVP at all, and they are not going to turn warmode on so you can beat up on them. Why have so many of you PVPers gone Horde? Is it because you only enjoy PVP when you outnumber your opponents 10 to 1? If PVP players would actually PVP on both factions, you might have some balance and PVP would be more fun.


The solution is simple!!! And it’s something they’ve done before. It’s called a buff called Tenacity.

“Being a world PvP zone, it is possible to have grossly unbalanced teams in a Wintergrasp match. This is addressed by granting the smaller team a buff called Tenacity. The greater the difference in the number of players, the more stacks of Tenacity the smaller team gets.”

I’m not sure if you’re old enough to remember Wintergrasp, but it was their way of giving the team with the least amount of players a fighting chance. In this instance, simply give the faction with the least amount of players the tenacity buff. That will force balance because players will jump on their alts chasing that buff.
This balance problem could have been solved years ago, it only persist because blizzard want it to. They are pandering to horde players and most everyone knows it. I’ve been waiting for when there only a handful of Alliance players left and Blizzard uses their own bots to play amongst them. From the Horde perspective, it looks like they are playing against a player…from the Alliance perspective, they have a very quiet team that travel along the same path…wait what, that’s happening now! :rofl:

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No, because how will you get people to fork over the money to faction transfer at least one if not a multitude of toons?

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Very true. I dabbled every so often in BGs but never really enjoyed it.

World pvp for me was just getting jumped by overwhelming force with no chance of a defense.

Ok I see this now, good point. So I lucked out I guess or not as I no longer PvP without gear vendors.

Y’all knock yourselves out though!

:beers: /cheers

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