Horde guilds on Faerlina are illegally colluding w/ Alliance guilds via Discord to have them KoS any horde players trying to honestly farm devilsaur leather, in order to price gouge and monopolize the market

As it stands in the OFFICIAL CLASSIC TERMS OF SERVICE from 2012, communicating with the opposing faction is explicitly against the terms of service and is a bannable offense:


We have our answer. Blizzard, please respond.

can you be president instead of the original butthole?

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There’s nothing on Arcanite Reaper.

Yes. It’s completely illegal to talk to other players outside of the game.

That EULA isn’t valid. The one you clicked through when you installed the game is the one that applies. AFAIK there is no Classic-specific EULA so the retail version is the operative one.

You can find the current EULA on Blizzard’s web page. I searched through it quickly but couldn’t find anything related to cross-faction communication.

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It is something else. Cross-faction communication.


Grimmish you are a liar:


I have never “stole skins”. I have never learned leatherworking on this character, nor any character in Classic.

That’s about in-game cross-faction chat. Blizzard can’t police people talking in a discord.

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Illegal, you say?

PVE servers are amazing

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BLizzard doesn’t care welcome to classic.

They can skill spam click your mob GL getting the skin with 20 people all right-clicking it.

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These guilds are not only going against the ToS with the collusion between them, but i have actively seen a HUGE chunk of their members Auto Macro afking Qia in Winterspring, instantly buying her plans the second they come up with no human interraction in the slightest, they’ll sit there for 8+ hours not moving, not responding, even getting killed, they’ll just stay there dead. Blizzard please do something about this, as they are ruining the game for everyone.


I dont leather work so meh

Yes, we know.

Sure, what are you going to do about it? Hide behind blizzard? You’re going to have to see the entire server banned lol. Little carebear wants to solo in peace. Not going to happen.

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Yea I remember a long time ago ppl were getting in trouble banned for doing some thing cross faction with pvp. I wish I could remember like during BC like arenas or BGs.

Devilsaur set is optional. lolz

Grab yourself Voone’s and Leggings of the Ursa and you’re plenty fine.

Granted, private server players warned about this sort of thing. I think it’s an utter waste of time, personally.

Blizz, please ban asewipes like this guy.

This has been an issue for awhile now and possibly on multiple servers, blizzard apparently gave it the ok.

It’s not just “horde guilds” though, it works both ways. Both factions are being scumbags about it.