Horde have a huge advantage

When are you going to address the major advantage horde has over alliance when it comes to war mode? The horde out number alliance so bad that there needs to be something done in order to balance it out. I don’t want to faction change just to be able to get the bonus that war mode gives… This is a major fail.


It is in the queue, right behind fixing tab targeting and the dance studio.

Honestly though, short of forcing people into factions for the sake of balance what can they do?

Only reasonable thing would be, eliminate cross realms, consolidate everyone to fewer servers in such a fashion that there is close to a 50/50 split.

Even then balance isn’t everything because a lot of people aren’t interested in world pvp.


How do you expect them them to handle it?


If a 25% increase to rewards isn’t enough to convince the Alliance to participate then I don’t know what is. It’s not Blizzards fault half of the game won’t participate.


OP has no clue, just wants to complain because they get ganked.


They should just remove the bonuses to warmode.


Warmode can be fixed with red vs blue teams rather than Horde vs Alliance. If you don’t approve of that suggestion, OP, then what precisely do you want Blizzard to do about it?


The real numbers are like 55/45, so there shouldn’t be that huge of an imbalance.
I can only assume Alliance just isn’t too much into world pvp.
That’s my case, at least. You can’t pay me enough to do it.

Why did everyone re-roll Horde in the first place? Wasn’t it all about racials for M+?

If Blizzard gave Alliance and Horde the same racials or simply eliminate them, would this not improve things?

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One way would be to give ally some kind of buff on unbalanced servers when war mode is on.

Isn’t that precisely what they’re doing right now? :thinking:


When the developers favor the one side for 15 years what do you expect?

Horde favoritism showing its true colors and Blizz knows it.


It’s not the classes it’s the sharding. If you were in a different part of the world it would be the same problem only inversed.

I would guess, based on my interactions over the years and just on how world firsts and the leaderboards shake out, that the alliance has attracted more of a casual fanbase in general. Myself included, I haven’t touched mythic since they made it 20 man, our guild just can’t keep consistent attendance for it.

I personally like the idea of server connections to help balance things out since we can all admit I don’t think we’re going to hit 10 million players again, we could probably cut the servers down to half safely. And then, perhaps shifting off of layering, sharding, cross realm zones and a lot of extra phasing that has been in the game whenever possible as it has messed with balance.

Before warmode, the server was fairly balanced on mannoroth up until the kharazhan patch, then all of a sudden there was this huge shift in population and the place was flooded with horde. Sea’s of horde, which, is a familiar site in Nazjatar when you flip war mode on lol.

That being said, part of it, is our faction, I’ve been on pvp servers a majority of my time in wow, and I keep warmode on most of the time unless it gets crazy out of control and I’m just trying to grind reputation lol.

I don’t mind, 3 to 1 with horde, but running into 10 or so at a time with no alliance homies in sight wasn’t great. I flipped off warmode to finish my dailies and saw the alliance number quadruple in size. I’m not sure if it’s because they kept getting mauled and decided to turn it off for a while, or if they started that way. But it was a crazy difference.

I have not seen alliance win a battle for Nazjatar since the patch has come out.

Wasn’t always like this, I do see Horde favored now, but that was not the case for our earlier years. I think WoD was when we really started getting masses of attention and it hasn’t really stopped from there. Bad guys are inherently easier to write for than good guys, right?

I hope people keep transferring over to Horde. I need my battleground que times to be shorter.

  • Give competitive racials for the other faction.
  • Eliminate faction boundaries.

It’s more nuanced than that.

People aren’t interested in wpvp because it’s harder for the Alliance to find anyone to fight with. There are fewer Alliance players than Horde players, which means it’s more likely to find more Horde players participating than Alliance players.

What ends up happening is that the outnumbered faction turns off warmode because it was hard to find anyone to group up with in the first place, and then, in turn, fewer and fewer are available to fight so we end up in a positive feedback loop.

Wpvp is also a numbers game, the more people you have, the more extremely likely it is that you’ll win.


Some players just don’t like wpvp. I turned it on once a few months back for a few days then turned it off. I have zero interest in taking part in it.

If you are alliance you have even more reason to not turn it on. I don’t blame them.


This is assuming that people use this as the sole measurement for their faction/race choice.

I honestly think they only way anyone will get a fair fight is going to be in a BG.